Yes I know most of you guys would rather play D&D in your mom's basement than talk about "ewwww sports", but this is the SUPERBAWLS THREAD.
1997 was the last time the Packers were in the Superbowl, growing up in Green Bay I have of course been a life long fan. Its good to see them be able to get there despite poor QB play in the Championship game, this is the best all around team they have had in a long time. Also glad to see a championship game NOT end in a last second INT from a certain old bearded perv.
Packers vs Steelers should be an excellent game, will undoubtedly be the most watched Superbawls of all time.
PS: The bears still suck.

If any other AFC team was playing, I'd be rooting for the Packers. I love me some Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews.
They dominated the Jets for 3 quarters yesterday. I foresee them doing the same to GB.
Having said that, Rapelesburger is hard to contain, and seems to have knack for winning big games. I think GB needs to play them how the played Vick, try to keep him in the pocket and play coverage, make him beat you with his arm. Rapelesburger makes most of his big plays scrambling out and improvising, so if you can limit that and make him play a vanila game and beat the packer's coverage, I think that plays into GB's hand as they have an elite secondary.
At the end of the day its sort of a toss up, either team has a good enough D to really cause problems for the other team's O. Steelers have the better defense, but the Packers have the better offense, and both teams seem to match up quite well.
The Steelers dominated the Jets in the first half, but looked very beatable in the 2nd half. They also should have lost to the Ravens as well, but the Ravens screwed that game up pretty badly.
The packers played a poor game against the bears and still won. Packers VS Bears games are always close, and Rodgers seems to play his worst against them. I'm hoping they had their "bad game" against the bears and got it out of their system. They also utterly dismantled the #1 Seed Falcons in Atlanta where they are very hard to beat.
Step 2: Got excited
Step 3: Clicked thread title
Step 4: Disappoint.
But because i'm all grown up now I watch Rugby and Darts....Real mens sport
Also that picture of Cutler is hilarious.
Although the irony if he does is it's the year Favre retires haha.
Edit: Also I lol'ed at the pic.
The name is derived from a game that is played on foot rather than on horseback.
EDIT: Football on bear back would be epic.
yeah but even that game was called polo and not horseball.
Very creative, i'm sure you feel good about yourself for being the first person ever to make this observation.
Hey guess what? Cricket has nothing to do with insects, infact its a silly game with an odd shaped bat! Certainly all fans of this sport must be absolute idiots.
The ball is round. Do your research. lol. :P
and an american football is a regular shaped ball, eh?
Typo, BAT
Anyhoo....The Bat is bat shaped. I dunno why im sticking up for cricket. Its just as boring as baseball.
One thing we can all agree on, baseball is boring as hell. Baseball is about as exciting as watching the adds, and breaks between American football, but without the 12 minutes or so of real action.
yeah dunno about that in person baseball can be one hell of a game but yeah on TV its like just shoot me now
I'll be up early with my crazy timezone to watch. I've been hanging to see the Packers in a superbowl for ages.
Honestly though, the problem with football anymore is that there isn't enough football to it. Too much commentary, too many replays and flashy transfer sequences. That's why I like rugby, honestly.
didn't The Who do it last year though. I though it sounded pretty good. but then I like The Who.
BEP combined with Christina, pretty much summed up why music has gone to shit.
Anyone have any commercial favs? I liked both Eminem commercials, and the VW Vader. It was cool seeing the Capt America trailer too.
"Here you take this! I'll never make it that far even if I wasn't being chased."
Only in America can you be called an athlete for rubbing Crisco between your fat folds (because your stomach's full and the true athlete never stops growing...) I really don't see what chicks see when they talk about football player butts. How can they be attracted to the same sh!t they have vacuumed out?
I can appreciate football up to the point that the salary for one team could cure cancer, and get me a time share on mars.
We caught the half time show when checking to see what the score was...
Box headed dancers for teh lawls
Fergie != Axl
Slash will do anything for money including let fat chicks who can't sing rub all over him. You can't grow hair long enough or wear shades dark enough but I hear if you soak a few $100 bills in Crystal and leave it on your eyes for a few hours it helps...
Then it started again and the "titian's" of the waste-line came lumbering out of their cave, and I tuned back out after the score flashed.
I love the superbowl, its the only time I can drop my pants and sprint around the block without having the cops called.
/end hate
Its always funny how angry nerds get when sports are mentioned, like the fact that some people enjoy watching football seriously impacts their lives. However virtually every nerd who complains about football has some much more embarrassing hobby they are totally into.
*posts superbowl thread on*
*responds with righteous indignation*