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Blender 2.5 uv island scaling

Is there a function for shrinking and fatten uv islands in Blender 2.5?

in editmode you can scale along the normals with alt+s. I want this for uvs where every island is scaled along its center.

At the moment I have to scale the hole uv set down and reposition every island by hand. It's ok for small textures but for bigger lightmaps it's horrible :(


  • eld
    Offline / Send Message
    eld polycounter lvl 18
    have you tried UVs->pack islands ?

    there's also the average island scale in there which is pretty useful.
  • FreshDumbledore
    yes I know those functions, but I need space between the islands. so pack islands and average scale won't work for me.

    but thanks anyway
  • eld
    Offline / Send Message
    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Here's a dirty trick then, that might work:

    average the island size, then pack them, then scale one of the islands down, average size again.
  • FreshDumbledore
    haha a real dirty trick !! :D with some manual twicking it's a solid workaround :)

    When you use smart project there is an option names "island margin" which would be perfect with normal unwrap... but it doesn't show up.
    is there a script anywhere?

    but I use this trick until there is a proper solution. Thanks :)
  • eld
    Offline / Send Message
    eld polycounter lvl 18
    haha a real dirty trick !! :D with some manual twicking it's a solid workaround :)

    When you use smart project there is an option names "island margin" which would be perfect with normal unwrap... but it doesn't show up.
    is there a script anywhere?

    but I use this trick until there is a proper solution. Thanks :)

    Since most things should be in python in 2.5, it should be accessible somewhere to be attached to the other script, but more than that I do not know, I agree it's needed though :)
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