Hey I was wondering how would one go about making roads in udk? I have tried the modular approach, but I dont feel like this is a flexible method. Everything seems really flat when I do it this way. The idea I had in mind was that I wanted the road to feel more organic and flow with the terrain.
Here is an example.
Would the best way to go about this is to paint the road directly on the terrain. If I were to do that, I would worry about painting the white lines and how they would look. If anyone has any tip/tricks or better yet, tutorials I would really appreciate it.
I decided against modular for the reasons you state, it doesn't feel organic and natural, especially for a windy mountain course which is what I'm building.
It would probably be more suitable for a city course.
What I'm doing now is simply using line and sweep, it's easy and more organic.
I tried path deform but didn't like it. It generated more glitchy less smooth geometry than sweep or loft, and when using WSM you're stuck with that modifier, you can't convert to editable poly, or even center pivots etc.
I'd go with sweep, then any sections that differ significantly, just detach from the edit poly modifier you put over the sweep, and replace them with modular bits or anything else.
But for the record, you CAN collapse the Path Deform WSM into an editable poly. Just right click it in the stack and select "Collapse To" and it should work.
Yeah, basically. I didn't know what software you use.
i was going to recommend this. these videos taught me a lot!
also, rumblesushi, i think "Collapse To" works better than "Collapse All" when it comes to WSMs. Not sure why though.
For a small scene project I think making using loft/spline method and using a tiling texture on top of that would be the best. For large scale projects such as an actual game modular is the way to go.
Just some food for thought.
In short, make the road domed and add an alpha on the edges to fade it into the terrain, which will help solve the clipping issues. If you look at a real road, they rise slightly toward the center to shed water to the gutter.
That seems to be very limited. I think it's better to use other methods.
Hopefully it helps some people