some of da biznez i've been working on recently
adventure time !

made this for the greek theme civil war, but it got a tad out of control (erebos - shadow god remixed, long live the shadow battalion)

something for a plain side scroller exercise

and a bad study


The fingers and hands on the boy are the only weak part of your sculpt. Right now they are a little blobby and amorphous, lacking the same definition as the rest of the model.
Anyway, nice character designs in general. I really like your style.
for the (mad) adventure time dude, main bit stickin out to me are the folds around the torso to arm area, might wanna stick a shirt seam up in there and get some folds working around that, help it flow a bit better.
And this shadow general mofo is BAWS! You should get on that suckah asap
Anyways, totally post some updates soon man ^^
(gogogo 9 : D)
for the adventure time guy, i'm going to start most of that sculpt again :x but i dont have the time to sculptafy him anymore atm, so it'll have to wait ): crits were definitely right on
gunless gunslinger
demon-monkey-kid because i lost a bet to someone >_>, quick first pass will tighten it up soon
sleep time - monkey is the new batman
monkey turned out baws and gunslinger rocks. Should totally get onto that 3d thing man (not that you can atm but still >_>).
Post more dude :poly136:
epic beard tiems ! a game about vikings :e
mockup and some nonsense
university junku, staring a revival of my failed domwar character from yonks ago
'n that's all for now :O
Now I shall return, to weep.
should totes ditch the code junk and go straight to art prototyping, just sayin
2d mockup looks totes approtes.
And hope that monkey fur works out as well (being fur and all) ^^
Bump for updates :poly142:
a still not finished verion of this guy:
failed morroco mole comicon biz
monkey sculpt
collection of heads i've dirtied up waywo thread with :x
ladeh knight i've been freeball'n
game i've been slowly pick'n away at over the year
a lil enviro experiment - a kind of failed one, none the less:
your style is fantastic
...if only there was some sort of collection of videos showing your art process, that'd be somthing. Some sort of stream even... >_>
here's some of the wires of the heads, i'll get the rest up shortly :x - they're pretty messy
here's a webunity dealie of that environment experiment - pretty awful!/tt/WebPlayer/WebPlayer.html
and some 2D stuff while i start to feel not so sick
nizza - lol YOU!!!!! for anyone interested i do stream whatever im working on ( to nizza - a audience of one) if anyone wants to tag in for that - i try for a couple of hours daily . On that topic I do save up the "best of" so if anyone is really that interested in my workflow i can probably put together some fastforwarded tube vids of some sort :x
hope everyone had a happy new year!!
also diggin the 2d bizness, really cool blue backlight stuff happening. And everyone loves wires.
best be gettin more art streams happenin
cool beans
I was wondering if you had a website we can see more of your work at?
anal_cove : my folio is at - i'll add that to my profile now :x
i guess i should drop some art too - some early previs for a boat game