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Crappy Christmas for games...

Now that we're starting to get some numbers from the holiday season where do you think the year is going?

Hardware sales for the month were down 16% in the month from a year ago, while software was off 8%. But the accessories category rose 10%.
Accessories are up, that helps MS I'm sure but doesn't really help the majority of the industry making software... The jump in accessories is probably thanks to the Kinect and move, which you would expect a jump in accessories, there's a big price difference between a handful of controllers and cables being sold and some expensive add-ons launching. But unless the games follow in quick fashion and they're actually fun and playable outside of "wee I'm waving my arms around!" I think we're headed for harder times...

Sorry to be so pessimistic but considering we're at the point in the console life cycle that typically new hardware would reinvigorate the market otherwise it continues to tank. Toss on that people are still trimming their entertainment budgets thanks to the recession I just don't see a rosy year ahead?

It's probably a good idea that MS, Nin and Sony, haven't invested heavily in new console hardware because I don't think they would sell all that well in the current climate. If Kinect and Move don't succeed in replacing what would normally be a hardware re-invigoration then what?

What bout you, what do you see? Puppies and kittens or vultures and cow skulls?


  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Heya Vig my man.

    I have to disagree about heading into harder times mate. I'm actually working on an article that will explain in detail, but I think you'll start to see some more fragmentation and disruption soon.

    I'll ping you when the article is up, I think you may enjoy it since you've got that indie spirit.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    Well everything always seems downhill anyway so I don't really know.

    The year will be rosy for some I guess, not sure which sort of area you mean. I browse develop occasionally and some companies look like they're doing really well, I think Jagex is doubling in size or something.. and then there's the ones going out of business. There's a lot of positive news and some bad stuff, I can't tell how it balances out.

    As for games, I think there's prolly some good ones coming out this year.
  • Neavah
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    from my perspective - I didn't get, nor buy games for Xmas because all the good ones are coming out in the first quarter of this year :P
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    I think this year is going to be full of puppies and kittens. The economy is starting to recover despite popular belief the unemployment rate is the lowest it's been in years.

    Despite that, there are also a ton of high profile releases coming this year (over 12 that I plan to buy). On top of that with the release of kinect, the Nintendo 3ds and other hardware we'll see a surge in software for them at least for a little bit.

    I think this year will be a rebound year big time. (though I'll probably end up eating my words a year from now)
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I'm afraid I have to stay with the Pessimistic camp. It's not really that I think the industry is doing bad, it's just that everything is bad and we're not immune to it. And I really don't see anything improving in 2011, especially not in the US. So yeah, it's probably a good idea for MS/Sony to hold off on the next-gen of consoles for a few more years. I'd also like to see some digital distribution happening with consoles this year. The PC already has it pretty well covered. Apple is bringing their App Store to the Mac. If they can bring Steam to the 360, it could be some good news, especially if they keep up with their awesome sales every now and then.

    But otherwise, yeah, pretty bleak.

    That said, 2010 was great for me. I had some contract work, and ended the year with a full-time job. So wtf do I know?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I did my part. I bought my kids a Wii (and some accessories), and bought them games for it and their xbox.

    I didn't think there was much available for Christmas though. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Black Ops were the only two games on my radar, and I honestly don't feel that either are worth the $60 price, because I hear the SP is short on both. I got the kids Fable 3 and Epic Mickey, but overall, that's 4 games of interest for the last quarter. I doubt those 4 games would offset all the other crap.

    And I'm not too surprised on console sales either. All the systems are getting old now, and most people who would be interested in a console, already have them. Now you're just selling to the few stragglers who finally got money for a console, or just got into gaming. Hell, I'd bet most XBox sales are to people replacing a fried unit.
  • Kovac
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    Kovac polycounter lvl 18
    Really? There were a few really nice gems last year, but as a gamer I'm way more excited for this one. There's already a list of about 15+ games I'm sure to buy (provided they don't get pushed to 2012), whereas I thought the 'must haves' of last year were around 5 (although I bought a ton anyways).

    Obviously it comes to a matter of opinion on that perspective but I cannot be more excited to spend money on this year's upcoming titles and snatch them all up. This should be a year of very positive software sales for Sony and MS based on the release schedule, so driving hardware sales should scale in moderation as well.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    It's not about the year though, just the last quarter. All year, there were good games. I think there have been better years for 'must have' games. This year looks promising though.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Certainly wasn't as epic as 2009, but this year will probably rock (provided non of them get delayed)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    The world ends next year anyways, no biggie...

    I've seen a lot more hirings this year than last year. A LOT more. I have to believe that things are going to get better, for myself and the industry as a whole. Otherwise, what's the fucking point?
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Those figures are a tad odd, considering overall the consumer economy saw a rise from last year (at least according to several news blips I've seen). Sure seems like theres a lot less layoffs and a lot more hiring in 2010 than 2009. Plus didn't Black Ops sell mroe than MW2 did last year? Maybe the sales were down a bit just because the games have been geared towards occupying more of gamers' time or people are just putting more towards debts while they get back on their feet? Sure feels a lot less gloomy than a year or so ago...
  • Cybroxide
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    Cybroxide polycounter lvl 17
    I can't comment on how the industry as a whole is going but all I can say is that my company has had tons of work lately and grown in numbers by at least by 30% and we need to grow even more most likely for the upcoming projects.
    I can't tell you how everyone is fairing but I can say it's not bad all around at least.
    Honestly if we're gonna compare everything by years....1998 was still the most awesome year for videogames ever.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    For me call of duty ruins the end of the year for games. Everyone avoids releasing games near it like the plague as all people want is CoD on the trail to xmas and then all the good games end up coming out in the first quarter so they can get some good sales. It would have been madness to release little big planet 2 close to CoD release and instead of being a 'maybe' buy in november its a 'definite' buy in january. fecking CoD, its not even that good lol.

    In general though, its just the recession, everyones watching what they buy and cant afford to buy a stinker so wait out for the goodens. It means alot of companies go bust due to bad sales but its survival of the fittest now where you cant afford to bring out a dud.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Don't forget that WoW expansion...
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I think It's getting better. Have been hearing about more people getting jobs lately, and with the PS3 kicking it up a notch in terms of exclusives this year, the 3DS release, and possibly a PSP2 release, things are looking up.

    We're still a few years off from a full recovery, but if nothing else can take solace in the fact that not every other new thread is about layoffs and studio closings like in 2009 and the first half of 2010.
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