Here we go again, been a while since I did an environment and it's time to jump back into it while I'm between art tests.
That said, I'm a bit burned out so just a little progress today with some concept work. 3d scene is going to take a bit of UDK, tons of zbrush. Minimal 3ds max and photoshop use as the main goal is to pick up some new core ZBrush skills and some very high quality portfolio pieces.
As for the inspiration for this piece, i really had no idea what kind of scene i wanted to paint, but my last 2d work was the dominanace war mini and in that i made a dude with really f'd up teeth, so that was kinda in my head and i started doodling a rock formation that looked like a bottom row of teeth. From there i thought waterfall but quickly decided to make it a cave and added the top teeth. Then just a matter of working in the materials I wanted to practice with in zbrush. Metal, wood, stone, maybe a touch of foliage. So with that in mind developed the rest of the scene. Nothing too locked in stone right now (get it, har har?) but that's intentional, just wanted a general idea of the shapes and things i'll be making giving me more creative freedom in zbrush to really poke around and try new things.
I always say this but I'm going to try to take my time with this one rather than slamming it out super fast, but we'll see how things develop!
Here's the rough concept and a version detailing how i plan on getting it done (all assets will at some point be in zbrush):
Crits, suggestions are very welcome