Quick question
I desperately need to upgrade my 5 year old PC. I was going to buy a computer just before xmas but decided i cant quite afford it just yet. So I need to wait till later in the year. So Ive been looking at just upgrading my Graphics card in the mean time to boost my machine a bit. Spending no more than £100.
Specifically. Ill be upgrading from aGeforce 7600GT to something like a 9800GTS. Doing this will triple my gaming power according to this benchmark site:
but does that mean it will improve my ZBrush polycount or Maya rendering capabilities to the same degree. Or is that more a CPU/RAM process?
or, Should I just wait bide my time till I can upgrade the whole system and save £100?
EDIT: or does anyone know a site that does graphics card benchtesting using 3D apps?
You can pick up a GTX 460 for £20 more!
If you really must upgrade right now, then go for nothing less than a 460, at least then you'll still have a relevant GPU to use when you upgrade the other components.
Also remember that if the rest of your components are old and slow, your performance is still gonna be bottlenecked by the weakest component in your setup.
In all honesty, I'd just wait it out until you can afford a complete new system, no point delaying the inevitable!
I chose a 9series because I thought a more recent card might have compatibility issues.
Anyhoo.I'm gonna wait till I can afford a full rig. Thanks again
another thing is power consumption, typically you will need extra power for graphics.
it looks like you should save a bit more money, to afford more upgrades.
I have heard one or two stories of compatibility issues here and there with some of the GTX4 series, also the 5 series, but I'm not sure how much of an issue it is.
I've personally been using a GTX260 which has not only been incredible, but I haven't had any issues whatsoever with any of the 3D apps I use. If you're on a super tight budget when you do upgrade, and once you've got a motherboard with PCI, then a 260 or even 275 may be a nice little 'stop-gap' until the issues with 4s and 5s have been ironed out and you've got a bit of extra spare cash.
I think the guys who made C4D have a bench test for that, If I find a link I will post it here.
Here are some you can try:
3D Mark Vantage
Cinebench (C4D) (made for rendering)
CrazyButcher: its a PCI Express 7600GT. But yeah power consuption could be an issue.
Striff: My CPU is AMD athlon dual core 2.2GHz and 3 Gig RAM. (XP). So that needs upgrading badly as well.
The reason I'm just desperate to upgrade is because ZBrush starts getting a bit slow around 6mil polys per subtool. And can handle about 25mil per ZTool. Which seems alot but its not enough to get that really nice fine detail.
I could use HD sculpting but that just slows me down.
The cards are going down quite fast now and the mobo's should also be dropping soon!
You can pick up a gts 450 for around $100-150 and a gtx 460 for about $150-250. For these cards you going to need at least a 500W power supply, or a 600W just to be safe
If you have a low PSU of around 300W-400W, I suggest the 3dAxis gts 430, it has no pin connectors and stays very cool and quiet. Also has DX11! But it's not for maxing out games, it can run them on medium very well though, I'm sure you're not going to play on max everything online anyways.. unless you own a beast.
For GPUs I'd avoid the Fermi (400) series of Geforce cards due to some problems with OpenGL they have. The issues don't seem to affect everyone but why take a chance. The Kepler (600) series will be getting released this year, before the end of Q3 to coincide with Intels LGA2011 launch is my guess.
You should upgrade your CPU/RAM before you upgrade your video card.