As a diversion from the final texturing of my Thompson SMG I decided to get in some Zbrush practice. To this end Ive started on a fast base mesh for a bulky generic character that Ill be taking into ZB and experimenting on. Some outputs will be Mechanical and some Organic with; I dare say some inbetween/Cyber version.
Just nice to take a break from texturing and have some fun for a while.
so Far...30 mins 3DS Max.
C and C welcome but probably a little premature.
Another thing, beware of tri's. I can see quite a few and you might have some pinching issues during subd.
Ill sweep all the tris out the backdoor before I goto ZB, but for now they are a mix of shape holders and a few extras for trying out some alternative forms before I commit to ZB.
Im wondering what suggestions/methods people would use for cylindrical caps when exporting to ZB? Is it best to go with a pole and fanned out Tris or would a few quad polies to cap them work out better for sculpting purposes?
To this end Im starting work on the 'Falke' - specifically 'Jason Eatons' 2 man trainer version.
Early days - just trying to block in and understand the structure.
C and C welcome
C and C welcome
C and C welcome
and a view of 'Jason EAtons' most excellent 2 man trainer variant - just so people know what Im doing. Im taking a wee break from this to block out one of the Berlin Flak Towers - but I will be bouncing between all three projects at a rate of knots.
C and C always welcome
C and C and technical help appreciated.
C and C welcome
Going to hit the 'Falke' for a few hours now
C and C welcome
The one model you do have some references for you are pretty close, the front near the headlight needs some extra edgeloops to smooth that edge to make it look more like the reference. Other than that I can't say much else for now. Keep up the dedication even though you aren't getting much of a response!
Ill be adding in the edgeloops once Im done blocking in the interacting dimensions dont worry. A link to Maschinen Kreiger - LINK to models
Refs of the Berlin Zoo Bunker - which is the building/environ I more recently started work on.
almighty-gir - yes sorry about that, I wanted to get a few base meshes sorted before I switched over to ZB - I find working on one project at a time sometimes gets a little tireseome and didnt want to be chopping and changing mid flow. Keep checking in and I promise there will be an installment of ZB sculpts coing to a thread near you soon.
Ill now include a Model and ZBrush sculpt for a new project Im helping out on -
Warcry : Extermination - a fast paced fps focusing on high speed skill kills and combo multipliers - to see more goto - Dream Powered Games FB
Concept by Steve Goad
and the Base Max model that Im currently testing in ZB to check for problems and sculptability. ZB Sculpts to follow shortly.
Still using symmetry to model faster - once Im happy Ill break the horn and add in the tusk.
C and C welcome.
C and C welcome
C and C welcome
Update on the Berlin Zoob Flak Tower - added in window positions and doors on upper stories.
C and C welcome
In the meantime this is the latest ZBrush Sculpt - its an as yet unnamed creature concept by Steve Goad - for the WarCry : Extermination game - LINK to FB page.
Blocked in the Torso and Head - more later in week.
C and C welcome.
Back to the Skull sculpt.
C and C welcome
Ive tried out a few different 'Vein' positions and shapes to get a feel for whats going to work - thoughts on this most welcome - but atm Im thinking if the budget will allow Id like to go with Both the 'Ribcage' pipes and the 'Arm' pipes or mayeb the asymetrical version.
While Im waiting on that input Ill be taking more of a look at the organic flame weapon and hopefully start having some options to show in an hour or three.
Some of my favoured positions and shapes -
C and C welcome
C n C welcome
And now back to the Creature Concept 1
C and C welcome
A Basilosaurus WIP -
Any links to good Polypainting tuts is most welcome
C and C welcome
C and C welcome
A little more detailing on the Desert Skull environ piece - changed the break point on horn and removed the tusk insert points.
C and C welcome