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Box Modeling - A Method?

polycounter lvl 14
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Bargadiel polycounter lvl 14
Hello there Polycount, Novice to-be Animation student here with a quick question. So far, I have been using Wings 3-D to practice modeling and It's been a great program; I have to admit. Primitive compared to the Autodesk stuff etc, but great for getting my feet wet. I've made a couple things here and there, whether it be something I find in my room and practice with, or models that people have asked me to make for them. Although, is there a set method that is better than another? I began this tutorial that talks about modeling a head from a box with a mirror, and I thought...If I can make a head this way, why not anything?

Or rather maybe that's what I was supposed to be doing all along. I've been trying lots of different methods, for instance I made a bed without using this method. Instead, I connected points and extruded faces to eventually get the result I wanted. And it came out as I imagined it, just a little more difficult. I just don't know if there is some unspoken rule to making things in certain ways.

So can anything be made by just using a cube/shape with a mirror, then free-moving the points around?


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