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Computer shipping

Hey guys,

So in another thread I mentioned that I'm going to be moving from Maine to Los Angeles. I'm going to need to ship my computer and I need suggestions.

It looks like USPS has the cheapest prices so far. Like $40 for the cpu for example. But I'm wondering where I should get boxes and stuff. I'm probably going to check out the post office but last time I checked, they didn't have anything that would be good for a monitor or cpu. They mainly just have close to square stuff.

Also, I have gotten a lot of suggestions on packing. But I if you guys have experience and have suggestions let me now. Sadly I do not have the original boxes for anything.

Let me know. Thanks.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Just make sure you take out the HDD's and ship it with insurance
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Is there any possibility of selling the computer/monitor, and buying a new one in LA?

    I'd second the HDD recommendation. That probably has the most important info. Hell, I'd even back up some of your project files onto something else too, in case the platters get damaged in transport.

    Usually UPS has packaging options for items like this. I haven't seen much at the USPS.
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    I dont have much experience with usps, but I do have some with other shipping companies, if it helps.
    I wouldnt go with UPS, they have a bad reputation for wrecking sensitive items. Fedex has always had a good reputation and I always use them when ordering stuff from newegg and such. I have seen a few mildly damaged cases from ups, and almost none form fedex.

    And like the guys say, I would back up the HDDs, or if possible, take them with me. Good luck with your move! :)
  • haikai
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    haikai polycounter lvl 8
    You can ask for boxes at many retail store locations. Big stores go through TONS of boxes everyday with the merchandise they receive, and a lot of it just gets crushed down and recycled. I used to work at a Bed, Bath & Beyond (hahahah!) and people came in and asked for boxes all the time.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Pack your computer/monitor with as many blankets/pillows/bubble wrap as possible because the shipping services are going to literally throw your shit around not caring what's in it at all (I had a few friends at Fedex and UPS working in the warehouses). Also, buy an external enclosure for your HD and just take it with you on your carryon.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Purolator, Federal Express or UPS? =\
  • Ben Apuna
    Here's some interesting packaging information from the UPS site. Not to say use UPS but the info might be useful.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I moved a couple years ago and wasn't able to bring my tower or monitor with me, so I had to ship it. I wound up going with FedEx. I got the boxes from a friend who worked at a movie theatre, so he had tons of boxes from there.

    My tower I shipped surrounded in lots of blankets inside of a sturdy box, that was inside of a BIGGER box with a layer of more blankets and winter coats inbetween the two. The tower wound up showing up just fine, no damage done but I am SUPER glad I took such care in packing it because the box definitely had some heavy shit sitting on top of it.

    My monitor, unfortunately, was not so lucky. In spite of packing it in a very similar manner - wound up in a fucked up state. It looked fine, but when you turned it on the screen had these three or four large circles with some SERIOUSLY heavy color distortion, and you could tell just by looking at them that they were caused by heavy pressure on those points. It looked like someone had set a small refrigerator on top of my monitor (in spite of the massive "fragile" stickers, everywhere).

    Nothing I could do, and so went my last CRT monitor... :(

    Yeah I'm never shipping my computer again.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    UPS fucked my computer and just treated me like shit generally. I had to call them 10 times to get someone to inspect it and then get thrown in the face that it was my own fault it was broken due to it being "a custom built machine".

    Here's some highlights.

    10-ish calls and be shuffled around and never get any info.
    Got a date and a time so i stayed home from work for half a day. Didn't show up.
    The guy did leave me four notes sayin he was here topick up the computer (to inspect it). I had no idea anyone was suposed to come here.
    The guy wasn't supposed to even pick it up. He was supposed to just check it at the spot (this was the agreement on the phone).
    The guy that came finally said it was odd aswell.
    Wait 2-3 weeks and then call them up again to find out what happened.
    "It's your own fault bitch" (they have the right to determine this so guess what, it's never their fault).


    There's a reason they're called united parcel smashers and the fuckers can burn in hell. Only good experience from this is that I now know how to pack everything so a t-rex can jump on it without it taking damage since that's how it looked (armor plated covers) and never use UPS again.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    maybe it'd be better to ship it part by part... that way they can't do the custom built crap excuse.
  • RexM
    Yeah, I think part by part would be the best choice.

    However, try to bring the most important parts with you.

    Also, avoid UPS like the plague. Find something better. NEVER, EVER go through UPS.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    ZacD wrote: »
    maybe it'd be better to ship it part by part... that way they can't do the custom built crap excuse.

    Personally I'm gonna chuck out the tower and other inexpensive HUGE parts next time i move and throw the smaller expensive ones into a well packaged suitcase and five million metres of bubblewrap. Hopefully airport security won't think i'm bombing the shit out of the plane with all those cables and gadgets inside :)
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Here's a better idea, Take out your harddrive's, and put them anti-static bags, and take them with you instead of shipping.

    More advance, I would take off the cpu cooler, if it's one of those large aftermarket ones.
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    fill the inside of the computer with socks, old t-shirts or crumpled up newspaper to avoid stuff from jerking loose when the package is tossed around (e.g. if you have a huge heat sink on the CPU.

    taking out the HDDs is a good idea too.

    if you have a huge video card, take it out of the socket and take it with you seperately.

    wrap the computer in a blanket or lots of bubblewrap. make sure all sides are covered.

    use a GOOD sturdy box of quality cardboard that has a certain stiffness. I think office depot used to have boxes...

    That should usually be enough - I shipped computers from US -> Europe -> Asia and never had a problem. If you bought a PC off the shelf, it's a good idea to keep the packaging (i.e. cardboard box and the styrofoam thingies).
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    I would avoid putting cloth like object inside the computer, I've killed a mobo with static shock.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I highly doubt there would be enough static electricity to shock the CPU/Mobo from some clothing. Either way, stuffing the case with something, is a really good idea. Though I'm still in favor of disassembling the whole machine, including ram and CPU if you can get an antistatic box for the CPU. At minimum though, remove the CPU Heatsink (unless you stuff the box).
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    I had to pay 300€ to move my computer from portugal to germany. Was way more expensive that I thought it would be.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    agree with notman, if you have any local computer shops that build systems you could probably hit them up for boxes and anti-static bags - chances are they'll even have those fancy little holder trays for your CPU.
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    This is why I have a laptop.

    It's been to four different continents so far and still works fine.

    I would just put your entire CPU tower into a suitcase and take it with you. You could probably fit one into a carry on bag.
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