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Modo 501 is out now. How are the smoothing groups?


One of modo 5's new features is smoothing groups. Just wondering how it compares to what Max has and whether it will be as useful as people hope.


  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    Wondering about this myself, as the lack of smoothing groups was the main reason for me to change to max, altough after getting used to 3ds max i doubt i will change back.
    Would still be nice to hear some views on this :)
  • Ben Apuna
    Looks just like a Max style implementation to me, though no auto function (which I'm sure someone will script sooner or later). I've read that they transfer over to Max, Maya, and XSI via FBX just fine. I'm wondering if they will transfer over to UDK and Unity just as well. I'm also wondering if they work with the normal map baking process properly.

  • El Burritoh
    Gotta love some of the new modeling stuff...


    Maintaining curvature when adding loops, aligning verts, seeing UV distortion, and Diagonal Edge Select to convert triangles back in to quads... I'll be using these!
  • Stromberg90
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    Stromberg90 polycounter lvl 11
    I share the same toughts as Ben Apuna, but i am also wondering at the end when brad shows that you can blend 2 smoothing groups together, i am wondering how that works with the normal map baking process and so on...

    So right now i am just waiting on someone from 3 point studios to tell us the truth(mainly EarthQuake)

  • ajr2764
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    ajr2764 polycounter lvl 10
    Well I didnt know 501 was out already...been hearing some good things about the new version. Ive been using 401 for a while now and the lack of proper smoothing groups has been a little let down.
  • Scruples
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    Scruples polycounter lvl 10
    Stromberg, blending smoothing groups is nothing new for other 3d packages so it should handle normal map baking the same way it always has, remember, it only cares about the UV's and Vertex Normals.
  • Ben Apuna
    I did a quick test with a FBX file made in Modo 501 with the latest December 2010 Beta version of UDK. There are some issues:


    1. Smoothing groups appear transfer over properly with both FBX options. That's good. Unfortunately with Autodesk FBX the vertex normals appear to be messed up somehow.

    2. My object has 2 unique UV sets of which both imported, but with the Autodesk FBX file format they go into the wrong channels. They are importing to UV channel 1 and 2, UDK appears to be creating an extra blank UV set at channel 0. That's not so good. The UVs should be imported as channel 0 and 1.

    With the Autodesk FBX 2006.11 file format both sets of UVs import into the proper channels.

    3. Vertex Colors appear to import properly as well, but only with Autodesk FBX, not Autodesk FBX 2006.11 :(

    4. Interestingly enough UDK appears to understand the right up vector for the model. In other words my Modo is set to "Y" up, UDK is "Z" up, yet my model imports and is facing the right direction. Cool.

    Some steps to take to make sure smoothing groups export properly from Modo and import properly into UDK:

    1. System -> Preferences... -> Scene I/O -> FBX Export -> Edge Smoothing needs to be checked ON (I think).

    2. Make sure the Smoothing Angle setting on your material(s) is set to 180.0°.

    3. Apply your smoothing groups. Geometry -> Polygon -> Set Smoothing Groups...

    4. Exporting the FBX, if you choose:

    File -> Export As -> Autodesk FBX 2006.11.

    You will get the correct UV channels, correct smoothing groups, correct vertex normals, but NOT vertex colors.

    File -> Export As -> Autodesk FBX.

    You will get incorrect UV channels(see above notes), correct smoothing groups, messed up vertex normals(see image above), and correct vertex colors.

    5. When you import your model into UDK and the Import dialog pops up. Scroll down to the Static Mesh section and uncheck "Explicit Normals".

    After a quick look Collada appears to import UVs, Smoothing Groups, Vertex normals, and Vertex colors.

    The scale is not correct though (will have to look into this later...), and there seems to be -20% saturation from the actual colors of the vertex colors with Collada.


    Here is the LXO, 2 FBXs, and DAE files if anyone wants to check them out:


    That's it for UDK, now if only my copy(s) of Unity wouldn't crash constantly on startup even after a full uninstall/re-install (both 2.6 and 3.1) I'd test that as well...
  • Mypeople
    Thanks for this ben, yeah, ive had the exact same problems you've had apparently.
    I heard that unreal was working on a export/import for modo to udk? either way, i just hope on the next modo update they will fix this. this is SUCH an important tool for us game modelers, i hope luxology sees this and does something soon. i'm going to write up a bug for them. thanks ben
  • Ben Apuna
    I finally got Unity to run again. I'm embarrassed to say I tried "everything" except "Run as Administrator" which worked. :poly136: Strange though as both Unity 2.6, 3.0, and 3.1 hadn't required this of me before.

    Anyway here are my findings concerning exporting from Modo 501 to Unity 3.1 using the Collada DAE, Autodesk FBX, and Autodesk FBX 2006.11 file formats.


    With Unity 3.1 we have somewhat different results than with the UDK December beta.

    Collada DAE seems to be pretty good all around. It supports smoothing groups, vertex colors, and multiple uv sets.

    Interestingly the vertex colors appear to be the same colors as Autodesk FBX, so I'm guessing the earlier issue with UDK and vertex colors is probably UDK's fault not Modo's. Also the DAE's scale is interpreted by Unity perfectly, which is very nice.

    My only complaint so far is that it's rather messily organized as far as Unity is concerned. Saving straight from a LXO to DAE Unity displays a bunch of extra nodes, RenderNode, Light_Directional_LightNode, two MeshNodes, and a CameraNode. The Camera Node and Light Node can be avoided by deleting the Camera and Directional Light from the LXO in Modo, but I don't know how to get rid of the Render Node or the extra Mesh Node.

    Autodesk FBX seems like it would be ideal as it has the cleanest node structure in Unity with just the Mesh Node, supports multiple UVs, and Vertex Colors. Awesome! except for one major flaw... smoothing groups don't transfer over at all even with Normals and Tangents both set to "Import" :( It does seem as though the vertex normals are OK, instead of being messed up as they are in UDK so this might not be a Modo issue.

    Autodesk FBX 2006.11 is similar to Autodesk FBX as smoothing groups don't transfer over, though it does support multiple UVs. Autodesk FBX 2006.11 also shows the same lack of vertex colors as it did in UDK.

    The next thing I'm planning to do is look through the actual text of the files generated to see if any minor edits can fix any of these issues. It might be a while though as I'm definitely not an expert with the internals of file formats. At least not yet anyway...
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