Tonight the 8th anual Spike TV Video Game Awards. They might not be as prestigious as other industry award shows, hell they're at least 20% advertisement for Mountain Dew but they are being hosted by this guy:
Also the nominees seem less like bullshit this year.
Game of the Year:Studio of the Year:Best Xbox 360 Game:Best PS3 Game:Best Wii Game:Best PC Game:Best Handheld Game:Best Shooter:Best Action Adventure Game:Best RPG:Best Multi-player:Best Individual Sports Game:Best Team Sports Game:Best Driving Game:Best Music Game:Best Soundtrack:Best Song in a Game:
Are they streaming it online this year?
Depends on your definition of "they".
I sure hope ghost of sparta gets the best handheld, playing through it right now and its fucking amazing.
But it's on tonight on SPIKE, so you might want to check their website to see if they will stream it.
NPH is probably gonna rock it, he is a magician after all.. lol
I don't think they were released when this was announced, although if it's live tonight, thats just bullshit.
Oh well, may the best western/japanese game win.
Who votes on this stuff and how in the hell do you decide best studio? No offense to all the guys/gals who work at the nominated places, I'm sure they're great places to work, but do they actually run some one through each studio and see how many high fives they get or get to take a studio director out on a date and see what base they can get to?
I tried to get into the VGA's last year, i felt like a retard for watching an hour of commercials and publishers getting woodys for getting their products advertised under the disguise of an "awards show".
Also NPH and Olivia Munn (Olivia is... yeah)
Just watched the intro, it was sooo bad ahahaha, and no one is laughing at NPH's jokes but me.. lol
Ofcourse they play Black Ops first... over rated much? maybe? yes....
I will keep you posted.
elivia munn? oh man I hate her... so much.
WOOO Canadians win first prize!! HELL YEAH! Speech could have been less generic lol..
Still super super cheesy
Same with NPH though... tough crowd maybe? They should have served free drinks...
Or maybe the crowd is programmers only.. ahaha
Loved it when they overlayed the 3d effects on stage and everyone in the audience was looking around trying to find a TV.
They just showed the new TES trailer, I KNEW IT WAS IN
The crowd is sooo mellow! I mean even after a speech it seems like only 30 people are cheering..
Edit: Ofcourse the ARMY has a plug in here...
All the developers and hard workers get the worst seats ahaha, as always.
I can't believe this crap of a song from My chemical romance was on GT 5... Who the hell wants to drive to this?
Edit: I wish her boob slipped out.. ahaha, no i'm not that desperate...
:poly125: I am...
Im having BATgasm!
She had some big boobs and they were totally almost popping out.
Right now My Chemical Romance is playing a song about how they're so sad that they have to wear eyeliner.
Wow... people didn't even cheer for the other games...
mass effect 3!!!
damn , batman, mass effect 3, etc
I SEE damn MAJOR game cinematic quality upgrades this year!!
Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to mass effect 3 aswell. The whole "on earth" thing I don't care about. I'm just happy I get to play some more mass effect and go around in the universe
resistance 3 the picture really resemble to mass effect 3 cinematic lol!
but this one is
live footage cimenatic + gameplay trailer!
2011 = big!
Can't believe I won this award for best super herio voice actor. lol
Same with bethesda, they like to kill you with silence.
me unhappy
You really didn't miss anything good, Some TMZ crap (wow wtf was that?). Umm... some Random Halo reach gameplay with a violen babe playing epic music.
That's about it.. lol oh and random interviews with people who shouldn't even be interviewd.
Edit: Oh and NPH did some more video game porn titles, lol.
Is it me or is the new SSX title like COD on snow? With a snowboard, and without guns?
What was that girl talking about, wtf was that? Why was sex even mentioned, at all...
is there somewhere i can watch this online?
OH FUCK, new Uncharted, brb.
GOOD JOB Red Dead! yay, that chick who did the speech was cute
the VGA: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Someting in that quote screams, UNITED STATES!
Not what the songs about all, i myself am not a MCR fan, but i do enjoy there new cd. You should give it a listen some time.
Edit: wasnt there supposed to be some Gears of War 3 Gameplay or something.. they announced a couple weeks ago?
Yeah I remember that, it was supposed to be something completely new in gameplay.