I thought this might deserve it's own thread..
First thing I thought of when I saw the new Lara Croft pic was Karate Kid poster, when I was trained as a caricature artist you start to recognize 't-zones' and proportions in faces alot and start seeing people as caricatures all over the place and you start to see people's shapes/sizes to who they resemble it helps you draw them if you can relate them to a star it's easier to remember how to draw them if you have a memory to go from.. Anyhow, not sure why I'm posting this as I know tons of artists use reference to draw from and change it up, if I look at a comic book you can find tons of recognizable faces in the background work..
Anyhow, I googled "Lara Croft looks like Ralph Macchio" and apparently a few others think the same thing.. looks like the artist used the Karate Kid poster for ref..same angle/direction/eyes/nose/mouth proportions/etc..
Karate kid pic 50% overlay.

i still see hillary swank....and she was a karate kid. coincidence?
For some reason I knew this was coming....lolz
@ Jeremy: You do realize that you broke the heart of few who admire her cuz of her big eyes, big lips and big boobs.
There was a chance I was going to play an up coming Tombraider. But thanks to you I may have to look for something else. >.<
New lara looks awesome.
Yeah, I'd fuck her too..
not smiley though.
Dunno Vig, I can hardly see any real resemblance.
XenoKratios - What is that picture from?
But now it would be SOO awesome to see the player try and replicate those jumps in this game, only to find themselves missing and breaking her arm because of it... it sounds gross to think about it, but its almost like "the fall of Lara Croft" (no pun intended).
I just think they could do SOO much with this new reboot. Make this a much more realistic adventure, where the player REALLY needs to rely on the environments instead of Lara herself to navigate, and have severe consequences if done wrong, or key moments where everything goes to hell.
Anywho, my 2 cents, either way, I'm very very pumped!
like the screenshots, looks pretty neat
(also what is that pic XenoKratios... i need it for my uh... research >_> would be cool for getting female face studies in tho ^^)
Will the Dharma Initiative be there?
Aw, come on - those are boobies. You don't have to to look for resemblence, you just have to look.
It's not more generic than previous versions that's for sure.
Ruz: I can't agree with you at all. I'm actually almost furious that anyone would even say that. >:[
I loved the old skool tombraider, so yeah we disagree, so what.
I mean jeez this particular screen just looks plain awful
Having said this I will still buy it cause I enoy the franchise so much.
and MAN....does she have an underbite now.
The weight painting is horrible on the arms, not to mention one of them is clipping through her body. You can't tell what's going on... is that scummy water? Then why is she not submerged? Just rocks with lichen? Why is one particular part of her face in darkness? And wtf is she doing with her hands!?
also Jfletcher is my hero
oh wait... that's her belt....
my bad.
lol I hope so! they should so do a tomb raider like mirrors edge but with the boobs when you look down just like trespasser
that game was aweful!
i hate searching for health sprays in order to not run out of blood
Yep, that's something pretty bad
Too much blood and dirt is not good, but well... let's see how ends this. I predict another Square-Enix fiasco.
They need to sort the lighting out really badly.