Hey oh
So far the project is going to be a DM map with a steam punk style to it but we still need a location for the map.
Using photos, sketches and words post a location that you think would be brilliant place for a DM map. This will end around Sunday and a poll will quickly follow where you will get the chance to vote on some of the best ideas.
Thanks :thumbup:
-town square with a statue or something
- vegetable/wheat/corn fields surrounding the town
-classic creepy house on the hill
-creepy forest beyond that (mark the boundary of the map)
could even do the insides of some buildings.
Taken straight from my mouth, ill post my moodboard tomorrow hopefully during a break from class, I was thinking this or a Jack the Ripper-esk style mixed with a nightmare before christmas
Here is the moodboard i whipped up quite quickly, which is essentially very close to the moodboard Elextrex had posted.
Edit: to add to the images, i was thinking very twisting winding halls/ alleys with and oddly mishapen/deformed areas. If we added that with a very dark feel and of course the SteamPunk style, it could be very creepy and cool
Uhm really not bad, it remembers me something like MediEvil 2 game, set in victorian london with a lot of steampunk styled elements. something like 1st industrial revolution.
Steampunk brings to my mind also the nautilus submarine from the "twenty thousand leagues under the sea" Think about how could be set it all inside the nautilus..
Remember this will end tomorrow and the best ideas from here will be pout up to vote... So getting posting more ideas people.
YES! :thumbup:
Many choke points as well.
Sorry I can't post pictures because I'm not on a PC but I have this website with some awesome pictures of a fortress in India. Rajput times.
more Rajput stuff
The vote will be postponed till Wednesday....
So uh, my vote would be... DEISELPUNK!
The first time I heard about deiselpunk I was intrigued. There's basically not much artwork to represent it, but slam steampunk and cyberpunk together and meet them somewhere in the the middle. I would think of it as if cyberpunk was SET in the 50's-80's rather than written in the 80's.
Think heavy post industrial stuff. Main visual themes would be lots of iron and large buildings that borrow the materials from steam punk and the looks from cyberpunk, retro computer systems exaggerated in the same way that steam punk exaggerates pneumatic mail tubes and stuff.
Alot of the stuff I'm posting fly's for some reason because the three main sources of inspiration I can find are:
>The Mortal Engines books, about giant cities on tank tracks that crawl across the wasteland eating each other. (think howls moving city). and airships.
>Ian Mcque, a fantastic concept artist whose stuff you will have seen:http://mcqueconcept.blogspot.com/
>Theo Prins, as above. He paints giant floating tanker ships and busy ports in the sky.
These images don't necessarily constitute a mood board, the more explain the theme.
I think of deiselpunk as having alot of the looks of early cyberpunk, with the extrapolation of technology that steam punk has. Like instead of a steam powered iron cast walking spider you have petrol pumping steel spider with 80's CRT monitor computers impossibly running the whole thing and the look of a Transit van transformer :P
edit: I have a theory, anything is awesome, as long as we suffix 'punk' on the end. Then it's gold, pure gold!
edit2: Latinpunk! Rastapunk! Farmpunk!
floating ships sounds like a pretty cool idea. Had a friend who started to create a map in a giant blimp. it was really cool from what he had finished last time i saw it.
he has broken the code!
I like the idea though, very grimy and gritty.
Also more locations would be super sexy too.
I like it!
1. a domed city like Big O, or the spirits within
2. Maybe a lava like society, uses lava to power some of their tech or maybe the culture grew up on a lava planet (thinking star wars that lava planet in the latest movie)
3. Maybe an ice world or perhaps up in the mountains someplace. could also be barren or is a craggy place like thousand needles in WOW
(just throwing down an idea, meant to post ages ago)
and hay lava punk... its unique isn't it?!?
Another vote for lava punk then
i would imagine a lot of factories, foundries, geothermal plants, cat walks above the lava. could even go as far as the entire city/level is inside a mountain suspended above the lava....(hate to say it but something like Blackrock Mountain in wow, but full of technology)
edit: ohh had another thought. (going back to the steam punk) We could have a steam punk shinny wood copper look above. Floating in the sky in giant blimps or floating levels (like suggested before) and then down below we have the harsh lava world unforgiving ect.
could even go as far as having one of the blimps chained to a mountain or something allowing people to play in both worlds
Your first idea reminds of the level in the Transformers game on the PS2 made by ATARI where you fight megatron. That game was AMAZING!
I also love the blimp idea
A Diesel punk factory that has been overgrown by a jungle?
just a thought
This gent speaks truth!
also did we decide on diesel punk or is that still being thrown around?
on the plus side i'm OCD so keeping things clean, neat and on a time line is what i excel at.
Proposal One: A Victorian Downtown area built on top of a floating steampunk castle.
Proposal Two: A Diesel Punk Midworld comprised of tree houses, airplanes, and blimps.
Proposal Three: A Jungle-Desert Punk lower world comprised of tiki huts and reverse parachutes that can catapult you up to the castle.
There's no need to limit ourselves- just come up with a dynamic, such as.. uh, a doorway should be six feet wide and seven feet tall. Characters need to be 600 triangles or less. Allow 10 foot of clearance for vehicles.
Am i wrong? Am I the only one who cares about the rules?
Minto hasn't been online for a month and regardless of if he's on vacation or not I think it would have been nice if he gave us a heads up. It's quite obvious that he must have known this in advance.
I don't really know how many people that is interested in starting the collaboration but I hope that it's enough to continue?! :poly142:
Would like some input and thoughts regarding how we should carry on from here.
I don't really think there's anything wrong if you won't be able to revive the collab since it's been dead for so long but maybe all it needs is a little push.
We could probably scrap the older threads since we've already agreed on most of the stuff for the collab, like style and art direction. But you will of course decide on what you find fitting for the project.
If you need any help with anything regarding anything I'm here.
I think there's a lot of people that is psyched to be able to get to work on this collab, all that is needed is a strong core that is able to allocate the workload and requirements.
Admittedly, the talk of computer screens and grittiness of course puts interesting images in the mind but one must ask what separates this interpretation from dystopian cyberpunk.
When we're talking about the dieselpunk aesthetic, the images and concepts unique to that subgenre are the technology and aesthetics of the interwar period, of course with a lot of imagination so long as the imagination doesn't violate the unique visual style and analagous real-world "epoch" of dieselpunk.
I don't mean to say there's a correct or incorrect way to do things, but dieselpunk as a genre is quite interesting and relatively unexplored, and to get the most out of it you should make great efforts to understand it's inspiration and historical context so you can become "fluent" in creating designs within this style. TV screens and anything beyond tabulation machines as computers raise alarm bells for me, and start wandering into a territory indistinguishable from so-called cyberpunk, particularly dystopian style.
The reason people chose to approach dieselpunk as a "new" thing of its own is that, like the industrial revolution inspiring steampunk, and the hypothetical futurte convergence of human and machine (resulting in a similar "renaissance" of technology) inspired cyberpunk, the interwar period was a very turbulent, progressive and experimental period.
As people are always saying, very many extremely novel technologies including aircraft, zeppelins (note, not hot air balloons,) combustion engines in a wider sense, tanks, machineguns, had all very recently earned their place as tools deciding the fate of the world - and now that industry in europe wasnt totally dedicated to not getting the shit bombed out of you, people started experimenting and "peacefully" perfecting these technologies, before world war two when standardisation and mass production took over in the defence of the participating nations.
So if you take a look at interwar period (20s-30s) technology you'll see an absolute shitload of variation - tanks with 3 turrets, "midget" tanks, strange, impractical weapons designed in the hundreds with no way to test their effectivity and ease of mass production in a war (the effect of which would usually kill off much of the crazy variation and leave us with the most efficient designs) Transitional aircraft, like the obsolete concept of the biplane being covered in modern aluminium sheets, early implementations of electonic gunlaying devices, blimps with big-ass rotary engines in them, etc etc etc.
if you look around at military and civil machinery from this period you should start to get images of things which are outdated today but cutting edge at the time; coil spring suspension, hydraulics, heavy, bolted sheets of steel, awkward, impractically complex and un-graceful designs, aluminium bodied aircraft, and heaps and heaps and heaps of common carburettor/crankcase/cylinder type designs.
To properly explore the genre it's best to get an idea of it in its most pure, extreme, and limited (and arguably unique) form. Submarine ship and engine rooms, tank and armoured car prototypes, early self loading rifles, multi engined aircraft and floatplanes, zeppelins (remember, rigid zeppelins. globe-type hot air balloon looking things are much more towards steampunk) And anything else from the period made from an obscene amount of steel and heavy machinery.
Oh and whenever you find yourself saying something like "omg no computers? we need that artistic licence to justify x y and z." - Try to actually research the period a little, if you lack some technology or concept which would violate the setting, after searching a little, you might just find that while they didnt have computers, they had other things instead, which, when researched, can put much more out-of-the-ordinary and unexplored ideas in your head.
Idk if that got out of hand but i hope it helps some people with ideas if this thing is even still going.