For some Strange reason, the UV from the plane were the Numbers are was Flipped on the viewer and I had to flip it on my editor to make it look correct in the viewer :S
yes this would be great but then the company or person looking at your portfolio would have to want to install or have unity player installed which can be a deal breaker like it just was for me.
but if you were a working on a MMO and wanted to create a WoWhead type site would come in handy for sure
You could always have a link under your portfolio image that says "Want to see it in real time? (Requires Unity Player)" Or something along those lines. You wouldn't be forced to have only the image or only the model viewer. I like options As long as they are cleanly presented, anyway.
Anyway, Keen-- this is awesome stuff. I've been hoping to get something like this for my site for a few years now. I hope you'll be able to provide the code to host on our own sites soon.
1-looks like z fighting, yet my model isn't doubled. I did clone/mirror half...
But I not only reset Xform (Max8) but also made a cube, edit poly, attached the model to it, deleted cube (the standard modifier fix I have had to use in Ogre games before).
2- it is mirrored, even though the mirrored half was attached to the original half, and I did the above to fix scale/rotation.
I was waiting to progress further until I exported fbx to unity which was the plan...
I like that you can adjust specular on the fly, haven't gotten around to making a spec map so it was cool to see it quickly.
Would it be possible to have fbx support? Since that's a standard format for untiy and it would allow at least an idle anim, would be a really cool addition.
If you go there, how about anim selection?
hmm, went ahead and tested in Unity. Didn't notice z fighting or it being mirrored in either obj or fbx formats.
Anyone else see this problem?
re EDIT:
OK, I see the same issue on models 8-12 with z fighting. The clock which I believe is #7 doesn't seem to have the z fight issue, but the clock face is backwards (unless the author intended numbers to be mirrored.)
Thanks guys, The weird shadow z-fighting thing is most likely caused by the scale of the models. I need have the model normalized to a standard scale after importing.
Unitys builtin asset importers arent available to use at runtime so I had to make a custom obj importer. It must be mirroring the models for some reason
Awesome stuff! Sliders work really well! I noticed the shadows are affected by the smoothing groups drastically, as well as the unit scale. Too bad I can't create and save multiple shaders for decals and stuff. But for texture and model preview, works wonderfully!
Implementing this would be a great addition to portfolios out there, imo.
For no you can do hybrid folios pictures/RT. Unity is well know and pretty light to install. Will it really be an issue ? And seriously, this is the future of real time 3d folios. Commander_keen is delivering the future *_*
For no you can do hybrid folios pictures/RT. Unity is well know and pretty light to install. Will it really be an issue ? And seriously, this is the future of real time 3d folios. Commander_keen is delivering the future *_*
Biggest issue would be the time it takes to install and the time a director/producer/hr whoever wades through tons of folios. Which is not much at all and Unity is widely known, displaying real time models on the web has significant advantages over images (especially coupled with images), it is the future and i'm stoaked about it.
I think it would be simply wise to just have it in there as a real time Link option that takes you to a page with the unity player so it doesn't ask you to install right away.
Great job on this. Any chance it's possible to have our models/textures linked from our site to your viewer? Instead of uploading them to your site just linking? Seems like your site is going to get slammed pretty bad.
This is just too awesome, man, gotta try it out some time. Really looking forward to being able to get the files and hosting them myself, I'm sure you wouldn't mind not hosting everyone else's art as well.
But man this thing is cool. Sweet work!
Any chance we can get gloss maps?
so when will we be able to post directly 3d on forums with some commander_keen/Polycount/Unity partnership ?
This is a great idea!
For some Strange reason, the UV from the plane were the Numbers are was Flipped on the viewer and I had to flip it on my editor to make it look correct in the viewer :S
Also interested about the hosting-it-on-my-own-site thing.
You could always have a link under your portfolio image that says "Want to see it in real time? (Requires Unity Player)" Or something along those lines. You wouldn't be forced to have only the image or only the model viewer. I like options
Anyway, Keen-- this is awesome stuff. I've been hoping to get something like this for my site for a few years now. I hope you'll be able to provide the code to host on our own sites soon.
The harsh shadows look a bit weird on lowpoly stuff.
Great work none the less!
This seems like an awesome way to pimp stuff in a portfolio!
great maybe some lighting controls would make it even more awesome
Any chance of an iPhone version?
Very cool but I seem to be having 2 issues.
1-looks like z fighting, yet my model isn't doubled. I did clone/mirror half...
But I not only reset Xform (Max8) but also made a cube, edit poly, attached the model to it, deleted cube (the standard modifier fix I have had to use in Ogre games before).
2- it is mirrored, even though the mirrored half was attached to the original half, and I did the above to fix scale/rotation.
I was waiting to progress further until I exported fbx to unity which was the plan...
I like that you can adjust specular on the fly, haven't gotten around to making a spec map so it was cool to see it quickly.
Would it be possible to have fbx support? Since that's a standard format for untiy and it would allow at least an idle anim, would be a really cool addition.
If you go there, how about anim selection?
hmm, went ahead and tested in Unity. Didn't notice z fighting or it being mirrored in either obj or fbx formats.
Anyone else see this problem?
re EDIT:
OK, I see the same issue on models 8-12 with z fighting. The clock which I believe is #7 doesn't seem to have the z fight issue, but the clock face is backwards (unless the author intended numbers to be mirrored.)
Unitys builtin asset importers arent available to use at runtime so I had to make a custom obj importer. It must be mirroring the models for some reason
If someone figures out how to implement this into your website ! without the unity player install, it would be hella cool <_<
Awesome stuff! Sliders work really well! I noticed the shadows are affected by the smoothing groups drastically, as well as the unit scale. Too bad I can't create and save multiple shaders for decals and stuff. But for texture and model preview, works wonderfully!
Implementing this would be a great addition to portfolios out there, imo.
be sure to change the size in both the url and the width and height settings.
Super rad, keen!
Edit: I tried it out!
It's awesome! Although...I don't know what I'm doing wrong, my textures are flipped...? Like the text on the board is backwards?
This would be perfect if were able to control the lights a bit more, I feel it's a bit too strong.
Biggest issue would be the time it takes to install and the time a director/producer/hr whoever wades through tons of folios. Which is not much at all and Unity is widely known, displaying real time models on the web has significant advantages over images (especially coupled with images), it is the future and i'm stoaked about it.
I think it would be simply wise to just have it in there as a real time Link option that takes you to a page with the unity player so it doesn't ask you to install right away.
This way it would be an option. Just my 2 cents.
I have never seen, such, awesomeness, my, WORD!
Do you think there is a way to implement this in the forum threads? I read a thread a few days ago where people wanted something like this.
I think that's just a plugin for the browser, the actual engine is around 100mb.
I think hes referring to the older plugin, it used to be pretty big, and loaded pretty slowly when it first came out.
Thanks for sharing this, and for hosting it, even for the time being! awesome!
And trying to keep things attached, there is this thread about how to put your model into unity web player:
It is not mine but it is close to this subject and helped me a lot. :poly121:
And the last thing...why you have this little cool game in your main page of your portfolio? It is great! :poly142:
btw, have you checked out
Is anybody having flashbacks to the Polycount Self Portrait Contest? (featuring the viewpoint technology player).
Awesome work dude, just, awesome.