I need some crit from the pro's. I have learnt modelling from tutorials and tips and crit from the Halo Custom Edition community.
Some edge flow is pretty bad tbh around these models, especially the shotgun. The Grenade Launcher is my first sub'd model and the Shotgun is my second.
Grenade Launcher:



*Not unwrapped yet*
I have recently started University studying Computer Games Design.
In terms of presentation, the renders and angles are nice, but I would lose the blue background, or at least the vertical lines, as its a little distracting. When you're showing off your work, you don't want any chance of the viewer's attention being taken away from your work.
Get to it!
I will attempt the shotgun when Uni work is complete. I want to model the Concussion Rifle from Halo:Reach, it looks interesting :P I like modelling interesting designs, which most Halo designs are. I have been told by many artists to stop modelling Halo things as it won't help me improve much, I can't think of designs though.
They do look really nice. You should definitely attempt texturing, you can't ever improve if you don't even try. (yes, it will take time and lots of practice though)
Definitely stick it through to the end.
A Mature community is a nice change
And I don't want crit from immature children which is mostly Halomaps lol, I like crit, no one gives it to me on halomaps and modacity
So, I'm not sure, but for me it looks like the Concussion Rifle. No ?
If yes, the CR is a little more reddish than that and has some kind of greenish reflections (As I said, I'm not sure, I haven't got time to really pay attention to these details). But I presume you haven't finished it yet.
But awesome job anyway, good luck for the following.