Almost everytime I do a weapon I am looking for some Engravings, cuttings or tatoo-like lineart to enhance them and give them some fine detail, you know, these classical ones with leaves, wild animals, feathers, etc. liek these
Other than drawing the engraving myself I mostly just pick a random brush (leaves, Flames, Tribals) and paint all over the place resulting in some random noise that looks "interesting" but not to realy good closeup.
Yet I were not able to find any engraving patterns or atleast bigger pictures I could produce tileable maps from. Googling "gun engravign gives nice results, but there are none realy usable for a pattern.
CGtextures also gave up on me at this specific request
I'd like to have two or three patterns of that sort.
So if anybody stumbled over such patterns or knows where to find them (free), pelase let me know!
However you'll never find a proper 3D version of those patterns availiable. I would make them in a 3D package since then you'll get some good quality displacement maps from the result.
Is late so I'll have a closer look at those wallpapers tomorrow, but they do look promising.
Here's the book, if it interests you:
But as far as engravings for making a tileable pattern, they may not be much help. Most weapon engravings are fairly unique, and rarely use a single tiling pattern over an entire weapon.
Yeh, I am shure that I can fabricate some repeative, seamles pattern for PS though, but it's not that important either. Some larger patterns would already serve my purposes, just not the small bits you can find on gun pictures, they are way to specail and only fit to the weapons shape.
I remember there being a site that had 2D drawn patterns but I can't find it right now...
I found a few patterns that seem usable, most of them are verry "flowery" or celtic though.
Do these tendrils here have a specific name I could google for?
It seems they are called "scrolls" engravings, thoug I barely find any usable images when googling that
I also stumbled of over this and currently browsing their gallery to see if I can find something.
Some amazing works there!
I have this book, and I've used it quite a bit as reference for railings and what not, it might be worth checking out.
There are probably more out there too... so yea scollwork, and ironwork might be another good path to check out.
Some of the scrollwork patterns are pretty easy to do in high poly, a few paisleys rotated and scaled around can work nicely too.
most results might be for stonework though and quite possibly not as intricate.
So far I produced 2 patterns and a random brush.
I think I'll stick with the brush for speedpaintings etc, the patterns are pretty much useless :P Seems like one can't come arround doing such stuff by hand if it's supposed to look anything other than random or cheap.
If someone finds a nice big image of a large area engraving afterall, feel free to share yur discovery
This kind of illustrates what I mean... through photochoppery. Using the Transform tool in Warp Mode or maybe even liquify with a few different corner scrollwork patterns you should be able to hack something together?
I'd try to sculpt this stuff too, but I have no experiance with hardsurface sculting yet. Putting some shapes together in Max seems like a sollution to this, but they seem hard to model. I'll keep on experimenting with these engravings
Good suggestion, most of the results I get are stock ($$$) though
Thanks, this was quite usefull
My pleasure!
I did not cincider buiyng a book because of just that issue, but hey it's christmas soon and they aint too expensive. I'll have a closer look at these