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  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    lol Its kind of lame and funny. I mean sometimes it does make me laugh when I think about the nature of human brain and its conditions.

    For example: You would not believe in God, the prophecies, messengers, religions, not even the books sent by God, including who created the first human, what is the reason for your existence. In-fact, you would troll upon or mock on someone who does, and in worst cases, people will crucify who would believe in all that. Where as; you would believe that UFO/ET/whatever government made BS exists. Even though, it is understood that the entire phisad isnt real to even consider believing in.

    Such a terribad control we live under.

    ......"lolz again"
  • Two Listen
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    Bigjohn wrote: »
    And I didn't say that you said that...

    We're talking about encountering alien life, or alien life encountering us. At which point some people (like Tyson) bring up the argument that the alien life we're looking for may be so advanced, that they'll not only want nothing to do with us, but may not even notice us.

    But we're not really looking for that type of alien are we? So the argument defeats itself. Its purpose is to show a possible futility in looking for alien life, but it just doesn't apply to the type of life it's describing.

    It's like saying "If we were looking for something that we're not looking for, we wouldn't find it". Well, yeah, cause we're not looking for it...

    One can only assume scientists are trying to find any sign of any type of alien life, anywhere.

    Anyone talking about a specific type of alien or level of alien intelligence is only making personal speculation, and it doesn't defeat anything - it's just a personal opinion and there's nothing wrong with that.

    And if it does seem odd to you that someone would speculate we won't find what we're looking for because, essentially, what we're looking for isn't likely what's out there or what's likely to be found (in his opinion) - I would say I find it equally odd that you'd for some reason suggest we're only looking for the type of alien that's convenient...?

    Personally I agree that any type of intelligent life capable of navigating the stars in a manner say...5,000 years of technology ahead of us, would likely ignore us and probably isn't likely to be found by us. If that's not the type of alien you're looking for, well then good for you. But I'm pretty sure NASA and others would kill for a frozen space turd so long as it seemed like it came from another planet, and I fail to see how it changes the fact that it's a perfectly valid opinion.

    Though perhaps I've misunderstood something...
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Two Listen wrote: »
    One can only assume scientists are trying to find any sign of any type of alien life, anywhere.

    Anyone talking about a specific type of alien or level of alien intelligence is only making personal speculation, and it doesn't defeat anything - it's just a personal opinion and there's nothing wrong with that.

    And if it does seem odd to you that someone would speculate we won't find what we're looking for because, essentially, what we're looking for isn't likely what's out there or what's likely to be found (in his opinion) - I would say I find it equally odd that you'd for some reason suggest we're only looking for the type of alien that's convenient...?

    Personally I agree that any type of intelligent life capable of navigating the stars in a manner say...5,000 years of technology ahead of us, would likely ignore us and probably isn't likely to be found by us. If that's not the type of alien you're looking for, well then good for you. But I'm pretty sure NASA and others would kill for a frozen space turd so long as it seemed like it came from another planet, and I fail to see how it changes the fact that it's a perfectly valid opinion.

    Though perhaps I've misunderstood something...

    lol no, that's not what I'm saying/asking at all... eh, nevermind, I guess I just don't understand the point of the 2%-advanced argument. I thought Tyson was trying to say that it's pointless to look for aliens, because the aliens would be so advanced that we're irrelevant to them. To which I reply, but we're not looking for those, we're looking for the ones we can communicate with, or more precisely, the ones that will communicate with us.

    It doesn't matter dude, just going off a tangent. Can just move on.

    So... how come all the aliens in Star Trek speak english? With an American accent too.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    So... how come all the aliens in Star Trek speak english? With an American accent too.

    Universal translator and american voice actors
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I think I know what you mean.

    Really I don't think looking for aliens is pointless. I just think it's a little pompous, and incredibly selfish. I mean really - let's say some guys at NASA are super gung-ho about it, and have dreamt since childhood to find alien life. Well, they invent some crazy shit, and they find it. And then we've got some fucked up aliens involved in our brand new intergalactic politics that affects every single person on the entire planet, and not necessarily in a good way. Like let's say those two or three guys make contact, and the next morning my wife wakes up scared shitless at the alien spacecraft that just landed on our dog outside. Yeah. Thanks a lot. I really needed that, can't just wake up and drink my morning coffee and paint a picture. Nope. Gotta deal with aliens.

    My childhood dreams don't involve potentially fucking up life on Earth.

    If alien life finds us, well then so be it I guess we'll deal with it as we can.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Religious belief and belief in aliens is really one in the same. It's our hunger, want and hope, for more. Our lives can't possibly be meaningless and end in a permanent way. We can't possibly be alone in a universe that contains tens of billions of habitable planets. Whether it's an all powerful god or a being from another world, the message is still the same - we are not alone. We need to feel like our lives have meaning and know that we are safe in the darkness.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Keg wrote: »
    Universal translator and american voice actors

    You actually took his statement seriously.....


  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Sure, we risk an alien invasion and getting us all killed and whatnot. But! Think of the sweet, sweet Alien porn we'll get.
  • MasteroftheFork
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    MasteroftheFork polycounter lvl 18
    MMmm I love me some space algae
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    Two Listen wrote: »
    I think I know what you mean.

    Really I don't think looking for aliens is pointless. I just think it's a little pompous, and incredibly selfish. I mean really - let's say some guys at NASA are super gung-ho about it, and have dreamt since childhood to find alien life. Well, they invent some crazy shit, and they find it. And then we've got some fucked up aliens involved in our brand new intergalactic politics that affects every single person on the entire planet, and not necessarily in a good way. Like let's say those two or three guys make contact, and the next morning my wife wakes up scared shitless at the alien spacecraft that just landed on our dog outside. Yeah. Thanks a lot. I really needed that, can't just wake up and drink my morning coffee and paint a picture. Nope. Gotta deal with aliens.

    My childhood dreams don't involve potentially fucking up life on Earth.

    If alien life finds us, well then so be it I guess we'll deal with it as we can.

    i guess the chance that we find an alienrace, advanced enough to travel to our planet, first, is pretty low.

    and although i believe we´re not the only intelligent life in the universe (let alone the theory of multiverses) i sure hope noone´s going to come here for a long long time
    we still have way too many dickheads and nobrainers around
    how could we possibly build a relationship with them if we´re too stupid to get along with our own race

    but, consider aliens contact us someday
    the technology they are using would be like 5k years in the future

    imagine the new era of videogames ! it would be AWESOME
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    You actually took his statement seriously.....



    Yea... not been following the whole thread. Sorta just looked in to see if someone had mentioned the recent oxygen discovered on the moon of saturn.

    Also, quite baked so yea... I just don't care much other than explaining.
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    why are all these theoretical aliens Utopian civilizations with no societal/cultural schisms?
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, that's another thing I don't understand. People say when "they" find us, "they" may not be interested in us. But it's not like their society is like a hive-mind (god help us if it is, Starship Troopers IRL FTL). Even if whichever official body that does space-stuff for them doesn't want to contact us, I'm sure some individuals will. If nothing else than just for pure curiosity.

    Like how we have rich bored people who go live with tribes in the Amazon for kicks.
  • XenoKratios
  • Ben Apuna
    Asherr wrote: »
    why are all these theoretical aliens Utopian civilizations with no societal/cultural schisms?

    Probably because they will have needed to survive amongst themselves long enough to develop space travel. 5-20k years on the same planet... for as many space faring civilizations out there, there are probably just as many nuked out planets devoid of life because the civilizations that began on them couldn't get along with themselves.

    I believe nuclear weapons represent a very real threat to life on Earth more so than any other. With the universal nature of science, nuclear weapons will definitely be developed far sooner than space travel in any given civilization. If that's the case then I think you either end up with civilizations that overcome their internal differences, pool their technology, resources, and knowledge to develop space travel or they blow themselves up.
  • kaze369
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    kaze369 polycounter lvl 8
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    lol no, that's not what I'm saying/asking at all... eh, nevermind, I guess I just don't understand the point of the 2%-advanced argument. I thought Tyson was trying to say that it's pointless to look for aliens, because the aliens would be so advanced that we're irrelevant to them. To which I reply, but we're not looking for those, we're looking for the ones we can communicate with, or more precisely, the ones that will communicate with us.

    It doesn't matter dude, just going off a tangent. Can just move on.

    So... how come all the aliens in Star Trek speak english? With an American accent too.

    Tyson explains it better in the the video and he always had the opinion that we should search for any type of life. It would be interesting if the alien life was similar to us because there are about 5 elements that are abundant in the universe and all of them can be found on earth. As far as the 2% thing goes... because chimpanzees don't make cars, airplanes or computers but human DNA is only about a 2% different than chimp DNA, what makes us human including our intelligence is in that 2%. If that 2% is the difference between hitting a rock and building a computer then imagine a alien race that is 2% different then us. think about how intelligent they would be. And if they were that intelligent would they even want to communicate with us. On the flip side, would we even recognize their intelligence. A chimpanzee doesn't realize that WE(humans) think we're intelligent and yet their DNA is only slightly different then us.
    As Tyson said, who are we to call ourselves intelligent and although we're looking for any type of life how would we recognize intelligent life that's capable of coming here or has the ability to communicate across star systems.
    I hope that explains it, if not then you're going to just have to watch the video.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    It won't be anything special. I foresaw that during my lifetime nothing of consequence or actual interest will happen :0
  • Mark Dygert
    Nothing will unite the human race like a good old fashion alien invasion, or depending on their ability to wage war on our planet, wipe us out. If they're hostile, hopefully they will be so stupid as to invade a planet that is 90% battery acid to them, with no protective layering.
    What repelled the alien invaders? A kid with a super soaker and... rain.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Religious belief and belief in aliens is really one in the same. It's our hunger, want and hope, for more. Our lives can't possibly be meaningless and end in a permanent way. We can't possibly be alone in a universe that contains tens of billions of habitable planets. Whether it's an all powerful god or a being from another world, the message is still the same - we are not alone. We need to feel like our lives have meaning and know that we are safe in the darkness.

    Belief in religion and belief in extraterrestrial life is not the same thing, so very far from it.

    Belief in extraterrestrial life is based on facts we can prove.
    - Life exists [check]
    - Life can form in a variety of dangerous places [check]
    - These places exist outside of our own world [check]

    Ergo, the odds are likely some form of life other than our own exists.
    will we ever meet it? The odds are less likely but still possible.

    Where as, religious belief is based off of anecdotal information past on by people who benefited from its 'existence' and changed it continuously over thousands of years to suit the needs of their day.

    Not as likely to hold up to stringent scientific logic and scrutiny.
    However it is still theoretically possible.

    Its not an indoctrinated belief system, its a process of conscious thought based off of tangible proof.

    Anyway, I doubt they'd talk to us even if they could. :)
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Exactly, everyone knows to stay the fuck away until we hit warp 1.
  • lampekap
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    Well, here's the thing. I would like to believe there are aliens. But I'm the type that doesn't believe anything. So, being scientific about it, I have to assume there aren't any because there isn't any evidence. The X-Files doesn't count.

    Not only that, but every year that goes by where people are looking into space and seeing nothing, while at the same time we're not being contacted by an alien civilization, is further proof that there aren't any aliens out there, and we're alone.

    Just like having no evidence that the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't exist is no proof that it does exist, so does having no evidence that aliens don't exist no proof that they do. So if we wanna be objective about it, we have to say that, for the time being, we're alone in the universe.

    So... if Nasa comes up with evidence that there's fosilised micro organism in a meteorite, it will be the definite proof that we're not alone. That alone is worth getting really excited over.

    there is this kind of thing called speculation. people speculate constantly. a humans "knowing" is nothing more than believing your speculations are true. speculation is based on the things you are sure about. but you can't prove anything (if we really want to be objective ;)), because to proof something you need to know it, and thus the circle recycles. different people find it easier or harder to "know" something, because everyone has his own "borders" of what he believes is true from their speculation.

    but that's just speculation
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    I'm not drawing any conclusions. I'm just saying it's possible, that's all.

    I thought you said earlier that you didn't believe there was other life in the universe, based on lack of evidence. Sorry if I misunderstood.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    I'm curious to see how the Vatican will take it, if we do end up finding intelligent life somewhere. I'll be sure to have some popcorn ready!
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Two Listen wrote: »
    My guess is they found some random moon, probably made mostly of ice, except some of it might've been melted underneath the surface, and there is resulting "space-algae". "Plant" life, or some sign thereof. No big deal.

    I think that would be a huge deal! It would be 100% conclusive proof that life has come into existence somewhere other than the Earth. Ignoring the religious implications, it would answer one of humanity's 'big' questions. It might even offer proof of the theory of evolution.
  • Mark Dygert
    Prophecies wrote: »
    I'm curious to see how the Vatican will take it, if we do end up finding intelligent life somewhere. I'll be sure to have some popcorn ready!
    Yea hopefully they'll handle it a little better than Galileo and his telescope.

    Something tells me they'll do what they've done in recent years and stay silent until longer after anyone cares, then release a small non-committal statement that appears to the outside world to be a nod to what has been known for years but to the inside its business as unusual.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Prophecies wrote: »
    I'm curious to see how the Vatican will take it, if we do end up finding intelligent life somewhere. I'll be sure to have some popcorn ready!

    The current pope is very science-oriented, actually. He's already stated that if life did exist, god would have created it. Last year, they actually held their first astrobiology conference at the vatican. Pretty funny. Pre-emptively covering their asses, it seems.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    The current pope is very science-oriented, actually. He's already stated that if life did exist, god would have created it. Last year, they actually held their first astrobiology conference at the vatican. Pretty funny. Pre-emptively covering their asses, it seems.

    Interesting! I was not aware of this. Thanks for sharing!

    Now, if only that intelligent life believed in Zeus. I would be converted instantly. =D
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    TomDunne wrote: »
    I think that would be a huge deal! It would be 100% conclusive proof that life has come into existence somewhere other than the Earth. Ignoring the religious implications, it would answer one of humanity's 'big' questions. It might even offer proof of the theory of evolution.

    Oh no I agree, from the standpoint of scientific discovery it'd be huge and help us understand and confirm a lot about our world and others. Well, it would help the people who's life studies revolved around it.

    I've just sort of assumed it were pretty possible for a long time. I mean, I'd still think it was cool, just not unexpected from my standpoint. It's just, I'd be much more amazed at discovering say...an effective way of creating and holding anti-matter, or discovering what exactly made those huge sounds they've picked up in the oceans over the years.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I still fail to see the answer that why would people want to believe in something that is made up where as they cant bring theirselves to believe in God?
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    What does God have to do with finding extra-terrestrial life?
    Please, let's not get into a God does/doesn't/can't exist argument. Thank you.
    Two Listen wrote: »
    Oh no I agree, from the standpoint of scientific discovery it'd be huge and help us understand and confirm a lot about our world and others. Well, it would help the people who's life studies revolved around it.

    I've just sort of assumed it were pretty possible for a long time. I mean, I'd still think it was cool, just not unexpected from my standpoint. It's just, I'd be much more amazed at discovering say...an effective way of creating and holding anti-matter, or discovering what exactly made those huge sounds they've picked up in the oceans over the years.

    I must agree with you here. If we could find a way to contain and use anti-matter for, say, spatial transport, we wouldn't care about going to mars. I think NASA would be aiming for Alpha Centauri. However, discoveries made on earth do interest me alot. There is still so much we don't know here on our so-called "rock". I'd be more interested in discoveries made on the ocean floor.
  • Two Listen
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    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    I still fail to see the answer that why would people want to believe in something that is made up where as they cant bring theirselves to believe in God?

    I'd be careful with that sort of phrasing. It's dangerously susceptible to flipping a few things around...
    Prophecies wrote: »
    There is still so much we don't know here on our so-called "rock". I'd be more interested in discoveries made on the ocean floor.

    Definitely, definitely.
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Actually its already known that there is a possibility that live could exist on the moon "europe" and the moon "Titan". Microorganisms just might be hard to see from the distance.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    I still fail to see the answer that why would people want to believe in something that is made up where as they cant bring theirselves to believe in God?

    You're right that they're both beliefs. The question is, can we check it?

    To check if there's life out there, we can:
    - Find it
    - Communicate with it
    - Find evidence that it once existed
    - Have it find us
    - Get our hands on a sample
    - etc

    To check if God exists out there, we can:
    - Talk to God
    - Build a time machine to witness the beginning of earth
    - That's it.

    Since the very short list of ways to prove God exists is not attainable ever, there's no point even pondering it. Not any more so than whether the celestial teapot or the flying spaghetti monster exist.

    About ETs, it's not so much that we have proof, but that we have the ability to prove it that counts.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    kaze369 wrote: »
    Tyson explains it better in the the video and he always had the opinion that we should search for any type of life. It would be interesting if the alien life was similar to us because there are about 5 elements that are abundant in the universe and all of them can be found on earth. As far as the 2% thing goes... because chimpanzees don't make cars, airplanes or computers but human DNA is only about a 2% different than chimp DNA, what makes us human including our intelligence is in that 2%. If that 2% is the difference between hitting a rock and building a computer then imagine a alien race that is 2% different then us. think about how intelligent they would be. And if they were that intelligent would they even want to communicate with us. On the flip side, would we even recognize their intelligence. A chimpanzee doesn't realize that WE(humans) think we're intelligent and yet their DNA is only slightly different then us.
    As Tyson said, who are we to call ourselves intelligent and although we're looking for any type of life how would we recognize intelligent life that's capable of coming here or has the ability to communicate across star systems.
    I hope that explains it, if not then you're going to just have to watch the video.

    I fully understand all of that. And I did watch the video.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    I still fail to see the answer that why would people want to believe in something that is made up where as they cant bring theirselves to believe in God?

    Mainly because of science.

    I dont want to get into a big religious debate here. But as a believer in science I cant believe in God. I'd love to believe in heaven and hell, afterlife, angels and demons, etc. But my scientific side of me says No. It doesnt exist. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

    Aliens however fall into the science side of things so I can, and do believe they exist. Even if they are only bacteria boucing around on some moon somewhere.
  • lampekap
    "believe in aliens" . wtf. you don't believe they exist, you suspect they exist. you suspect because you have knowledge of life and universe. now where did that knowledge come from? fossil records, astronomy , religious books, fox news etc. you get a lot of information from your surroundings, and you have to make the choices of what you suspect are true. again, you will base upon previous knowledge. the circle recycles

    I suspect I live, because i havn't known anything else.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    fine....................... I suspect aliens exist. I suspect God does not.........fs.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    lampekap wrote: »
    "believe in aliens" . wtf. you don't believe they exist, you suspect they exist. you suspect because you have knowledge of life and universe. now where did that knowledge come from? fossil records, astronomy , religious books, fox news etc. you get a lot of information from your surroundings, and you have to make the choices of what you suspect are true. again, you will base upon previous knowledge. the circle recycles

    I suspect I live, because i havn't known anything else.
    Was that truly constructive in any way? How exactly did this contribute? We all understood what Stinger meant.

    Back on topic, I'm curious to see what NASA has to offer tomorrow! Anyone know what time?
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    Mainly because of science.

    I dont want to get into a big religious debate here. But as a believer in science I cant believe in God. I'd love to believe in heaven and hell, afterlife, angels and demons, etc. But my scientific side of me says No. It doesnt exist. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

    Aliens however fall into the science side of things so I can, and do believe they exist. Even if they are only bacteria boucing around on some moon somewhere.

    Why does science for you exclude the possibility of God?
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Stinger88 wrote: »
    Mainly because of science.

    I dont want to get into a big religious debate here. But as a believer in science I cant believe in God. I'd love to believe in heaven and hell, afterlife, angels and demons, etc. But my scientific side of me says No. It doesnt exist. I'd love to be proven wrong though.

    Aliens however fall into the science side of things so I can, and do believe they exist. Even if they are only bacteria boucing around on some moon somewhere.

    You should not. lol I just wanted to see the reaction and I guarantee that many people were ticked! Anyways There are plenty of ways to prove the existence of God through the various religions,landmarks, history of the prophets and so on, or one would consider a pillar be the God for him/her for the sake of communication, even though pillars do not commute.

    So if we are talking about science. You would believe that aliens exist just because some scientist told you and made a huge fuss about it over the internet? Even if the scientists show the balls they cut off the dead kangaroo claiming its alian's.

    Like I said, I kinda love how soo many human brains works in the present era.

    ...lolz again.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    "there are plenty of ways to prove the existence of God"

  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    Anyways There are plenty of ways to prove the existence of God through the various religions,landmarks, history of the prophets and so on, or one would consider a pillar be the God for him/her for the sake of communication, even though pillars do not commute.

    Funny of how much proof there's but still haven't seen a tangible one....

    @EDIT@ Low_odor: ahah, i guess so ^^
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    Nitewalker, be wary you just made three troll comments in a row.

    "lol I just wanted to see the reaction and I guarantee that many people were ticked!"
    ^That is called trolling. If you come to a conversation just to poke people and see how they react that's being a troll.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15

    Since I do not want to be a troll here.

    Oh I thought a troll was a person who would disagree to everything discussed here and keep submitting the statements only he agrees upon. =\ apologies.

    I was just making a point. Since talks about religions do not go anywhere good and I killed that with just one statement (doesnt matter if you agree with it or not)

    And I dont agree neither disagree with the core topic.

    Question is, both beliefs do not have tangible proofs. Then why do we believe one and not the other. Just because some scientist said so?
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    *Edited on account of other edits*

    More on-topic:


    Not sure if that's been posted as of yet. It seems like their findings aren't so much about aliens coming to probe us.
  • BeatKitano
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    BeatKitano polycounter lvl 16
    Are you asking here seriously, on a game art forum ?

    Well I'll go with the short answer: Aliens are cool god is not. Ahahah.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    TomDunne wrote: »
    Why does science for you exclude the possibility of God?

    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    You should not. lol I just wanted to see the reaction and I guarantee that many people were ticked! Anyways There are plenty of ways to prove the existence of God through the various religions,landmarks, history of the prophets and so on, or one would consider a pillar be the God for him/her for the sake of communication, even though pillars do not commute.

    So if we are talking about science. You would believe that aliens exist just because some scientist told you and made a huge fuss about it over the internet? Even if the scientists show the balls they cut off the dead kangaroo claiming its alian's.

    Like I said, I kinda love how soo many human brains works in the present era.

    ...lolz again.

    lol. I dunno why people get all upset when I say I dont believe in God but I believe in something else. Am I not allowed or something....

    "religions,landmarks, history of the prophets,etc" do not prove there is a God. Just as scientific theories and chemistry, etc does not mean aliens exist.

    I prefer to "Suspect" aliens exist because my feeble mind can only just grasp simple physics and chemistry. God might well exist but I need him to come and tell me he exist in person first.

    Anyhoo. Back to Aliens eh.
  • Target_Renegade
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    Target_Renegade polycounter lvl 11
    It will be interesting to see what the talk is about. The chances of other living things existing in the universe, whether on a macro level or larger level, is pretty evidently possible. We are mere specks compared to the size of the universe, so its always going to be plausible, just as how, being living animals in a planet, in a tiny fragment of the universe, we will never truly be able to comprehend how everything works.
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