First post update;
Hi all!
I started this project about a year ago, then due to an internship I had to put this on hold. Now that I finished a couple of projects I'm finally able to do some high poly stuff again

MOAR on page 2!
Hey all,
Working on a new portfolio scene for UDK..
Here's some max render and wireframe..
If u can please give me some comments on the model, and what kind of texturing you would use.
I want to put some Botanica like scene from Arkham Asylum style as a dome where it can view the stars from. So lighting will be at night, etc..
Thanks in advance!

Do you have reference for the scope?
You should block out the rest of your scene so we can see what the rest is going to look like
cheers for the comment, really want to get this scene done 'soon/fast'.
I will post the ref tomorrow and I'll start blocking out the rest of the scene in the next 2 days. 'Soon' more!
As for texturing, gold or silver rims with maybe white base or grey. I'd have to see the environment around it to experiment with colours.
still thinking up a theme for the room. I'm thinking of using astrology signs for items and textures in the room..any idea's on that would be great too
The dome itself:
Thinking of adding rough stonewalls and wooden support beams. Gonna experiment with plants growing up from that circle on the ground.
Now I can fool around with details and after that I can focus on colors
And maybe a bit of an lighting scheme..(maybe the plants will give off this weird lighting) if u have suggestions throw em at me
Maybe some machines or a desk with paper notes next to the chair? What about some cables along the floor that go outside the screen and make us, the viewer, think there's more to the scene than meets the eye.
Are the plants there to suggest it's abandoned? Or just aesthetical things to make it eye catching? I doubt plants would be left to grow that big if it wasn't abandoned. You'd need a ladder to trim them.
The sky should also have something interesting in it as that seems like something worth focusing on. Maybe a flying saucer
Carry on.
Done for today, gonna continue this tomorrow
Perhaps make the telescope more eye catching as that seems to be the center piece. Maybe gold trims on all the ring shaped parts and well something to contrast the wire going into it so since it's black...white might go well although kind of plain. Oh well, I'm sure you have something good planned.
Good work.
Edit: Actually, paint a story into this scene. What is this place? Where is is located? What time period? Alien? Who uses this room? A royal star gazer assigned by the king of the planet? If he was royal he'd have a beautiful chair for example. Since the chair is simple is it a simple scientist? Maybe this is a personally built gazer for someone important or rich?
The table with notes suggests science and the extravagant setting suggests the owner is important.
I might make some more concept stuff like this, but it's taking more time then I planned since I'm still a 2d naab
I am a bit confused however, Astronomy+Botany? It seems having the plants in the observatory, while stylistically a unique idea, wouldn't serve any purpose at all, in fact it would cause great problems for the observer.
what were your thoughts on that?
as well as the chalk boards i feel they would either be a reference for what he is seeing in the telescope, or a place to write down notes of what he is seeing. so i believe they should be in as functional of a place as possible.
but keep at it, and keep making progress
As for why I'm using plants I'm not really sure. I was looking at the concept at a certain stage and I just knew that there was a color missing, green. And I thought why not! Plants usually have no function other then decoration. I'll be sure to make it in such a way that they won't ever block the telescopes field of view, or that it will put the background out of order.
I'm not really happy with the positioning of the chalkboards and the table, I'll see what I can do when I'm actually building the scene. hopefully more 3d stuff soon. Thanks again for the feedback so far
I like the idea of the plants although i think you should maybe have a few sprawling across the floor?
but yeah im excited to see more
The reason is also cause your ceiling dome is really our main focus point and we should be seeing the grandness of the sky.
To-do list Scope Materials changes:
- Reflection in the scope lens
- Cables black color
- Details on the scope attachment different material then white (sort of done but feedback on that please
Next up is to add the rest of the models in..
PS. I am gonna get rid of the skylight, but the scene is easy lit for now.
I promise this is the last I'll show of just the telescope, working on the rest of the scene starting...now!
The texture is still a mess, want to get the model down right first;
The scope is the focus point of the scene and I really want to make this shine. Any feedback on the base of the mesh and the scope detailing would be awesome
More stuff 2morrow, for now I must slee..Zzzzz
still adding more panels, and technical stuffs
Moving on to the base mesh
keep it up
Got some inspiration for the base mesh, more stuff 2night
Looking good man
Here's a shiny render (edit: Tho the shiny is actually quite fail :P)
Tired of detailing and moving on to the low poly. Any feedback on the high poly is appreciated
I started this project about a year ago, then due to an internship I had to put this on hold. Now that I finished a couple of projects I'm finally able to do some high poly stuff again
Still got a lot of cage problems with my bake but I'm happy how the low poly is turning out atm, LP is around 15k triangles which is a bit much, but this is a center piece after all
Wires not included in these screens, planning to do them lit them with vertex normals since they're just black wires anyway.
MOAR soon!
Thanks for any crits
The texture itself still needs a lot of work, like blocking out the panels, maybe a sticker/logo somewhere and stuff like that. Any suggestions are welcome!
Working on the mockup of the scene. Thinking of adding a small library section in the back of the room. And small stairs down to the door.
More tomorrow, time for some arkham city!
To do-/add list:
- Banners on the wall?
- Library cabinets
- lamps
- paintings / oval mirror on wall?
- Plants
- Small deco stuff like papers/notes for the desk
- Stairs + Round Railing
- Carpet model, as seen in concept, used on the platform as well
- A door (lol, closed room)
- Small Chair
- Crates of research equipment
Still working on adding the rest of the list
Feedback appreciated!