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Head model : my 1st sculpt on mudbox



  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Any way to show a reference while sculpting? Alt-tabing out of zbrush to look at a reference is very annoying and leaves a blurry image in my head.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Have a window outside of ZBrush with reference material? Unless you're working on some ridiculously low resolution like 640x480 which I doubt.
  • gibson543
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    gibson543 polycounter lvl 13
    aw frell you're completly jacking frozencore's thread
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Download Irfanview. Drag an image onto it, set the interface to 'Always on top.'


    Don't Alt+Tab back to Photoshop to look at reference, you'll be a lot faster and efficient having the reference right next to your sculpt.
  • [SF]Three9
    gibson543 wrote: »
    aw frell you're completly jacking frozencore's thread

    lol that's exactly what i was thinking but didn't want to say it :x
  • bludragon
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    bludragon polycounter lvl 7
    This thread is great for head reference!
    check out this video:
  • lampekap
    This thread is great for head reference!
    check out this video:

    its a nice vid, but i if OP goes for photorealistic proportions i doubt its the best vid to reccomend
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Frozen core, if me stepping into this thread is any problem at all just let me know. Ill happily start my own thread.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Ive created my own thread, any posts regarding my work can go here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1247322#post1247322.

    You can have your thread back frozen :P
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    I hope hes making progress !
  • FrozenCore#6
    Wow Lotsa posts here xD

    @ frell : don't worry about it , the more posts there are here = the more knowledge i get , also I've been pretty busy with studying so i don't have much progress on drawing the anatomy thingy so thanks for not letting this thread die xD

    Hopefully I'll update today or tommorow I'll be sure to visit Frell's thread as well :)

    Well gtg "skool" cyaz
  • FrozenCore#6
    Well Hi Again people

    I finished the last three rows .. I missed th emiddle row by accident so i drew it at the bottom .
    and i geuss i understand now how bones and stuff look like

    @ snader : each drawing took me at least 15 mins , not 5 xD


    All the faces look different D:
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    not a bad start! FrozenThrone do you clean up your drawings before you scan them? Cause it seems to me that your just trying to copy the drawing and not actually learn 'how to draw'
  • FrozenCore#6
    Well I get lazy when cleaning up :P anyways The scanner kills most of the lines .
    And Yeah For those head I was trying to copy not to draw.. cuz I tried Alot of times to build a base but for those heads I just can't get it right D:
  • Jungsik
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    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    you wont get it right on the first time, keep trying : ) i would like to see more under-drawing/progress and more right then not clean and wrong
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    What might be an idea is to use coloured pencils. One of my old teachers told us to use light blue or cyan for building up the general shapes, and then go over that with regular pencil. But really, any colour would do.
  • FrozenCore#6
    Hi everybody its been sometime , been busy studying and playing WoW in my free time :P

    i tried doodling at school but i couldn't do anything proper so i gave up on sketching in school and today decided to make a few edits to the old head again , Thanks to 3D modelling I can notice facial features much better now xD


    it aint that good but I figured that i need to do the rest of the editting in a sculpting program or add a turbosmooth in max but before that i thought i'd ask u :P so what do u think?

    As for drawing stuff , I'm getting pretty busy in school but i'll try doodling some stuff :P
  • Jungsik
    Offline / Send Message
    Jungsik polycounter lvl 6
    keep drawing
    dont stop drawing
    never stop drawing
    draw while you sleeep
    draw when your in the washroom
    draw while playing your WoW
    and DONT ever give up..
  • FrozenCore#6
    xD Lol thnx Jungsik

    been a while people , Sorry no Major Updates :P , Was Mostly Studying , Doodled Alot in School , not Much Face Anatomy tho but I kept focusing on other peoples features studying them then looking at my face and seeing the difference between me and older people , so today I applied a turbosmooth 1 iteration and done some edits on the whole thing .

    Anyways! xD

    Here's the Update , looking forward to ur replies



    Pusshed the top of the head downwards a tiny Bit
    smoothed out the front of the neck
    tweaked and lowered the ears a tiny bit
    raised the back of the jaw a bit

  • Rockley Bonner
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    Rockley Bonner polycounter lvl 12
    better than the first. the head looks coned from the front.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Well here is a somewhat high poly model comparing to what u showed me . And damn this was hard xD

    Well I just realized how the shape looks good "somehow" even without proper topology
    But I'm not quite sure why I'm doing this ? I'm a big fan of topology :P


    K I'm off to bed , cya tommorow

    EDIT: @ snader

    as for The drawing , I always Get Propotionals Off When Drawing Front views :P
    also i was focusing more at understanding the muscle structure of the face.

    anyways Thanks alot of the image , Now I Have a proper goal to reach xD
    I'll start doodleing some stuff tommorow.

    First off.. You dont need to draw the front view right off the bat especially when you are sculpting it out.

    The forehead should be tilted back a bit. You need to look at people's work around this community and see how to fix your mistake. One way of doing is you should stop posting every model you make and just keep making them off the others' ref images. Then compare the previous one to your new model and repeat the process.

    Its a waste posting your stuff and not listening their mistakes.

    As for the last char. You need to work on the mouth, eyes and forehead and possibly lips. Because there is a huge gap between eyes and the lips and you just defined that there is something between them but they do not represent cheeks.

    I'd strongly suggest that you should get any classic human anatomy guide for artist and learn how male head props work, then draw them out from different angles. It doesnt have to be from the front or the side.

    Draw them before you sculpt them so you would know how it should look like when you create a basic 3d mesh.

    Good luck
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    frell wrote: »
    Any way to show a reference while sculpting? Alt-tabing out of zbrush to look at a reference is very annoying and leaves a blurry image in my head.

    I use Irfan View for ref image having constantly on top.
  • FrozenCore#6
    I understand What ur trying to say nite and that's what most people been telling me at the start , But I don't wanna start on a new head model yet , i wanna keep improving this one to understand how to solve my mistakes , once this head becomes fairly good
    I'll start on another one and apply all what I've learned on it , as for sculpting I'm not sure when to start As Till now im still editting in max and its going well
    also I keep posting just to keep u updated and so u can point out my mistakes if u want.

    here's an update:

    1- plain skin color just to give it a human feel :P
    2- shrinked the face
    3- shrinked the head's width
    4- Pushed Up the jaw and Might push it more
    5- Tweaked The Ears


    There Are A Few Wierd Bumps on the Top And Sides Of The head Which I can't deal with in max so I'll smooth em out in zbrush later :P
  • FrozenCore#6
    ty Mike I fixed it today :)

    Just wanted to say "Happy New Year" In my own way ;)

  • FrozenCore#6
    1- tweaked the head
    2- removed 3 loops from the ear , anything more just screwed up the shape :/
    3- shrinked face features a tiny bit
    4- New lighting :D
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Hey. I dont think I've commented in this thread yet, but I've been meaning to.
    Topology and polygons, etc all that stuff is secondary to learning ART and anatomy.
    What you need is a mirror and or some references.

    I see from your first post that you've got access to Zbrush and or Mudbox? I think you should use those for now. Sculpt up some sphere's into faces and pay attention to what makes a head look correct. Once you're adept at making art, you can learn/worry about the technicalities later.

    Thats my 2 cents anyway.
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