Seriously, sod Halo Reach... Sod Black Ops...
THIS is the game of the year

I'm just smiling all over the place, everything is amazing, the graphics, the gameplay, the music

Its all a total throw back to the originals, but updated. Its fantastic, really, really good fun. The only one downside is you MUST use the wiimote in some way (either with nunchuck, or just on its side like NSMB) which means no classic pad

But wow, theres so much nostalgia love here I'm gonna be gorram sick with awesome...
RETRO really are the kings at taking an older IP and making it amazing again. They did it with Metroid Prime and they did it here, too. Shame they didn't do the new Metroid as that was a total let down.
Anybody else played DKCR yet? If so, are you as moist as I am while playing? My neighbours probably think I'm mad the ammount of laughing I'm doing...
This thing? I had to google it, didn't know it existed.
It looks awesome though. Too bad it's Wii-only, I don't have one.
It is also worth noting that this is not an easy game.
...and because I'm usually too busy dancing to the amazing remixes of the original songs... I'll be whistling them all day at work tomorrow...
Maybe my domain may be worth something soon.
But the trailer looks dope.
that just blew my mind you own that. If it were .com i'd say you were already about to be a multi-thousandair.
It used to be my old folio site until I changed it, but I still own the domain.
/end de-rail
probably not for one game, but there's this game called Mario Galaxy and it's sequel which are two of the best games this entire generation... and are worth the price of a wii.
on the whole "its on like donkey kong" thing I think it was just them putting the tm after the characters name, in the rest of the ad super mario has tm after it too. whatever, even if they do it in no way effects my daily life haha.
if you have a wii, go grab this game
And Epic Mickey comes out in just a few days? I'm glad I held onto my Wii for the awesome 'kiddie' games.
Will probably get it sometime this month.. along with Golden Eye............ As long as I remember Gran Turismo may take over my life for a little bit.
Someone should get :poly124:
sorry...had to!
Aye, this game looks like tons of fun. I've loved all of the Donkey Kong titles, and they're the only titles I've actually purchased/downloaded for the Wii. I'll definitely be picking it up this week for my girl and I to play. Time to dust off the Wii!