The Seattle area's snowfall is weaksauce compared to many places, but somehow we were hit by an early one this year that has left things more shut down than usual, maybe because it's been going nonstop all day so people left early for the commute home or just said they weren't coming in. I'm reminded of all my coworkers and fellow artists from areas that consider the snow (and weather in general) really weak here, so what do you do when it's snow time? What are the most epic snowy and/or stormy conditions you've experienced?
PS: silly Seattle doomsday pic;

I always jog or bike into work. The only thing that changed for me is I jogged this evening instead of biking to work. Well. Of course having to be a bit more suttle with footsteps so I didn't slip and longjohns.
Best snows were in Michigan for me. Lots of snowmen could be created and last.
The craziest snow storm was two years ago on Valentines day. We got hit with a nasty blizzard. Things were so bad people were abandoning their cars on the side of the freeway and hitching rides with people that had trucks or 4x4's. I had a jeep at the time and was able to make it ok. But it took me 4 hours to drive my usual 35 minute commute. My cell phone was dead and my wife was worried sick. Being valentines day she was going to surprise me with take-out from my favorite restaurant. But by the time I got home it was super late and cold. Still good though.
When I went to work the next morning it looked like something out of a survival movie. The freeway was lined with abandoned cars, and the cops where out there guiding tow-trucks to those cars to try and get them off the roads so the plows could come through. It was nuts!
I was instantly buried to my neck, and late for class.
I think I was stuck for half an hour trying to get free.
Last year was the most snow the south has seen in a very long time. We got hit hard by NC standards, and GA got it pretty bad as well. It is by no means UT, but chances are you will see snow. The funny thing about it snowing in the south is that the states are never prepared. We hardly get any snow, so when it comes, there is just not enough man power, equipment, or supplies to combat it.
Everyone runs out and buys bread and milk (which I will never understand) at the first sign of a snowflake, schools shut down if there's even a slight dusting on the ground, and the people lose all common knowledge on how to drive a vehicle.
Now I'm old, and get pissed at the snow, because I have to deal with assholes on the road, who think that driving in 2ft slush piles, is no different than driving on dry pavement. And our 3 lane roads, turn into 2 lane roads, because people can't figure out the lane divisions.
Worst experience, going down a long entrance ramp to the freeway, getting near the freeway speeds, then having a bump on the ramp bounce the rear axle of my truck, and cause me to go into spinning 360s all the way down the ramp and onto the freeway. Luckily, the traffic was JUST clear enough for me to slide in without hitting anyone.
The past few years, it really hasn't been about the snow up here, it is all about the ice. Just the past few days there was around 1000+ accidents just in the metro area, the streets were like a pinball course.
lucky bastard. Snow is just nice looking mud that falls out of the sky, sky-mud.
Normally, the valley floor in Reno gets about 6-7" or so in a good winter storm. It really doesn't get too crazy. But the perfect storm hit and we had white out conditions for nearly a week solid.
The vallery floor (in some areas) had up to 4ft of snow. Around my apartment was just over 3ft of snow - just past my waist (I'm 6'1"). Reno does have plows and salts the roads, so we were lucky in that regard, but it was a nonstop shovel fest and it was pretty damn crazy all over the place. Certainly the biggest snow storm I've ever seen. I loved it.
I spent 3 years in Minnesota, crazy amounts of snow which was awesome but horrific at the same time. The first year we didn't have a snow blower so we shoved the driveway, it really sucked when we would get it clear then a plow would go down the street piling up a giant wall of snow at the end of the driveway again...
Here's the snow in B'more last year, We got something like 75 inches total, which everyone tells me is really odd. Guess we'll see this winter.
I love the snow when they actually close work and the electricity stays on, it's a good excuse to be lazy.
Hated it.
We were hit bad in the last week in January, the first week of February, and then again at the end of February.
And with the DC/VA/WV/MD/DE budgets for snow removal are much less than the states abobe them, only served to compound the rediculousness. Nearly all of the bodgets for things like this were gone by the time the 2nd blizzard rolled in.
Around the DC area we'd only get around 8-10 inches in a storm, and only once during the winter. This was something completely different, and nobody was prepared. Was nice to have over a week of not having to do stuff like going to work. At the same time... you're stuck inside your house and can't leave.
Not many stories, but I did jump into a pile of snow in -25C(-13F), while only in my boxers. Refreshing to say the least, didn't even get sick
Last year I came back from Beijing (via London). Spring in Beijing, spring in London and in Oslo? Piles of snow and darkness - just as you'd imagine the home of trolls and vikings
I've been in the north for about 4 years now (yeah, I consider Virginia the north) and Winter to me just means death and darkness.
being a fellow born and raised floridian , I remember the people wearing the heavy jackets in the 60 degree weather freezing there butts off.
I have for the last 2 years have moved to one of the more colder climates (washington and then to Portland,oregon)
and winter to me (though pretty to see the seasons change)
Reminds me of nothing but what you said.......Snowy-death
I'd much rather deal with hurricanes than this bullship
I spent New Years eve and New Years day, shoveling 15~30cm snow every 2~3 hours.
Freakin' snow festival better be insane this year.
And yeah, Mass is getting slammed this year with snow.
vcortis: lulz, I'm about 3 miles NW of that
while we're talking about other stuff, what do you think of Waltham? My apartment complex just threatened to evict me because my renters insurance expired so I'm looking to move.
Apparently 1-2 feet of snow till tomorrow morning! Ahhh knee deep snow, reminds me of Canada
Also, two feet snow dams sticking out from my gutters, wtf
Holyshit, the snow devil!!
No snow in Seattle, again, and what's up with the sun? The weather here is really making people's brain numb.
Yeah polycount themed lens flare from the light on the porch =P
Well, as per usual, Toronto missed a lot of the worst of the storm, but have been moaning and bitching and freaking out like it's armageddon. I heard tons of people were getting off work or school for a snow day...... for less than 10cm of snow.
THIS is why the rest of Canada makes fun of us, TO. THIS is why.
(However my back is so sore from the shovelling
Looks like The Walking Dead but with snow and in Chicago.
Also this picture is fancy.
Got these pictures here.
I was pretty surprised - went by my whole life without a single snow day, and my first one is at a university level.
Apparently, it was once 'so bad' in T.O. that the mayor had to call in the army to shovel away the snow or something.
Yeah, I just found out about that recently too--and how apparently we will never live that down from the rest of the country :P
the whole country was paralyzed and it made it first topic in the news for several days
All 200 of them?
Without going into too much detail, we have a major milestone that was supposed to be done Tuesday, but between the road conditions and rolling blackouts no one can even get into work.
here's one that happened a couple of years ago