Anybody else picked it up or picking it up for PC? I just bought a UK server for it (London), looking forward to some good times. I'll post the IP once its up.
I can't wait to play it. But I'll be at the Unite Conference next week and won't get a chance until I get back. I'm sure my co-workers who are staying home will be sending me text letting me know how awesome it is.
Im a only getting it for the Online FPS experience. (PC)
I initially was really looking forward for MW2 but I just cant play it anymore as it is extremely painful to watch with all its issues from a hardcore gamer perspective. I wasnt interested in this game at all until recently.
I am picking it up because of the following: Dedicated servers, console(command), noobtube rain dealt with, kills with killstreak awards does not any-longer count for more killstreak awards.
Gah so anyways, while im posting this it has come to my attention that the dedicated servers seems to be only availible through one company (GameServers) who will host and if you want to have a ranked servers for 12 months that will be over 150 Dollars... Fuck fuck fuck...
So my conclusion about this game is to wait for release buy it and hopefully not get anally raped... again... Al-tough this time around I know it might happen.
I just read it has no Spec Ops mode This makes me sad... Spec Ops was amazing fun in MW2... I mean yeah, we get zombies instead, so its not a total loss but still... SP Coop missions were fun
If I do get it soon, it will definitely be for PC. I loved the original Modern Warfare local dedicated servers and was royally pissed that Infinity Ward did not support dedicated servers in MW2. Fingers crossed Treyarch's game with dedicated servers, will also be top notch badassery!
I played it at Gamex (Swedish game convention) this weekend. I played a wager match gun game and I really liked it. I'm more of a Halo guy and my expectations weren't that high but I was positively surprised. Hard to tell after just one game but it felt a bit tighter than MW2.
I ordered it. Hope it arrives on time, but prolly not Should've ordered sooner then saturday.
Hey and Winterlord, is it really true, you can't get extra killstreak awards with killstreaks themselves? That's interesting, should make playing online a bit more relaxed.
Yeh well thats what i heard. yeh so you shouldt so easily kill 4 guys then get the rocket, kill 2 people with that over to a carrier and wait until your chopper gunner :P Yeh all those things are for the better. Steam kinda sucks, saying they will unlock it late tomorrow, why not tonight midnight?...
If you can still grenade launcher, grenade launcher attachment to your rifle, Danger Close and One Man Army perk in Black Ops I defiantly will not even both with this.
That stupid combo ruined MW2 multiplayer for me. Nothing more lame then people spamming stupid noob tubes all day long. Takes 0 skill to do but nets you tons of kills. Might rent/borrow if Single Player is really cool.
If you can still grenade launcher, grenade launcher attachment to your rifle, Danger Close and One Man Army perk in Black Ops I defiantly will not even both with this.
That stupid combo ruined MW2 multiplayer for me. Nothing more lame then people spamming stupid noob tubes all day long. Takes 0 skill to do but nets you tons of kills. Might rent/borrow if Single Player is really cool.
It is fixed.
Stayed up some hour tonight for the release and leveled up to 15. Great game so far. However, its really hard to find a server its not lagging on now. i guess release problems. if u want to buy it for PC multiplayer i would wait a few days, see what happens.
altough this helped my framerate quite (console command): com_maxfps 300
I was gonna buy it until I discovered they're still charging 60 euro's for it on Steam.. Shit is way to expensive for my budget.. Hopefully they're gonna have a weekend offer or something
Yeh, dont buy it on steam :P even if buy from store u will have to put it on steam and it will work just as you would have gotten it from there. but cheaper.
I was gonna buy it until I discovered they're still charging 60 euro's for it on Steam.. Shit is way to expensive for my budget.. Hopefully they're gonna have a weekend offer or something
Wow, are you guys playing SP or MP? I haven't tried SP yet (Going in now) but the MP so far is making me want my cash back, its soooo buggy and runs like utter trash, which is odd as it doesn't look as good as MW2 even...?
I'll try SP, hoping its good!
Damn, SP is just as poor, laggy as hell (Not Frame rate, thats something else...) and them ouse just randomly decides to go faster/slower depending on what I'm looking at...
Odium. Have you ever liked a game? In like... the last 10 years?
Just sayin cause you're dissin all of them. Crazy high standards? Letting one bug keep you down? etc
As for me. Not tried it yet. But i will. Played all of the cod's. Loved all of them aswell.
Erm, I've posted a few threads where I've liked a game. It just gets overlooked because people only catch on to flame back. Simples really. As a HUGE COD nerd and somebody who put far too many hours in MW2, theres every chance I'll bloody LOVE this game... But an important part of liking a game is being able to play it, and ATM the bugs, steam issues, lag and frame rate problems won't let me do that. If you think its just me, check out the steam forums atm, ohhh boy is it getting slated. If you think me moaning about the mouse being odd or the random lag/fps issues is bad, wait until you see whats being said there
Btw, I'm not a grumpy person by nature, nor do I have high standards at all. It just comes off that way as most of the time I'll only post if a games amazingly awesome or terribly poor, and there haven't been too many amazingly awesoem games this year
Easily the best Single Player story in any CoD game so far, even if it's rather personal it's coherent and actually very interesting, it ramps up rather nicely near the end, though the ending isn't what I'd liked it to be.
As for the Co-Op modes: They're a blast, the zombie arcade mode and classic Zombie modes are incredibly fun, combat training is also a nice place to rack up kills and try out tactics with some friends.
Well they brought back dedicated servers, nerfed tubes and launchers, made the grenade strong again, removed retarded and unbalanced perks (stopping power, danger close etc), implemented leaning again, gave me the option to adjust FOV in the options menu, lets me see ping on my scoreboard with numbers, lets me browse servers with a browser, lets me customize my emblem, character and weapons in more varied ways than MW 2 and in general isn't an unbalanced mess like MW 2 was.
Issues so far are the already mentioned FPS drops, freezes and other hiccups. The game also lacks the "polish" seen in IW's games, from level design to texture work, a lot of it can seem rather sloppy. Be it the 5 inch fence you can't jump over, or the ugly UV seam on the Dragunovs wood, however it's all negligible when you're actually having fun with the game.
For now I'm blaming the performance issues on lack of testing and ATIs drivers (again), so I'll play now and then and wait a bit till a patch is released before giving it a good run with some mates.
Also for the Record:
Remember MW 2 at launch? Remember Bad Company 2?
Yeah, just chill and wait. We're PC gamers, this is how it's always been since patching became routine.
between the silly hard drive space requirements (24gb for installation from steam! 8gb total!), the reports of a buggy launch, and a personal distaste for dedicated server communities (24 player free for all on an 12 player map never seems to happen with matchmaking), i guess im gonna get the exbawx version.
On the topic of dedicated servers: Ranked servers ( which net you exp and money) have limited admin control, you can change gamemodes, have 18 players (like on console) and kick people (possibly ban) and they come with VAC. Unranked servers can have 24 players, lets you muck about with settings and all that jazz, but you get no exp and shit.
They filtered both, so you know what you're getting when you joining.
And honestly I'd take dedicated server communities over matchmaking with some random guy who hacked his files making the entire match break and autounlocking all my challenges and shit :P
I know I should be looking through the thread but this is an easy question if you have played Medal of Honor.
What's the length of this game compared to Medal of Honor. I finished M.O.H in about 2 days (5-6 hours) and was kind of disappointed.
I know I should be looking through the thread but this is an easy question if you have played Medal of Honor.
What's the length of this game compared to Medal of Honor. I finished M.O.H in about 2 days (5-6 hours) and was kind of disappointed.
A bit longer than that, but not by much. If you plow through it on easy difficulty you get 6 hours. Crank up the difficulty and play slow and it'll be slower. Imo it doesn't matter, the mission variation and the story alone makes me want it to be short, because I want to see what comes next.
And honestly I'd take dedicated server communities over matchmaking with some random guy who hacked his files making the entire match break and autounlocking all my challenges and shit :P
well yeah i agree, admin control > fucked up matchmaking, but afaik mw2 is the only game that's matchmaking got brutalized like that. Never happened with gears or halo or killzone or any other big console games with matchmaking only.
Well they brought back dedicated servers, nerfed tubes and launchers, made the grenade strong again, removed retarded and unbalanced perks (stopping power, danger close etc), implemented leaning again, gave me the option to adjust FOV in the options menu, lets me see ping on my scoreboard with numbers, lets me browse servers with a browser, lets me customize my emblem, character and weapons in more varied ways than MW 2 and in general isn't an unbalanced mess like MW 2 was.
Didn`t buy MW2, but now I`m sold!
Ohh wait, 3999 pennies on Steam!! FFFUUUU!!!
Bought anyway, adjustable fov, dedi servers alone suggest the guys at Treyarch listen to the hardcor(ish) fanbase :thumbup:
Been having some problems with the multiplayer on PC, it's pretty much been unplayable since i got it midnight on launch date. Every server lags and i cant join any wager match servers 'cause all of them are always full
Been having some problems with the multiplayer on PC, it's pretty much been unplayable since i got it midnight on launch date. Every server lags and i cant join any wager match servers 'cause all of them are always full
I've been having the same type of "stuttering" problem. Has to do with some resource usage for dual core cpu's.
Bought anyway, adjustable fov, dedi servers alone suggest the guys at Treyarch listen to the hardcor(ish) fanbase :thumbup:
That am im sure the guys at Treyarch would love any chance to give a big fuck you to IW from all the seeming hate they get from them.
Really glad to hear noob tubing has been nerfed. Might pick this up now as I LOVED MW2 single and multi until everyone started using tubes.
Not having killstreaks rack up more killstreaks will be interesting. Should make things more fair though that was the only way I could ever get to drop my AC130
Lag is much better today. it seems to depend on server to server.
The biggest problem is that i cant join a game with my friends, we cant get on the same team
Hehe started shooting down everyones choppers and planes, they were as annoying as mw2 (at release) until i got my rocket launcher :P
I am having fun, except when the lag kicks in, which is pretty much my rage button <
Also sad to see the Theater mode not actually recording my games I mean I have a goddamned terrabyte of free space, let me set how much videos I want to store
multiplayer is a goddamn studdering hiccup fest, and you can't play with your friends on the same team as you (on PC). Oh, and you need to disconnect from the server if you want to change up your loadouts, so good luck getting back on the same team as your friend.
Modern Warfare 2 had its faults, but this is a giant step back MW2, and the small steps forward (no OMA/tube, killstreaks don't add to your streaking, dedicated servers) do not make up for the tremendous step back in usability and functionality.
And as a final kick in the nuts, the multiplayer portion, at least, is a significant step back from Modern Warfare 2's visual bar, with maps that feature significantly less clutter, and more boxy, inorganic shapes. The levels also feel much more arbitrary in their layout and less believable than Modern Warfare 2's.
I gotta say the single player of this game was amazing, I loved every second of it.
Nazi Zombies are always incredibly fun too, its a shame the online multi player is so shit. Its fucking infuriating seeing kill cams of me bending over and pulling my pants down to let the other player have a free kill when I was definitely firing a full clip back at them.
Why did they go through all that trouble to stop the rocket launch, then realize, oh we can just shoot it down with this fucking missile launcher that just happened to magically fall out of this electrical box.
why couldnt they shoot a missile or even big bullets into the rocket from far away like where you started. so far the game is riddled with these kinds of things. Not saying they should get rid of these situations, just that they should have tweaked the story details to make the missions more believable.
Odium: are you playing on PC. seems like you have very bad luck with games\steam in general on PC. play console man. at least then you wont have so many technical issues that take away from your gaming experience.
I don't know if I have any stuttering cause shit won't even start. Screen goes black directly when I join a game. Same thing with sp. I have to reboot after every try. When windows starts again my second monitor is extended. I usually just have it activated when gaming in the sofa so wtf?
I'm a hard core battlefield player. I hate how CoD style game play makes real snipers irrelevant. also, i find the maps tiny. Is Black Ops different? Do you think someone who like massive maps (like in Battlefiled Bad Company 2) could appreciate black ops multiplayer?
RoosterMAP, no absolutely not. tiny maps are tiny and a sniper of what u are describing would not like it. its a totally different game.
I like this game more and more :P got a setup with AK74U with faster bullets, steady aim pro, ninja pro, and scavenger pro. and a jammer. totally badass hehe
I really enjoyed the last game (gameplay-wise) but the server system was terrible.
If i'm buying it, it'll definitely be for PC.
I initially was really looking forward for MW2 but I just cant play it anymore as it is extremely painful to watch with all its issues from a hardcore gamer perspective. I wasnt interested in this game at all until recently.
I am picking it up because of the following: Dedicated servers, console(command), noobtube rain dealt with, kills with killstreak awards does not any-longer count for more killstreak awards.
Gah so anyways, while im posting this it has come to my attention that the dedicated servers seems to be only availible through one company (GameServers) who will host and if you want to have a ranked servers for 12 months that will be over 150 Dollars... Fuck fuck fuck...
So my conclusion about this game is to wait for release buy it and hopefully not get anally raped... again... Al-tough this time around I know it might happen.
Hey and Winterlord, is it really true, you can't get extra killstreak awards with killstreaks themselves? That's interesting, should make playing online a bit more relaxed.
maybe black ops will be good.
That stupid combo ruined MW2 multiplayer for me. Nothing more lame then people spamming stupid noob tubes all day long. Takes 0 skill to do but nets you tons of kills. Might rent/borrow if Single Player is really cool.
It is fixed.
Stayed up some hour tonight for the release and leveled up to 15. Great game so far. However, its really hard to find a server its not lagging on now. i guess release problems. if u want to buy it for PC multiplayer i would wait a few days, see what happens.
altough this helped my framerate quite (console command): com_maxfps 300
GT Review
Maybe try here, a bit cheaper
i just dont want to own all the noobs...(i wish)
some great character art and scripted scenes by the looks of it, definitely buying this
I'll try SP, hoping its good!
Damn, SP is just as poor, laggy as hell (Not Frame rate, thats something else...) and them ouse just randomly decides to go faster/slower depending on what I'm looking at...
Think I'll wait for the patch... Shame...
Just sayin cause you're dissin all of them. Crazy high standards? Letting one bug keep you down? etc
As for me. Not tried it yet. But i will. Played all of the cod's. Loved all of them aswell.
Btw, I'm not a grumpy person by nature, nor do I have high standards at all. It just comes off that way as most of the time I'll only post if a games amazingly awesome or terribly poor, and there haven't been too many amazingly awesoem games this year
As for the Co-Op modes: They're a blast, the zombie arcade mode and classic Zombie modes are incredibly fun, combat training is also a nice place to rack up kills and try out tactics with some friends.
Well they brought back dedicated servers, nerfed tubes and launchers, made the grenade strong again, removed retarded and unbalanced perks (stopping power, danger close etc), implemented leaning again, gave me the option to adjust FOV in the options menu, lets me see ping on my scoreboard with numbers, lets me browse servers with a browser, lets me customize my emblem, character and weapons in more varied ways than MW 2 and in general isn't an unbalanced mess like MW 2 was.
Issues so far are the already mentioned FPS drops, freezes and other hiccups. The game also lacks the "polish" seen in IW's games, from level design to texture work, a lot of it can seem rather sloppy. Be it the 5 inch fence you can't jump over, or the ugly UV seam on the Dragunovs wood, however it's all negligible when you're actually having fun with the game.
For now I'm blaming the performance issues on lack of testing and ATIs drivers (again), so I'll play now and then and wait a bit till a patch is released before giving it a good run with some mates.
Also for the Record:
Remember MW 2 at launch? Remember Bad Company 2?
Yeah, just chill and wait. We're PC gamers, this is how it's always been since patching became routine.
between the silly hard drive space requirements (24gb for installation from steam! 8gb total!), the reports of a buggy launch, and a personal distaste for dedicated server communities (24 player free for all on an 12 player map never seems to happen with matchmaking), i guess im gonna get the exbawx version.
They filtered both, so you know what you're getting when you joining.
And honestly I'd take dedicated server communities over matchmaking with some random guy who hacked his files making the entire match break and autounlocking all my challenges and shit :P
What's the length of this game compared to Medal of Honor. I finished M.O.H in about 2 days (5-6 hours) and was kind of disappointed.
well yeah i agree, admin control > fucked up matchmaking, but afaik mw2 is the only game that's matchmaking got brutalized like that. Never happened with gears or halo or killzone or any other big console games with matchmaking only.
Didn`t buy MW2, but now I`m sold!
Ohh wait, 3999 pennies on Steam!! FFFUUUU!!!
Bought anyway, adjustable fov, dedi servers alone suggest the guys at Treyarch listen to the hardcor(ish) fanbase :thumbup:
I've been having the same type of "stuttering" problem. Has to do with some resource usage for dual core cpu's.
That am im sure the guys at Treyarch would love any chance to give a big fuck you to IW from all the seeming hate they get from them.
Really glad to hear noob tubing has been nerfed. Might pick this up now as I LOVED MW2 single and multi until everyone started using tubes.
Not having killstreaks rack up more killstreaks will be interesting. Should make things more fair though that was the only way I could ever get to drop my AC130
The biggest problem is that i cant join a game with my friends, we cant get on the same team
Hehe started shooting down everyones choppers and planes, they were as annoying as mw2 (at release) until i got my rocket launcher :P
Also sad to see the Theater mode not actually recording my games
For those who are playing, is Black Ops a step above the usual Treyarch COD knockoff?
Modern Warfare 2 had its faults, but this is a giant step back MW2, and the small steps forward (no OMA/tube, killstreaks don't add to your streaking, dedicated servers) do not make up for the tremendous step back in usability and functionality.
And as a final kick in the nuts, the multiplayer portion, at least, is a significant step back from Modern Warfare 2's visual bar, with maps that feature significantly less clutter, and more boxy, inorganic shapes. The levels also feel much more arbitrary in their layout and less believable than Modern Warfare 2's.
You can unlock this song in the game if you find all the 3 hidden pieces.
It is like playing on crack.
Nazi Zombies are always incredibly fun too, its a shame the online multi player is so shit. Its fucking infuriating seeing kill cams of me bending over and pulling my pants down to let the other player have a free kill when I was definitely firing a full clip back at them.
Why did they go through all that trouble to stop the rocket launch, then realize, oh we can just shoot it down with this fucking missile launcher that just happened to magically fall out of this electrical box.
why couldnt they shoot a missile or even big bullets into the rocket from far away like where you started. so far the game is riddled with these kinds of things. Not saying they should get rid of these situations, just that they should have tweaked the story details to make the missions more believable.
Odium: are you playing on PC. seems like you have very bad luck with games\steam in general on PC. play console man. at least then you wont have so many technical issues that take away from your gaming experience.
Going to upgrade drivers today.
your such a baddie. SPONSOR ME!!!
I like this game more and more :P got a setup with AK74U with faster bullets, steady aim pro, ninja pro, and scavenger pro. and a jammer. totally badass hehe