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  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    rolfness wrote: »
    District 9 looks better than this
    District 9 looks better than most other movies.

    I haven't seen this movie though, since from the trailer I thought it looked like they took "generic" to new levels.

    It's a bit sad that this is mostly how movies are. 100% on cg and action and 0% on great writing. I just don't understand why they can't combine both for all those millions spent.
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    Sucks to hear Skyline sucked it looked interesting.

    This movie has caught my interest.

    Battle:Los Angeles (Similar to Skyline it seems)



    SuckerPunch (just plain cool)

  • Ride
    Sadly the word is that Battle Los Angeles sucks. There's been a couple of screeners and apparently it was just nonstop shakycam action.
  • crazyfool
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    crazyfool polycounter lvl 13
    Yea I thought it was a pile of trash too. The whole film just felt like a crap tv show due to the bad/non existent scene lighting and poor cinematography. It was like they were trying to get a cloverfield feel to it but its completely out of context here and the cameraman was just mucking about most of the time. When I saw batista from dexter was in it I lowered my expectation completely but seems hes the only smart character in the whole movie and probably the best actor there, the lead was good but I hated him for being such an idiot all the way through and the ending grrrrrrrr. The whole film is full of 'what? nobody would do that,' like you normally see in a dumb horror movie.

    So many stupid moments that pee me off,
    like the crazy narrow escape they have on the rooftop with the fighterjet rolling over them, how the lead got special powers, how he kept his weird ginger chest hair to himself, the monster design, the no motivation of the aliens (they are more like parasites) and the last 2-3 minutes completely destroyed everything.
    Terrible terrible ending, actually its probably on par with the worst in cinema history for me, felt like someone changed reels at the cinema by mistake.

    In the rating system of spill.com I give this a big ol......F@#k You. Actually made me angry after watching it.
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    Aw well that's disappointing oh well.
  • Crash
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    Crash polycounter lvl 18
    Bad. So fucking bad.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 18

    This movie has caught my interest.

    Battle:Los Angeles (Similar to Skyline it seems)


    Heard an interesting rumor about this movie... I guess it's actually the same FX company that worked on both.... essentially, skyline is to Battle: Los Angeles as Antz was to A Bug's Life. Be interesting to see how good that one is.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    I keep hearing about how the ending is amazingly terrible. Given I have no intention of paying to see this rubbish, could we get a spoilered run down on what actually happens?
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