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polycounter lvl 11
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Andreas polycounter lvl 11

This is looking like the cats pyjamas. Also Angel from Dexter is in it :) That shot of the people getting abducted is terrifying, great sound design. Wonder if there'll be a 3D version?


  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Looks awesome. And hey, Scrubs is in there! Good to see him in an actual movie.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Yeah it looks great, lets hope the movie is actually good. They've been visual directors on quite a few good movies, but some bunk ones as well. Directing a movie is entirely different. The trailers look great, so I'm crossing my fingers in hopes of awesomeness.
  • jocose
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    jocose polycounter lvl 11
    Seams like the writing and acting will be crap. It was short, and was a trailer, so maybe I will be proven wrong later.

    Doesn't really matter though because the meat and potatoes of this course will be the special FX either way. That much was made perfectly clear.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I saw an ARG sort of trailer a few weeks ago and thought it would be some fancy movie. Once I saw the actual trailers though I was kind of disappointed. It looks like a crappier version of War of the Worlds. Probably won't see it in theaters.
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    hahaha its directed by the brothers strauss.....their other director offering was AVP:R.....which was fuckin atrocious haha. they might be good FX supervisors but I guess this will be their chance to redeem themselves are directors.

    looks alright, bunch of tv actors and a war of the worlds lookin plot from what I gathered, but who knows could be neato.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    Looks awesome. And hey, Scrubs is in there! Good to see him in an actual movie.

    ~ And not just ANY scrubs. Black scrubs :)
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    First trailer had me semi-interested. Then the TV commercials started and showed all the aliens. Now it looks like a War of the Worlds knockoff.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14

    I thought this already came out 14 years ago??

  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Bigjohn wrote: »
    Looks awesome. And hey, Scrubs is in there! Good to see him in an actual movie.

    When you say Scrubs I think of JD instead of Turk :/
    Also milo from 24 is in there!

    Anyway the movie looks very generic to me.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    looks like chocolate bear looks like he gets in his car and gets stepped on.. :D
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Yozora wrote: »
    When you say Scrubs I think of JD instead of Turk :/
    Also milo from 24 is in there!

    Anyway the movie looks very generic to me.

    Yeah, apparently that's the case for most people. Which is interesting, cause for me and my friends, we always called that guy Scrubs, and the other guy White Scrubs.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Skyline, Crysis called, they want their aliens back!
  • Filbot
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    Filbot polycounter lvl 12
    gsokol wrote: »

    I thought this already came out 14 years ago??


    I'm with gsokol on this...

    But hawt damn I really want some skyline chili right about now... now to figure out the best way to order some online and have it shipped across the country.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Special FX look awesome even if it is an independance day/crysis rip off. Acting looks AWFUL and the main white guy in this has to be one of the biggest looking tools ever.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    ebagg wrote: »
    Hey Skyline, Crysis called, they want their aliens back!

    Haha true I guess! :D
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Monsters looks like a better giant alien monster movie by far
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    looks a little more interesting. I think I can already spot the EVIL US ARMY plot a mile off though. Also, does anyone else think the 'monsters' title at the end looks like someone whipped it up for the sci fi channel in a few hours?
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    Why do movies like this always make me feel sick to my stomach? :(
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I was very interested in that trailer until I saw that tentacle at the end :( Hopefully it's not indicative of the overall quality of the CG in this movie.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    this is why i live in the country! yeehaw!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Seems like a highly experimental movie to me. How much non-interactive CG can we show in the background while saving as much money on the foreground as possible? The dude from dexter left a really bad taste in my mouth as the bad guy in The Expendables.

    We'll see how well effects artists can carry a movie, doesn't look like they have a lot of costs to recover.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Seems like a highly experimental movie to me. How much non-interactive CG can we show in the background while saving as much money on the foreground as possible?

    If I am not mistaken by how I read your statement that is what 300 did. A few foreground elements were created and everything else was CG and 300 was awesome.
    We'll see how well effects artists can carry a movie.

    Have you ever seen transformers? A movie dosnt have to be good to make a shit ton of money.
  • PogoP
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    PogoP polycounter lvl 10
    Angel Batista's in there, from Dexter ;D

    Looks crap though.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Well say what you want about 300 and transformers, 300 had some amazing interactive action sequences that brought the action right into the very formidable actors, and in transformers the effects actually had a lot of character and charm. I see no saving grace in this movie outside of cool looking far off space ships.

    Haha, damn it Anthony I thought we were agreeing on something for once.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Well say what you want about 300 and transformers, 300 had some amazing interactive action sequences that brought the action right into the very formidable actors, and in transformers the effects actually had a lot of character and charm. I see no saving grace in this movie outside of cool looking far off space ships.

    Oh I meant 300 was awesome, I love 300, fantastic movie all around. And transformers dose have great effects. You were saying it will be interesting too see how well effects artists can carry a movie and in my opinion they carried Transformers, especially 2.
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Maaaaannn this movie sucked! :(

    The black guy dies
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    oh geeze dont even bother, zombie aliens is the only way i could even make since of this movie, and its not as awesome as it sounds
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Worst 8 quid I have spent in living memory. Avoid. :(
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ The movie has no plot... Whatsoever.
  • Taylor Hood
    Well...I went to see it and it was abysmal.

    If anyone knows about Total Biscuit and his live podcast, he too said it was horrible.
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    This was the first time I've ever felt really pissed after seeing a movie. My god this movie was horrible.
  • Zack Fowler
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    Zack Fowler polycounter lvl 11
    Absolute and utter garbage. One of the worst films I've ever seen. The VFX work doesn't even come close to being good enough to redeem how completely awful every other aspect of the movie is. I left the theater feeling numb, my brain overloaded from trying to process the unrelenting barrage of stupidity. I seriously could not think straight for an hour after the film ended. Skyline makes Transformers look like 2001: A Space Odyssey.
  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
    ebagg wrote: »
    Hey Skyline, Crysis called, they want their aliens back!

  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Lots of potential smothered in . . . bullshit.
    A) It's like they remade some aliens tv show from the 50's.
    B) They must have run out of money 2/3 of the way through the film, as that's about where it cuts off.
    C) I feel like they were trying mash together Independence Day, Crysis, District 9, and Gears of War. Which could have been cool if the story had the character's doing something
  • willy-wilson
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    willy-wilson polycounter lvl 8
    what my friend said about the movie after leaving "hey maybe we should do something, well lets think about doing something, we could do something... lets just not do anything."
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I was suckered in by Transformers 2. No more. I am not going to see this movie, I don't care how cool the effects are. The critical paddling it's receiving is savage. It's time Hollywood got the message that slick effects do not make up for terrible storytelling.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    so the movie is as bad as the trailers look? whodathunk?
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    so the movie is as bad as the trailers look? whodathunk?

    This was a bit of a bait and switch situation. The very first trailers for this movie looked incredible. But they didn't feature any of the actors in those, just the special effects shots. They were also understated, and built tension.

    Once they started releasing trailers with actors and acting in them, everything fell apart, and the awfulness of the film became apparent.
  • Sean VanGorder
    Shame, I'm a fan of the Scrubs dude.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    So the movie sucked balls. The graphics and the animation were awesome. The movie would've won the first price if the modeling and animation was put to a good use.

    First off. If there is an Alien invasion you do not go to the 20th floor and hide. You got to the basement, and lock yourself in until someone finds you or the stuff is over. You do not go to the garage to get your fansy car out and drive off with your sexy assistant, which'll get you killed.

    Second off all. Do not interfere with Army people as they are being punted by the Aliens regardless, they dont want to get punted while listening to your nag.

    Thirdly. Do not attempt to escape the place to go to the beach. (why the hell would anyone wanna go to the beach if the war is declared)....:S

    Fourthly. Do not ask anyone to stop smoking or quit smoking since he may be having his /her last cigarette of his/her life.

    Fifthly. Do not go to the roof to find out what just happened if you have a damn balcony facing the same direction. o.o

    I fell a sleep after counting these out since the movie bored me to death. When I wokeup it was the ending and the preg lady was still alive. and I was like..Damn!

    Seriously who ever wrote the storyline should be pissed on by the CG aritsts and concept artists, then get shot 2ice. First time for wasting the entire effort ( regardless of being paid for it) Second time for putting up with him and his storyline.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    So the movie sucked balls. The graphics and the animation were awesome. The movie would've won the first price if the modeling and animation was put to a good use.

    First off. If there is an Alien invasion you do not go to the 20th floor and hide. You got to the basement, and lock yourself in until someone finds you or the stuff is over. You do not go to the garage to get your fansy car out and drive off with your sexy assistant, which'll get you killed.

    Second off all. Do not interfere with Army people as they are being punted by the Aliens regardless, they dont want to get punted while listening to your nag.

    Thirdly. Do not attempt to escape the place to go to the beach. (why the hell would anyone wanna go to the beach if the war is declared)....:S

    Fourthly. Do not ask anyone to stop smoking or quit smoking since he may be having his /her last cigarette of his/her life.

    Fifthly. Do not go to the roof to find out what just happened if you have a damn balcony facing the same direction. o.o

    I fell a sleep after counting these out since the movie bored me to death. When I wokeup it was the ending and the preg lady was still alive. and I was like..Damn!

    Seriously who ever wrote the storyline should be pissed on by the CG aritsts and concept artists, then get shot 2ice. First time for wasting the entire effort ( regardless of being paid for it) Second time for putting up with him and his storyline.

    According to imdb this is the writers' first job. They used to be visual effects guys. Also the comments you've made(I haven't seen the movie) reminds me a lot of AvP2. That movie had it's share of really stupid moments too that didn't really make sense.
  • Arkadius
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    Arkadius polycounter lvl 13
    Goraaz wrote: »
    According to imdb this is the writers' first job. They used to be visual effects guys. Also the comments you've made(I haven't seen the movie) reminds me a lot of AvP2. That movie had it's share of really stupid moments too that didn't really make sense.

    Funny AvP2 was directed by the same people. I've avoided this movie, looks like the CG is nice too, but not enough for me to spend 10 bucks :/
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Disappointing trailer, Monsters looks way better
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Goraaz wrote: »
    According to imdb this is the writers' first job. They used to be visual effects guys. Also the comments you've made(I haven't seen the movie) reminds me a lot of AvP2. That movie had it's share of really stupid moments too that didn't really make sense.

    Sorry sir, I shouldnt've been ticked off and write the spoiler like this. :(

    I thought it went to the 3rd page quickly so everyone've watched it.

    Kinda having this type incidents 2ice in a day.

    Apologeeze again.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Nitewalkr wrote: »
    Sorry sir, I shouldnt've been ticked off and write the spoiler like this. :(

    Given the paddling everyone is giving the movie, I don't think it's necessary to apologize for spoilers. You have to call spoiler alert when referring to a movie that everyone wants to see, and doesn't want to have spoiled. When the movie is universally reviled, you're probably doing everyone a favor by posting spoilers. Now we'll know what happens in the movie without having to go see it ourselves.

    It's more of a community service for a film like this, no offense taken.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    Given the paddling everyone is giving the movie, I don't think it's necessary to apologize for spoilers. You have to call spoiler alert when referring to a movie that everyone wants to see, and doesn't want to have spoiled. When the movie is universally reviled, you're probably doing everyone a favor by posting spoilers. Now we'll know what happens in the movie without having to go see it ourselves.

    It's more of a community service for a film like this, no offense taken.
    Yes, I agree with Richard Kain. I usually stay away from threads before I've seen the movie/played the game since some people forget the spoiler tag. No need to apologize, Nitewalkr.
    But yeah, I know it's the same guys that made AvP2, hence the comment regarding AvP2. What's amazing to me is that this is one high budget movie and these writers managed to get the job without any experience. I'm guessing they were friends of the directors or something like that. It's like Kevin Smith said; "In Hollywood you kind of fail upwards".
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    District 9 looks better than this
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    rolfness wrote: »
    District 9 looks better than this

    Sad but true, District 9 was good I thought the whole idea was at least interesting.
    They stayed in that fucking building the entire movie!!!
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    ebagg wrote: »
    Hey Skyline, Crysis called, they want their aliens back!

  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    I downloaded this last night, yeah yeah save the argument about how piracy is horrible and I have no soul. I was up super late working on an art test and figured hey toss it up on my second screen and watch / listen while I work. I should have kept listening to the sweet harmony of Phil Collins.

    Looks sexy but other then that it was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Just when it started to pick up there was only about 20 minutes left in the movie. I was like uhhhh what the fuck. There is no way this is gonna end well. Nope. No redemption. Nothing.

    Just a steaming pile of shit.

    Pissed I wasted bandwidth on it.
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