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Mari (3D paint app) for Windows released

polycount lvl 666
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PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
For those that have been waiting on Mari coming to Windows (Linux only till now) Its been released. There's a demo can grab at the Foundarys website:


I haven't tried it yet myself, but apparently you better be running one beast of a rig for it to be usable. Also note that its 100% projection based (unlike Mudbox) doing any navigation after strokes have been laid down will create a momentary pause while it bakes the paint down.

Also, cgtalk thread where the reps have been answering tech questions and such:



  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    my comp will explode. but it looks sweet :D
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    i've tried this a couple days ago and while my machine specs seem high enough, it just keeps on crashing. seems VERY sensitive to at least gfx hardware and driver version for now.

    is this their initial windows version?
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I dont buy their "it scales up beautifully" bullcrap. My computer was build by my IT guy to be a Mudbox and Zbrush beast (it is) yet Mari running on it cannot load a medium poly basemesh at a smooth framerate. Working on Avatar with that thing must have been a nightmare!
  • maze
    I used the beta version of Mari for windows some months ago, although program looks great, I was having the same issues as you Pior, so I stopped using it. Its bad to hear that this still persists havent try the version they just released, I'll give it a try... hope I can "use" it this time!
  • Kraftwerk
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    Kraftwerk polycounter lvl 19
    Looks delicious, but not working with ATI not cool at all...
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
    pior wrote: »
    I dont buy their "it scales up beautifully" bullcrap. My computer was build by my IT guy to be a Mudbox and Zbrush beast (it is) yet Mari running on it cannot load a medium poly basemesh at a smooth framerate. Working on Avatar with that thing must have been a nightmare!

    It's funny dude, i can load 16000x16000px without a problem and its pretty fast here, whats your video card?
  • bugo
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    bugo polycounter lvl 17
  • CrazyMatt
    pior wrote: »
    I dont buy their "it scales up beautifully" bullcrap. My computer was build by my IT guy to be a Mudbox and Zbrush beast (it is) yet Mari running on it cannot load a medium poly basemesh at a smooth framerate. Working on Avatar with that thing must have been a nightmare!

    Well when it comes to an application like Mudbox you will need a bit of good hardware to run it.
    BUT, for an app like ZBrush. I am using 4 gigs of ram and an on-board VGA w/ no DirectX, OpenGL support and I can run ZBrush great.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    well i will definately give it another, I still have to compare between XPPro64 and Seven64. As for the texture res .... I just loaded a mesh a put down a stroke - it slowed down to a one digit FPS. No good!
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    pior wrote: »
    Mari running on it cannot load a medium poly basemesh at a smooth framerate

    it might just be another case of an app that is targeted at quadro graphics cards and for optimum performance relies on some niche feature that gamer cards don't have available to them. common issue in old-school 3d apps from the past.

    also making too many assumptions about the target hardware would be quite typical for (former) inhouse software.

    personally i was hoping for more apps going the way of zbrush though. so nice to have the gfx card out of the equation.
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