Hey Polybro's (Polysis')
Just recently got my tablet which means I can go nuts on some texturing. I would really like to learn how to hand paint my textures, but i will need some help learning how to.
(This includes UV's always need to practice those)

-I am a yearly subscriber to Digital Tutors so I will more then likely try to every single tut they have.
- I am also ordering the old damaged pillar dvd from Eat3d
But I was wondering what are some of your guys/gals favorite tutorials.
P.S I apologize if my sentences repeat or make no sense, been a long weekend and i am pooched!
Thanks for your time!
touche sir, touche.
yes yes a while ago, no worries thou I was actually looking for the thread!
1. get camera
2. go outside
3. take lots of pictures of stuff
4. go inside
5. study the pictures for hours
6. profit
That, and watch racers tuts as well! :P