Hi! Here's a vehicle I modeled for MechWarrior: Living Legends mod for Crysis. This will be a hover-tank. The separate pieces you see on the low poly image will be able to rotate for aiming.
Here's the link to the project's website:
Thanks for looking
hmm dunno but it seems you need some more spec map detail.its alredy looking good but you can improve it more...
iyi günler
Model looks nice, but I have to agree with igi on this one.
Thanks for the comments. I'm using a 1024x1024 texture now. It doesn't handle scratches very well. Actually, the model has a detail map containing scratches which is not visible from this distance. Maybe I should use some decals.
Of course you can go with decals. I don't know how they turn out in cry engine but in some engines you can encounter flickering of decals when viewed from far distances due to depth sorting isues at large distances. Also decals will take up additional texture space. So I thik if can manage to do it on your texture sheet you schould do so.
as far as your hoover tank goes. its looking fairly nice. i like the shapes and the design of the craft. "needs much more definitive weart&tear and dirt" i would have to agree. the scratches and dirt blend together and its hard to make out whats going on.
it might be a good idea to seperate out some of the panels on the surface so that some are lighter and darker. thats a trick i used on most of the mechs and it really helps break things up. i think the texture is up on the server but i made a base metal texture for all the mechs that people can use. i would recommend using that.
it might be good to increase your AO strength to make some of the panel lines show a bit better. some of them are hard to see. you could try adding a cavity map too.... that would help for sure.
anyway, enough nit-picking. i wish you and the MWLL team the best ill talk to you on TS sometime im sure.