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Feedback on my first attempts at models for UDK

Looking for feedback. Static assets for UDK.
These assets will be viewable from up close, but so will most of them. So I'm trying to go medium/high poly on a lot of my stuff.

I'm gunna be spending a long time making all modern day assets for a suspense/mystery/horror game.

It will take me a long time, so I'm hoping to set my standards for games maybe a year or two from now.

I'm new to UDK, so any feedback on these models would help a ton.

Thanks in advance, happy modeling!


  • Jonathan Marshall
    Here they are in jpg since polycount limits the gif dimensions so much. (funny since they were very tiny file sizes to begin with, I had them all down to under five colors)

    Thanks again.
  • cholden
    Offline / Send Message
    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    These models are not presented in UDK. This may be false advertising!

    All anal jokes aside, seeing them in game will be more of a selling point than in a modeling editor. Additionally, your materials will sell these props past their silhouette. That said, some may argue the dumpster is pretty fucking wide.

    Present these bad boys in UDK. Ask the technical questions you need to ask.
  • Jonathan Marshall
    Thanks Cholden. lol

    I was really trying to see if there were any glaring issues with the layout of my polys. I really am new to it, so far I've mostly just worked in evenly spaced quads on other models so they would import to ZBrush. And I've done nothing but organic. I'm trying to get a feel for how I should be approaching non-organic prop modeling.
  • cholden
    Offline / Send Message
    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    TBH, polygon use is going to be so subjective. This day and age with LODs and consoles pushing several million polygons on screen it's so subjective per project.

    As long as you're effinciently (spelling) using polygons you should be ok here. On any real game dev project, your lead should have these limitations outlined, and as a leader should let you know whenever anything is out of budget. For your own portfolio work, just keep is clean when it comes to modeling and keep moving forward. Nevertheless, take advice on optimizing to heart. If you can't see it, remove it.

    If you want to be a real hot-shot, include LOD steps examples. As a spoiled veteran, this is often left in an intern's hands, but we have to build these most of the time, as well as box collision.
  • Jonathan Marshall
    I was indeed hoping to do less LODs. I'm hoping the graphics cards of two years from now will consider today's "high-poly" very low. The other thing is that I REALLY hate the "jump" between them. It always seems so obvious to me.

    I do actually enjoy low-poly stuff sometimes though. I just feel it looks funny sometimes.

    Thanks again, Cholden.
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