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Hello Me and some of my friends will be making a game this year for a school project. But before we start working on the actual game we wanted to make sure that our main concept was good. To help us figure out a good concept we decided to make a study of what people want in a game. So it would be helpful if people answered these simple quetions.

What is your favourite videogame?
Why is it your favourite videogame?
What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun?
What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment?
And finally what genre is your favourite?

Thanks in advance:)


  • Taylor Hood
    1- World of Warcraft.
    2- It's WoW. I love the interaction in the community, the way everyone has a common interest, the amount of content, the attitude that the developers have is amazing and other stuff.
    3- Variety.
    4- Not sure...WoW? lol
    5- RPG

    I'd say make a game that has variety and lots of 'replay-ability' that will get people coming back to it and it will hold interest for longer.
  • evilblah
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    evilblah polycounter lvl 18
    What is your favourite videogame? - Front Mission 3

    Why is it your favourite videogame? - Has 2 Great Stories, Robot Customization, Strategy RPG, awesome combat, etc... it goes on and on.

    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun? - A compelling storyline that draws me in and makes me want to see what will happen or what I will do.

    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment? - Tie between Minecraft and Dead Rising 2...

    And finally what genre is your favourite? - RPG

    For me Game Story and Game Mechanic are the two big draws. I want to see the new shiny toy and I want to see how it is involved in it's world.
  • Zpanzer
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    Zpanzer polycounter lvl 8
    What is your favourite videogame?
    At this point I would say Mass Effect 1 is my favorite game
    Why is it your favourite videogame?
    Engaging story, great graphics, enough costumization and great action/gameplay
    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun?
    While I am a graphics whore, I love an engaging gameplay. I need to be sucked into the gameworld in order to really enjoy it.
    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment?
    Heroes of Newerth and Minecraft
    And finally what genre is your favourite?
  • Mark Dygert
    What is your favorite videogame? Half-Life, Moonbase commander is a super close 2nd tho.

    Why is it your favorite videogame? It had a great story about a crowbar. Considering its still installed I think I've gotten way more than what I paid for it. It had great puzzles, It had amazing AI, I had to actually had to think instead of run and gun. Some pretty awesome weapons, SNARKS! The multi player was addictive and once I found out they released tools to make content, I made a little crown for the box and called it king.

    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun? If you ever unlock that mystery, don't share it with anyone, instead just go print money, and when you have a garage full of Tesla roadsters then you should write a book detailing your methods.

    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment? Left 4 Dead2.

    And finally what genre is your favorite? I lean toward shooter, but I love a good puzzle game, I can get sucked into a RPG easily too. Mix them all together and I'll probably stomp on your balls until you make more.
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    What is your favourite videogame?
    Mass Effect
    Why is it your favourite videogame?
    Rich Story, Fun combat, decisions have consequences.

    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun?
    No idea specifically, take an idea and play test it to death

    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment?
    I'm really enjoying multiplayer supreme commander. most good games are 200x better when you can play them with friends.

    And finally what genre is your favourite?

    I dont have a definate favourite it depends on whats good at the time, usually FPS games or western RPGs
  • Vrav
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    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    What is your favourite videogame?

    :blank:Planescape: Torment

    Why is it your favourite videogame?

    :blank:Beautiful writing, thorough (enough) production quality. I also just love the Planescape setting, which Torment captures well!

    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun?

    :blank:Games need to assume some intelligence on the player's part. Let the player think, let them "play." This seems absent in many late releases. I know the majority still loves pressing A and running towards the marker on the minimap, but it's kind of disappointing.

    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment?

    :blank:TF2 is amazing. It's also the funniest!

    And finally what genre is your favourite?

    :blank:RPGs are great, but I really love turn-based strategy and stuff like Total War.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Probably the worst way to make a game. Do you not trust you own judgements?

    What people say is good doesnt neccesarily equate to true or a guarantee that what you make will be good, perhaps because you may not understand what makes it good.
  • KoldIt
    Calabi wrote: »
    Probably the worst way to make a game. Do you not trust you own judgements?

    What people say is good doesnt neccesarily equate to true or a guarantee that what you make will be good, perhaps because you may not understand what makes it good.

    I do trust my own judgments, but the fact is that making a game thats fun means that it should be fun for a broad audience. And doing this will help us see what people find fun. Basically what I´m saying is that our opinion of something isn´t the truth, and many people giving their opinions is better then just the developers giving theirs.

    I don´t know about you but I have thought many times that some games would be way better if developers would just listen to the fans.

    Anyways thanks for all the answers thus far and I hope there will be alot more:)
  • Mark Dygert
    yea don't trust my point of view of what gamers will like. I spend more time making games than playing them. I have a shelf full of games I picked up and probably should of played by now but haven't.

    In other words asking gear heads what they want might not appeal to the public at large....
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Have you guys modded before? what engine are you using? How many programmers/ artists do you have?

    These sorts of things are crucial to aiming your focus at the kind of game you're going to make. If you don't have a lot of resources, maybe a full blown story driven FPS with unique assets isn't the way to go.

    Often times the most successful games done by small developers are the ones who do something neat that no one's tried before. Narrative can be incredibly important to succeed in these kinds of games, or a single unique solid gameplay element.

    Here's an example of an incredibly simple game that struck me as pretty awesome recently because it tried some innovative story elements that play off of our stereotypes of what a game is supposed to be:

    Essentially i think you're doing this backwards. You're looking outward from your team to find out what you should make. Look at your teams unique strengths and think of how you can make a solid game with its on identity with the tools at your disposal.
  • bounchfx
    What is your favourite videogame?
    Either Yoshi's Island or Rock Band 2

    Why is it your favourite videogame?
    Because it's the best platformer ever made, has great music, great variety, and an amazing art style / because it lets me live out my rock and roll dream with awesome songs and incredible gameplay

    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun?
    fun. good design, fair play, and definitely responsive controls. your character or avatar should react accordingly.

    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment?
    current gen? Mario Galaxy 2 or Team Fortress 2

    And finally what genre is your favourite?
    Platformers and Music rhythm
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Make whatever you want, you'll have plenty of time to make games decided by focus groups and committees when you get a job in the game industry!
  • Zakk
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    Zakk polycounter lvl 9
    What is your favourite videogame?
    It's a tie between Mass Effect and WoW.

    Why is it your favourite videogame?

    For ME: I love the universe, awesome writing and solid gameplay.
    For WoW: Just can't look past the tons and tons of hours of fun that i've had with friends in that game.

    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun?
    Immersion. If i feel like i'm part of the story, i consider my money well spent.

    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment?
    I'm really having fun playing Minecraft at the moment :)

    And finally what genre is your favourite?
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Make whatever you want, you'll have plenty of time to make games decided by focus groups and committees when you get a job in the game industry!

  • EzMeow
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    EzMeow polycounter lvl 10
    Make whatever you want, you'll have plenty of time to make games decided by focus groups and committees when you get a job in the game industry!

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    this sounds like a bad way of choosing to me as well. You'll get a whole bunch of 'triple A game made by massive studio' favourite games.
    You are a student, working in an inexperienced team, with 1 year.. and probably other commitments study wise. Think really really hard about what is realistic for you to achieve, then divide that by 3, and there's your plan :)

    PS, the public don't know what they want till they've got it :)
    go back in time a year and ask around if a blocky looking game about digging and placing cubes would rake in $300,000 every day..
  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, what others are saying, make something YOU like, and most likely plenty of other people will have the same tastes as you and like it too.
    Trying to please everyone will just make it hell for you, you'll grow bored with the project faster, and it'll just lower the chances of you finishing anything at all.
  • Fragus
    Team Fortress 2
    Red Dead Redemption
    Team Fortress 2
    Open World
  • KoldIt
    Just to clarify we are not looking to make a full game. What we want to get out of these questions is an estimation of what people want. The game will either turn out to be really simple or really short but we just want to get a great starting concept.
  • ToothyMang
    What is your favourite videogame?
    Metal Gear Solid 3 (bit of a nut for that game)

    Why is it your favourite videogame?
    It was built with passion, which shines through in so many areas. Comes close to gaming perfection IMO.

    What do you think is the key factor that a game needs to have to be fun?
    Interesting mechanics, that leave the player plenty of room to think freely within the mechanics.

    What game do you feel is the funnest to play at the moment?
    Dead Rising 2, nothing more mindless fun than murdering zombies.

    And finally what genre is your favourite?
    I love real world puzzle type games. Like Half-Life, Portals, anything with great puzzles infused with the environment.
    Also love stealth games, but sadly, that genre has only a few gems, the rest is garbage.
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