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Render_Fisheye_Smoothing groups_ 3 Questions

polycounter lvl 8
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gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
Hey guys, I made a post on the master thread, but nobody answered, and i'm on a bit of a deadline here so time is of the essence.

My questions are

1.) How would I go about making a fisheye lens for the camera?

2.) Is there a way to do an actual render similar to max or maya?

3.) My bsp cylinders have obvious jags. Is there any way I can turn on smoothing groups to even out the obvious lines running down my walls.?


  • Parkar
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    Parkar polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys, I made a post on the master thread, but nobody answered, and i'm on a bit of a deadline here so time is of the essence.

    My questions are

    1.) How would I go about making a fisheye lens for the camera?

    2.) Is there a way to do an actual render similar to max or maya?

    3.) My bsp cylinders have obvious jags. Is there any way I can turn on smoothing groups to even out the obvious lines running down my walls.?

    1.) I would try to use a realy high fow along with a distorting material effect in the post process chain.

    2.) Not sure what you mean with an actual render. Any render is as actual as a max or maya render. You can render screenshots at super high resolution and turn all quality settings to max but you can't do any offline render through the game that will use some other renderer. You could build a scene that uses all kinds of effects and realtime lighting that just won't run well at all to get very nice looking shots. You would have to clarify what you mean with actual render to get any better answer.

    3.) Don't use BSP for cylinders.
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    2.) This is going to be a background for a point and click game. It doesn't have to run well. I know you're probably thinking "why don't you just render it in max?". Well the answer is, i'm not good at doing proper renders. I've never had to do it since college, and I don't really know how to do one well. I find the udk is much friendlier, and I could have sworn there was a way to do renders, but a screen grab will have to do if not.

    1.) I really would need a tutorial on how to do this. I have no idea where to even start.

    Here is what I have so far. This will be a background of a shot, but he wants it to have a fisheye lens effect. I can mess with the photo itself a bit in photoshop, but I was hoping for a bit of a better render. The lighting is a bit too vivid for my liking too, but I can try to tweak all of that stuff a bit, but the other stuff I have no clue where to even start.

  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    2. Unreal is a real-time game engine. It's constantly rendering frames. So fast that it could be 60+ frames every second! The idea of using a game engine to "render" a single frame is the exact opposite of the purpose of using the engine. So the answer to your second question is; your question is wrong.

    1 & 3; see parkar's post, and as a follow-up, Try The Google. Eat3d has a UDK post dvd
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    I have the dvd. But like I say, i'm kind of in a rush, and I don't have time to start going through all of this stuff. I know it's a real time game engine, but I thought it could still do renders. I could have sworn it did. Anyways, i'll use a grab, but I need to know about the fisheye.
  • JValencia
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    JValencia polycounter lvl 10
    2). Kinda. There is no exact "render" button in Unreal, you just do screen captures. One of the F keys (I think its F9) takes a screen capture it dumps it under UDKGame>Screenshots in the UDK installation folder.

    Or you could just hit PrintScreen on the keyboard.
    Or while your playing in the editor, hit TAB and type in "togglescreenshotmode" and hit enter. After, type "Tiledshot 6" and that should take a screen grab too.


    Was that it?
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    @juan: In your first image, you do TexCoord and a Constant 2 and add them together. I just couldnt understand that part. What exactly is that doing? I've seen it done in UDK materials though dont understand what its doing.
  • gannonroader
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    gannonroader polycounter lvl 8
    Hmm I'm going to have to make some adjustments to this, but it may work. I"ll let you know. Thank you very very much for taking the time out to make that tutorial. I have one more final question about this though, and I hope it doesn't sound too stupid. How do I attach this material to my camera?
  • Parkar
  • Thor Sowards
    so im just assuming you originally wanted to render out a video of the camera just rotating around that table you posted with a that fish eyed lens effect?

    I would use whats was mention before with the really wide fov along with the distorting material in your post process chain.

    If you actually wanted to "render" out a video from UDK here is what i would do-

    1) Set up or camera in kismet with it rotating around the table thing or whatever the hell you want to be doing in the video, using a matinee sequence.

    2) to trigger the sequence I would have it start with a level is loaded and visible node, so it starts right when the level is loaded, going into a toggle cinematic mode node, so no HUD elements are visible, with that plugged into the play of the camera matinee

    3) here is where you have 2 different options for getting the video that i know of
    a) Fraps it. easiest way to do it that i know of. just start fraping before you start up the level and stop whenever the cinematic is done. Wa-la video. biggest problem i know of with this is file sizes get HUGE. but I think now you can turn down the settings somewhere in fraps so that doesn't happen
    b) you can run a line of code in the .exe file so that what it pretty much does is take screen shots and saves them as bmp files in a screen shots folder which UDK will make whenever it starts up (that folder will be located in UDK Game I believe). Biggest prob with this one is it renders out a shitload of frames so you need enough disk space to be able to do it. and it takes awhile
    If you to go this route heres what you do.
    1) right click on the UDK Game icon and go into the properties

    2) in the shortcut tab under target at the very end of the after UDK.exe place this code
    the name of your map here -BENCHMARK -MAXQUALITYMODE -NOTEXTURESTREAMING -DUMPMOVIE -FPS=30 -ResX=1280 -ResY=720

    make sure you put the name of you map where it says too. now just hit apply and ok.

    3)now whenever you start the game your computer will slow do to a snails crawl and start dumping the frames. you might wanna go have a smoke or something at this point, it takes awhile.

    4) once the cinematic part is done exit outta UDK so you can work on you computer and open up premier or whatever program you want compile all the shots in and import em over and export it out as you video file.
    and there you have it, very own video from UDK. if your strapped for time or having some trouble I'd just fraps it, its alot easier that way. hope this helps :)

    heres where the official documentation on the screen shot part from udn. you can also change the settings of the screens shots too by altering the code a bit. the site explains hows to do that
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    You can "render" with Unreal if you use Tiledshot: http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/TakingScreenshots.html
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