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How do you setup your references in 3DS Max?

Hello, i've been lurking polycount for a long time. I've recently moved over to 3ds max, the modelling principles are pretty much the same as any other 3D package but I can't get the references right.

If I use the background image option then the images don't align and there seems to be no way to adjust them. If I use materials on planes then I can't see my reference in wireframe mode, where I spend most of my time.

So my question is this: How do you guys setup your references so your pictures are aligned and you can see them in wireframe?

Any help is appreciated, thanks.


  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    If your images are all the same dimensions, and lined up nicely in photoshop, they should line up fine in the viewport background...if thy don't I'd suggest fixing that first.

    If your images are set up nicely, then make sure you have 'Match Bitmap' checked under 'Aspect Ratio,' so the size doesn't change if you change your viewport size. Also make sure that you check 'Lock Zoom/Pan' so the image will zoom and pan along with everything else in your viewport.

  • Piflik
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    Piflik polycounter lvl 12
    I wrote a Script for automatic Reference setup...it also solves the Wireframe-problem, since the Refs are in a separate Layer and are always shaded.

    By default it uses the Settings I like best, but most of them can be toggled ;)
  • r_fletch_r
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    r_fletch_r polycounter lvl 9
    I never use the background image option. its buggy, losses alignment and doesnt display at the same fidelity as a plane with the correct shader

    I usually size a plane to the same proportions as my image and assign a standard material containing the map. its important to make sure hardware shading is enabled in the standard material to get the best fidelity out of the image. the standard material downscaled the image res otherwise.
  • Mark Dygert
    Yep, I use planes. I create a plane the dimensions of the image to get the aspect ratio correct, normally this is ginormous, so I scale it uniformly down to the right size.

    I take it one step further and I animate their opacity so I can toggle them on and off. You can either move the time slider to adjust the opacity or I like to set the time slider to 2 frames, Frame 0 = 100%, Frame 1 = 0% then use the > key to cycle through the keys, on or off.

    Also there are half a dozen scripts for max and maya floating around on scriptspot or creativecrash that take images and create billboards for you.
  • camza
    Thanks for the great suggestions guys. I've got my references lined up pretty perfectly on planes but I still need to make the planes visable in wireframe.


  • axxic3
    If your using the freeze method and image planes turn gray, this is the best fix I know of. Make the planes the correct size as the bitmap, apply the texture, then select the reference planes, right click> object properties. Then uncheck frozen in gray. Now you can freeze your planes using the right click context menu, then freeze selection. After this I just select the model I'm working on and alt+X. now its see through and I can see my reference. Now you won't accidentally move your reference planes. Just fyi in case someone comes to this ancient thread.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    ^or even object properties and -edited below- before freezing your reference and lower that a touch and you can maintain your working object visibility. - using opactiy to 70% lol oopsy.

    Ancient is the correct term here.
  • axxic3
    I'm having problems with references aligning as they should in 3ds. I'm using a top reference image of a plane I am working on along with a side view, but have problems when I can't find a perfect orthographic front view, and cant make it match up to the existing references.
    What workflow do you use to get everything to match up if the references aren't from the same source?


  • BunnyZ
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    BunnyZ null
    I also have problem with setting up my reference, I use the plane method, after I put material on it, the plane is just grey, I looked up in the object properties, still can't find the way to make the images appear, what should I do?
  • Eric Chadwick
    In the Material Editor, click the Show Material In Viewport button.
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