http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5Wsf31WIdY"]cam footage of the teaser trailer[/ame]
Rock, Paper, Shotgun: World Of Darkness Teased By CCPAha! Below youll see Ive posted some slightly dodgy footage taken by someone who attended the White Wolf convention, The Grand Masquerade, which is taking place in New Orleans at the moment. No game footage, its one of those animated concept art scene-setting things, but this is the first weve really seen of CCPs world on the World of Darkness MMO. It turned up in this thread on QT3. I cant see much more information than that at the moment, except that the game will be based on the older Masquerade system. More news as I dredge it. - Rock, Paper, Shotgun
MMO is based on VtM not VtR. 
So who here is working on this? Show of hands

Massively: World of Darkness confirmed
The best part for me is this:
This could be sooooooooooooo awesome. Too bad it isn't for 2-3 years.
Shame it's not the Troika guys working on it, though
Seriously. There needs to be a sequel to Bloodlines. In my opinion, the best vampire game ever.
I'm actually surprised at the lack of Vampire games this generation, considering how popular vamps are in other media (True Blood and whatnot). Not even a new Legacy of Kain.
Bigjohn, I agree, sequel would be great. Maybe this time with enough time to squash most of the bugs. Same with the cut content. Even with it's flaws, Bloodlines was simply awesome. The whole tone of the game was so gripping.