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maxscript problem, array modifier

polycounter lvl 15
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McGreed polycounter lvl 15
I got a problem with a modifier I'm trying to make in maxscript. The idea is to have an array as modifier on a object, so you can quickly and dynamically change properties on the clones. It works okay at first, but my problem is that the modifier doesn't know/remember its parent.

If you add the modifier on a box, you get a bunch of boxes, then add the modifier on a sphere and you get a bunch of sphere, but as soon as you do updates, it uses the wrong parent.

Anyone know how I can get around this?

You can get the script here. Just unpack it into Max's Scripts/Startup and there should be a Array Object modifier.


  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Hi McGreed,
    I gave a look at your code, haven't fixed it but I think I found the source of the issue. You declared a lot of global variables (usually a bad coding practice). Those variables are shared by every Array Object Modifier in the scene. If you create a Sphere, add your modifier and update the scene then in the listener type "Parent_Obj_Name" you'll get "Sphere01", then if you create a Box and do the same, you'll get "Box01" and whenever you modify parameters in an Array Object Modifier on Spheres or Boxes, it will access the value stored in the global variable "Parent_Obj_Name" which is now "Box01".

    You should put modifier related data into modifier scope. I guess you can add them to the parameter block, or make them local to the modifier rollout, I'm not sure on this, you should run some tests.

    As a side note, whenever you need variables in global scope, it is much better to define a structure holding them all, then create an instance declared as global with a quite unique name to avoid collision with other possible variables in the global scope by other scripts or plug-ins.
    struct MyStruct
        // ...
    global myPlugin_myStruct = MyStruct()
    -- then access the global structure with:
    // ...
    -- if it gets annoying using the full global name, you can use an alias:
    st = myPlugin_myStruct
    // ...
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Ahh cool, thanks I will look into that. I just thought I had to declare the variables and back then I couldn't really find the information about modifiers scripts, they all never seemed initiate at the start.

    So using the example you have there, all the values stays within the single modifier and not the scene?
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Hi McGreed,
    the sample I wrote about structures is very generic and shows a better coding practice when you need to declare many variables at global scope. If you define a structure containing all the variables you need, then instance the structure at global scope, you are exposing to the global scope a single "name", which is much better then declaring all your variables "names" in such scope.

    This procedure will not solve your issue anyway, because all modifiers would access the same variables in the same single global structure.

    I'm not a Plugin expert, but I guess you should add those variables to the parameter block. And I think you don't need to duplicate them all in the rollout, as you can access them directly. Look at: "Scripted Plug-in Clauses" in MaxScript Reference, section "Parameters".
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Ah great, thanks a lot, wouldn't have known where to look for this info, so thanks. :)
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