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High Poly Character- Hunter, Brotherhood of the Wolf inspired

polycounter lvl 10
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af3d polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys just finished putting together the high poly for this character inspired by Brotherhood of the Wolf. The character is french from the 17th century. I'm going to model a lantern and a pistol for him next. I think I need to break up the Symmetry a bit, perhaps with a second belt that loops around the overcoat. Thoughts, crits, and paint overs are most welcome!


  • WipEout
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    WipEout polycounter lvl 15
    I would recommend pushing the folds of the coat more, and try to make the corners of the flaps at the knees sharper-- they're suffering from Subdivision Syndrome!;) Pushing those folds would make for a good opportunity to break up the symmetry as well, but I think a shoulder strap like you mentioned is a good idea. The fingers could use more definition, too-- not just folds but shapes as well. Nice work!
  • af3d
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    af3d polycounter lvl 10
    holy crap I can't believe I forgot to fix those jacket corners, how embarrassing. Thanks for the feedback guys, I'll do my best to add some more form to the folds. The gloves hes wearing right now are super plane and I kind of hate the lack of character to them, my issue is I'm going to duplicate them across to save UV space. If anyone can link me to a pair of really interesting leather gloves to work off of it would make my day.
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