At work i use Maya 2009 Unlimited and we have an option enabled Preserve UV's" at home i use Max 2008,does it have the same option?
I also have Max 2010/11 in case they have it.
Also in Maya theres Delete Edge that when you select an edge or loop it removes the vert as well.
In Max in Editable Poly i click Remove under Edge Subobject it only removes the edge and leaves the Vert,again,any suggestions?
3DS Max got it as well, but use a shortcut for it, CTRL+Backspace removes edges and the vertexs.
To remove the verts as well just select the loop you want to remove and hold control when you click remove edge.
hope this helps
are you using a different max than i do? o_O
Also keep in mind that Reset Xform on the utilities tab is different than the Xform modifier. The only thing the xform modifier does is allow you to scale objects, in object mode, without effecting the object actual scale value. The utility adds this modifier and its pretty useless for what we use the utility for, which is disappointing because of this useless addition you have to collapse your stack.
The other added nasty bonus the utility does is reorient your objects pivot point to the world. for bones this is a death sentence, for anything you might use the local pivot for its a pain in the ass. Like scaling with the pivot set to local:
Which is hard to do when your local pivot no longer points out the top of your object but is realigned to the world Z up.
(Fun Fact: while testing it right now, I initially failed, because scaling in SubObject-Mode is kinda hardwired into my brain...facepalm-moment of the day...
First you turn on the listener, then you toggle preserveUV on/off to see what the commands are then you include those commands in a "if then else" statement and wrap it all in a macro script header. Then when you run the script, it shows up under the customize UI menu as something you can assign a shortcut to.
The script would look something like this: Or just ctrl-c, this script into a new script (Main Menu > Maxscript > New Script), ctrl-v, Ctrl-e to evaluate it (run the script) and then assign it to a shortcut.
I'm definitely not a programmer so any light you can shed would be appreciated. Either way, thanks for the help :-)
I'm not a programmer by any means, so this may very well be an ugly or inefficient method of coding the solution, but as far as I can tell it works.
Thanks again for the help Mark
I use as many hotkeys as possible and the script is way helpful.
BTW if it matters to anyone I found this thread by googling 3ds max preserve UVs script
I just registered here, it was long time coming.
Cheers all