Alright, I'm trying to render my Normal map but I keep coming across an issue. An error keeps coming up saying I need a UV cooridinate on my object.
The following objects require map coordinates and may not render correctly.
I went and researched that all was needed was a UVW modifier. Tried that and went through the different settings like box, planar etc. yet none worked. I even tried merging into a new file and importing that object once again to be casted from. The error doesn't come up but the details don't cast onto the low poly. I have material IDs on also, I don't know if that is really the issue. Any suggestions?
Maybe post up a screen of your RTT settings. Might be able to spot something there.
(if you want to save texture space by overlapping mirrored or copied parts of the mesh in the UVs, you can do that, but you'll have to either detach these parts during baking or move their UVs exactly one unit in either direction...they will use the same texture if you enable tiling, but won't be registered during baking)