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Evil Hand WIP

polycounter lvl 12
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DoomTay polycounter lvl 12
I've been working on a hand for an original character. All I have conceived about this character is that the character is a she, will have a high chance of resembling/homaging this person, and one of her hands is this bulky mechanical arm. (I don't know which hand, though. The right one would be my personal choice, but left would make for a cooler pose).

All I have is the index finger. Right now, the focus is on the joints. The finger is gonna stay this blocky.


And here is the closeup of the joint


I'm not sure if I should leave the middle finger's part of the joint to tip part of the joint ratio as it is, or mess with it. I once tried doing half-anf-half, but upon seeing that, I decided that that would be too structurally problematic.

So, any thoughts before I try duplicating this for the lower-middle joint?


  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Too early to offer any serious critique.

    How can we crit the finger when we can't see it in relation to the rest of the hand? How can we crit the joints when we can't see the hand in different positions? How can a hand be 'evil', just because it's blocky and mechanical? How can you not know which hand it is?

    Someone says evil hand, I think Bruce Campbell. I was actually hoping this would be an Evil Dead-inspired sculpt, not, y'know, just a primitive finger.
    So, any thoughts before I try duplicating this for the lower-middle joint?

    Yeah - maybe focus on blocking in the overall hand / arm / whatever, instead of worrying about the minutia of joint functionality.

    Think of Bionic Commando - someone looks at the character, and says 'Woah! That commando's totally bionic and shit, that's badass!' because of the mechanical arm as a whole, not because of realistic joint functionality.

    It's great to think about realism and how stuff works, but right now, all you've got is a finger. You've got so much more work to do before you need to even think about worrying about finger joints.
  • DoomTay
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    DoomTay polycounter lvl 12
    The reason I presented little more than a finger is BECAUSE I'm still working on it.

    I believe it would be better for me because I tend to prioritize such minutae detail, and copying that before making the other fingers is more convenient for me than having to copy the details 10 times every time I make revisions.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 9
    finish out laying out/blocking out the whole hand before asking for crits because then it just becomes a waste of time.
  • GoodDreams
    danshewan wrote: »
    Someone says evil hand, I think Bruce Campbell. I was actually hoping this would be an Evil Dead-inspired sculpt

    It got into my hand... so I cut if off.

    I'm suprised someone hasen't sculpted an Evil Dead 2 Ash.
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