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Lil' Ghost Rider - CC2010 Entry



  • Tom Ellis
    Lol Rooster, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by flaming tassels but if it's what I think you mean, I'm not sure that'd work too well on this character :p

    Stilll playing with fire;

  • Sandro
    I don't like presentation. Background is too powerful at the moment. I'd make it darker & less intense so that model/fire draws more attention. Maybe shift hue to cooler side too, so that it contrasts red flames/lighting.
  • Tom Ellis
    Cheers for the suggestion Sandro.

    I darkened it up some and also took it out of the lighting channel of the red/orange lighting in UDK so the orange hue is gone. It looks better definitely.

  • maze
    hi man, fire looks way better, but background is still way too dark. Also the scale of dirt is a little too big for me. Maybe try lowering dirt opacity. Is it supposed to be a concrete wall or a metal surface? maybe carving the skullhead as if it was welded to the wall can be cool, also the white stripe a bit too purplish bringing it back a little whiter might help. I am being picky! but model is really cool.
  • Tom Ellis
    Cheers Maze.

    As to whether it's a concrete wall etc, it's just a backdrop, I hadn't really considered whether it was to represent an actual surface.

    I've got plenty of time now to finalize presentation so I'll take your suggestions into account.
  • PatJS
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    PatJS polycounter lvl 9
    That fire looks a lot better!
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    As for the pose. It is a bit neutral I agree, but I wasn't sure what else to do. The rules don't specifically say it has to be a straight up straight down shot but I'm not sure what's best
    How about something like this, if you can afford the short chain? It might also work without the chain.

    As for the fire, could you scale the sprites up (50%?), so they envelop the tire?

    And you still want to push the brightness down a bit, I think.

    I think you need:
    -bigger planes
    -simpler flame shapes
    -more opaque per plane

    On the BG, I'd tone down the contrast a bit, mostly toning down the white band.
  • Tom Ellis
    Cheers Snader.

    Yeah that pose looks cool. The chain is difficult. I've barely got any tri's left in the budget (20 currently, could possibly squeeze another 40 or so) and would really be limited to planes only. I tried looping the chain round him with bent planes but as soon as they get outside the silhouette of the character, it looks terrible.

    As you say though, the pose may work ok without the chain.
  • Snader
    Offline / Send Message
    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Haha, yeah 20 polies ain't no chain. You could save some (about 75 or so?) tris by collapsing the dense edgeloops on the forehead but even then it'd just be enough for 5 modeled shackles.

    On the other hand, if you were to use a bunch of tetrahedrons you could get further.
    This would get you a chain with 4 polies per link, but it might be ugly. You might be able to turn it into a nice demonic spiky chain though. Using the green parts as metal and the rest as texture might also work.
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