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[Portfolio] Nysuatro / Technical Artist

Hey everybody,

If would love to hear some feedback from you all. I am working on a portfolio to get an intership so there will be a lot of update coming the next month.
I already made the design and put some content in it.


Things I still have to do :
- Still have to put names on the pictures
- Highress pictures will be avaible when clicking on the image
- Add other work
- Put wireframepictures on the site.




  • AsaNYC
    Offline / Send Message
    AsaNYC polycounter lvl 15
    Your resume doesn't specify what kind of work you're looking for. Which of these skills/disciplines do you feel strongest in?

    My only knowledge is character design, and you seem pretty neat at that. The wrong fashion is a neat idea, but might hurt you as far as costume design due to the palette despite the otherwise solid execution. Hopefully you can add something else in your character design section with a stronger color scheme(s) with your next batch of updates.

    Your low-poly city also looks nice. If you have more of that, add it.

    The portfolio seems nice enough, but the addition of wires (which you're planning), and textures for the 3d stuff would be make it solid.

    Hope that's helpful, and I wish you the best.
  • Nysuatro
    Thank you for the comment. You are right about the resume. My biggest problem for the moment is that I didn't had a lot of time for more technical content because of all the art related projects I had to do for school. Everything you see here is because it was for school. And I really love both art and programming.

    So now I am working on more technical content for the moment.
    I have been upgrading my maxscript and I am finishing a level editor I programmed for an engine.

    I still have to make better renders and wireframe renders. I will try to update it asap.

    Again, thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it a lot.
  • Nysuatro
    Got a big update. I would love some more feedback before I go searching for an internship.
  • Nysuatro
    Changed the site a bit. I think it is ok now. If there is something you don't like about the portfolio... Pleas, let me know :)

  • Snader
    Offline / Send Message
    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    You're Dutch, right? Edit: I see you're Belgian. Anyway - you hef kwijt de tik eksent, which is somewhat annoying. I'm not sure if there's a lot you can do about this though.

    The portfolio itself is quite good, though I'd advise you to make all the content the same width. The main page is fine in that respect (aside from a 1 pixel bug on the top right) but the subpages have many different widths.

    I notice that all your images are the same width, which is good, but the description text and the YT videos are a different width. I'd make all images 787px wide and either: combine the text and a smaller YT vid into a 787px wide block, or use a bigger (787x467) youtube video.

    I think some of the previews could be a bit more representative too:
    Perhaps use an overlay/split photo effect on the church? The town could be better too, but it's tricky to fit it into a letterbox.

    Personally I'd also change the 'technical art' and '3d and 2d art' images to use HTML text as right now they're blurry and stand out. Possibly some slightly more interesting typography on the main header image.

    sometimes I think I have OCD...
  • Nysuatro
    Ok, That is some great advice. Thank you. I will work on it.
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