Hi, just wondering for resume purposes what the general consensus is when it comes to things like depth fog, bloom, vignette, colour cube. At EA they called them post fx and the company I work at now is mostly ex EA so we still refer to them as post fx. I'm wondering if there is a more widely used term that is not EA centric. I saw in Adam's portfolio he referred to them as atmospherics which sounds a lot better so I might go with that unless there's a more commonly used term.
Post fx is the widely used term for that kinda of work (as far as I know). It comes from that fact that most of the effects are generated with post-processing shaders.
Post-FX is something borrowed from film and print. It's the type of thing you would do after a render is complete. With real time stuff you are technically doing post-fx on a rendered frame in the same way but since its in real time the post-fx is a real time system that is designed to be tweaked and edited. It's more than just a stage in an art-pipeline in other words.
I would avoid using the term for that reason. Most of the stuff you are talking about are "Screen Space" effects. So you could use that term to some extent and that might make more sense. That would be basically any effect that is applied to the entire screen.
Screen space has other connotations I think. usually id associate screen space with post effects that simulate something like AO. its not raytraced rather its screen space. it is still however a post process. an effect handled once the render is complete. Our programmer used to call them passes.
isnt the whole scene post processed nowardays anyway since the renderer only creates them passes(diffuse, specular, normal,depth) and the rest like lighting and shading = one giant horny pixelshader over the screen buffer
I would avoid using the term for that reason. Most of the stuff you are talking about are "Screen Space" effects. So you could use that term to some extent and that might make more sense. That would be basically any effect that is applied to the entire screen.
eg a bloom and SSAO pass.
one does call that deffered shading