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Realtime Worlds layoffs

polycounter lvl 18
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JO420 polycounter lvl 18
Ouch,just heard 60 people got canned there. I hope it is not true,if so comiserations.


  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Thats quite a lot. Seems to be a trend now of laying people of once they get their current title shipped.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Ark wrote: »
    Thats quite a lot. Seems to be a trend now of laying people of once they get their current title shipped.

    ~ Was gonna say the same thing, really hoping that these guys find some work asap. Pretty crappy :(
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Ark wrote: »
    Thats quite a lot. Seems to be a trend now of laying people of once they get their current title shipped.
    Except this title didn't sell as well as they hoped (in case you're comparing this to Red dead.

    But yes. It def sucks and i hope they all land on their feet. Is there any official word yet?
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Wahlgren wrote: »
    Except this title didn't sell as well as they hoped (in case you're comparing this to Red dead.

    But yes. It def sucks and i hope they all land on their feet. Is there any official word yet?

    Reported by someone affected on another gaming forum.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Ark wrote: »
    Thats quite a lot. Seems to be a trend now of laying people of once they get their current title shipped.

    Yep. I think people in this industry would be wise to be ready for the worst come shipping time...which is a bit unfair really. Having to plan for that on top of having the stress of finishing the game is a bit much. I think people should even fear it if there is another game in the pipeline, cause it takes time for production to ramp up.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    seriously shitty times we're going through :/ it sucks getting laid off
    I even thought about applying there recently :(
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    Wahlgren wrote: »
    Except this title didn't sell as well as they hoped (in case you're comparing this to Red dead.

    ~ Good point. I'm guessing Rockstar did it because they could. Whereas Realtime did it because of bad sales. Either way, I'm reconsidering this as being 'a new fad'. Especially as a large wad of money usually comes in to the studio once the game is officially complete.
  • Tom Ellis
    Very sad news, hopefully those who lost their jobs are able to find work quickly.

    Doesn't Flava-Fly from these boards work there, maybe he knows some more?

    Wasn't it just the other day they were talking about some big plans, obviously things aren't going quite as well as they hoped.

    Also, this is coming from a very inexperienced perspective (read; I know nothing about the economic details) but I'd have thought for a game such as APB which has the initial purchase price of say £29.99 and then a subscription model on top, I'm presuming financial forecasts are likely to include income from subscribers.

    APB seemed like it sold fairly well initially but then players lost interest quickly and therefore the subscription based incomes were far lower. So if they ploughed a stack of money into it hoping for a return primarily from the subscriptions then they get into a pretty tricky situation.

    Not that it makes it any better for those who were laid off, but it might explain why it's happened in this instance.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    and Gok, I believe
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    ot. Dreamer why the hell do you use a pink "~" before your posts? lol
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Very sad news, hopefully those who lost their jobs are able to find work quickly.

    Doesn't Flava-Fly from these boards work there, maybe he knows some more?

    Wasn't it just the other day they were talking about some big plans, obviously things aren't going quite as well as they hoped.

    From what ive read the lackluster sales of APB and lack of funding was the catalyst for these layoffs

    I think every artist working should be under the assumption that they will canned after shipping,it seems like its the trend now.
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    JO420 wrote: »
    I think every artist working should be under the assumption that they will canned after shipping,it seems like its the trend now.

    Why should we crunch then? Let's drag the projects as much as we can, and keep the money flowing in the bank. :P
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    [HP] wrote: »
    Why should we crunch then? Let's drag the projects as much as we can, and keep the money flowing in the bank. :P

    Thats when they can the project instead.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    compare red dead's marketing to apb.. I can't remember seeing a single ad for apb to be honest, I didn't know when the release date was. red dead was all over the place. I think the publisher dropped the ball there
  • JO420
  • bahamutnemesis
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    bahamutnemesis polycounter lvl 11
    Very sad.
    A friend of mine (game designer) is in these sixty people.
    MyWorld was presented to attract investors but it was already too late. Maybe they will keep their team small waiting to new cash flow.
    Next to them, Ruffian Games isn't really in a better shape.
    I hope everyone will find some place to drop.
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    [HP] wrote: »
    ot. Dreamer why the hell do you use a pink "~" before your posts? lol

    ~ Cos its the color of pussy, and pussy makes me happy.
  • teaandcigarettes
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    teaandcigarettes polycounter lvl 15
    Looks like they might have planned it all along:


    Although some layoffs were to be expected, it's hard to consider 60 to be a "small number of redundancies".
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Judging the success of an MMO title based on initial sales seems a little foolish, especially in relation to redundancies as a result.

    Even though I'm sure it did well, it's not like WoW had over nine million subscribers at launch, and it was a very different game then than it is now. It takes time for an MMO to address (some) gameplay issues and build a subscriber base. Not to mention the oversaturation of MMO titles either on the market, or in the pipe.

    Hope everyone affected lands on their feet quickly. :(
  • JO420
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    JO420 polycounter lvl 18
    Looks like they might have planned it all along:


    Although some layoffs were to be expected, it's hard to consider 60 to be a "small number of redundancies".

    Staffing emphasis shifting to providing a live service and future content for APB and more
    thats the most vague way ive heard of sayin your firing people.
  • Flava-Fly
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    Flava-Fly polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the support guys! I really appreciate the kind words. Could be some difficult times ahead. I will update you if/when I can.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    dan you are wrong everyone can have a piece of that cake and wow subscribers definitely have the time to play the gazillion of other mmos

  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    Knew one of the programmers there, should check in with him.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Quite a few people I went to university with work(ed?) there, I will check up on them.

    SD are looking for programmers and QA if anyone needs to pass along job info to those affected.
  • skankerzero
    Current companies need to learn how to outsource better.

    I would rather 'lay off' my outsourcers than my core development team.

    Today's development pipeline has changed so much. I don't think you can have the huge teams anymore unless you have the money to back it up. I believe in a small core team and utilizing outsourcers to bump up your numbers for production. Then, when you reach the end of the project, the outsourcers are cut and your core team can roll into the next project's pre production.
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Crap news guys, good luck to all those affected. Even if the sales weren't good the skills behind producing that game were AAA.

    Completely agree with SkankZero on this.
    It's about time our industry transitions into a more stable format.

    Overstaffed company + one title + praying for squizillions != winning formula... god knows why people ever thought it would.

    We need to adopt a more flexible process with staffing, core fulltime staff and outsourcing more is at the very least a much more honest approach for the workers.
    That and having more than one project on the go with soft transitions between titles...not this "finished one, now what?" process.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Really sucks to hear this. Hope everyone bounces back quickly. Really shitty situation that people are getting laid off after a project is done.

    Actually just read today on Kotaku that n-Space cut 25% of there people which was 100 employees. The reason given was "wrapping up a bunch of titles simultaneously".
  • Baaaah!
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    Baaaah! polycounter lvl 10
    Next to them, Ruffian Games isn't really in a better shape.

    I'm surprised to hear that. Crackdown 2 was at number one in the charts for a while wasn't it? They'd have made a fair amount out of that wouldn't they?
  • Ben Apuna
    Lame :(

    Best wishes to those affected.

    Definitely agree about the core staff + outsourcers/contractors thing unfortunately that business model totally strips away the illusion of stable long term employment :(

    Though I suppose in the end it is better that way. Outsourcers/contractors can negotiate more pay to cover the transition time between jobs and can be ready for when their time is up.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    The amount of bile APB got from average gamers was completely off the wall. Beta testers were complaining and breaking the NDA on purpose to show others "how bad it was".

    It's really sad to see this happen so much in the industry. Almost makes me wish another complete crash would occur, everyone had to restart, and profit wasn't the single most important driving force behind every single game /idealism.
  • d1ver
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    d1ver polycounter lvl 14
    I'm sorry to hear that, guys. Good luck to anyone affected. Keep your spirits up, mates!
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Ben Apuna wrote: »
    ...Definitely agree about the core staff + outsourcers/contractors thing unfortunately that business model totally strips away the illusion of stable long term employment :(

    "Its an illusion Michael, a trick is something a whore does for money...or candy."

    - Gob, wisest of the wise. :)
  • mathes
    Never good to hear something like this. It's definitely one of my fears getting into this industry; I'm already living in the 3rd city of my adult life and it would be nice to avoid that 4th, 5th, or 6th one.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, a common pattern, a sign perhaps that games are existing beyond their means?
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Calabi wrote: »
    Yeah, a common pattern, a sign perhaps that games are existing beyond their means?

    I'm not so sure our industry is existing beyond its means, just beyond the means at which publishers are confident they will turn a decent profit.

    Publishers want the same piece of the pie so we lose out before they do.
    When faced with an issue of waning demand they cut back on supply.

    With the GFC people either have far less disposable income or are just less willing to part with it.

    Take Australia for a second, the GFC hardly touched us compared to the States, we had positive growth and a sustained unemployment but people still freaked out and the government had to 'stimulate' spending to keep it growing.

    So whether the fear is warranted or not people have become choosy with their $$$

    Lets take a hypothetical look into the workings of Joe Averages brain..
    - An average full price console title costs me approx $100.
    - I'm lucky to get 4-6 hours of game play.
    - An average film costs me approx $9- $14 to see at the cinema.
    - It lasts, lets say 2 hours?

    Now add the fact that casual games can keep me absorbed for days at a fraction of the price and what do I do?

    Instead of buying a full priced title Joe Average goes to the movies with some mates, gets a few beers and when he gets home buys Zomies vs Plants on Steam.

    So how do publishers react to these types of trends?
    They cut 'excessive' spending, sadly what they call excessive now was once perfectly fine and kept everyone employed.
    Now they shut companies at a whiff of failure, cancel 'riskier' titles, retreat options to internal studios, outsource less to smaller or unproven companies and rinse and repeat known money earners...Modern Warfare 200 anyone. :)

    Effectively publisher have turtled, sadly that means they drop the rest of the industry like rocks.

    So yeah not so much outside of our means, just outside of the means the publishers want for their bottom line. :)

    It does give developers some opportunity though, if we are at rock bottom then publishers have much less power over us and we can define our own way up.

    Its a chance to think of ways to circumvent the need for them?

    Self publishing developers
    Online distribution (Steam is an awesome example, I buy all my games there now.)
    Direct to console distribution - XBLA and PSN (cuts out the middle man at least)

    Also cheaper development options are opening up which can only help with future start-ups. Options such as the ones we've seen from UDK and Unity fighting for a market share.

    Anyway this is a total thread derail but I think there is as much chance for opportunity as there is for calamity.

    Good luck to all the guys/girls who were let go over the last year and a bit, maybe some of you can start the next generation of developers who think sustainable not just profitable. :)
  • IEatApples
    Baaaah! wrote: »
    I'm surprised to hear that. Crackdown 2 was at number one in the charts for a while wasn't it? They'd have made a fair amount out of that wouldn't they?

    From what I hear from Ruffian they are doing very well....

    Shame about realtime worlds, got a lot of friends who work there at the moment, hope they find work again fast enough.
  • easterislandnick
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    easterislandnick polycounter lvl 17
    Looks like they have gone into administration


    A real shame for all involved.
  • Tom Ellis
    Looks like they have gone into administration


    A real shame for all involved.

    Wow... that is terrible news.

    It really sucks to watch that company go down man, I beta tested APB from the very start of the closed test and I always admired just how dedicated the team were to really working with the community to make the game as good as it could be.

    Granted, I was vocal on occasion about how the game could've been improved, and expressed my thoughts on it's negative points but they gave it a damn good shot, and the game had some real strengths.

    All the best to those affected, here's hoping you get back into work asap.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Someone suppposedly speaking as EX-RTW employee.


    That is messed up. I cant say it was particularly a bad game, it had potential.

    I think the subscription pay per hour thing was the main thing that killed it.

    edit: And its good to hear someone speak out about the ineptitude. Why do so many game developers keep quiet about this sort of thing? Is the a clause in their contracts? "You do not talk about game development!".
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Calabi wrote: »
    Why do so many game developers keep quiet about this sort of thing? Is the a clause in their contracts? "You do not talk about game development!".

    Simple, the more you talk about the blunders of former employers, the less new employers want to take you on for fear that you'll eventually turn around and do the same to them. 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Simple, the more you talk about the blunders of former employers, the less new employers want to take you on for fear that you'll eventually turn around and do the same to them. 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas'.

    Yeah, but they dont need to advertise their name, like the ex-rtw guy. This sort of management ineptitude seems to be a common pattern in the games industry, from the few stories that get out.

    The more people that call it out for what it is the more likely someone will see a pattern and do something about it. Which could result in a better working conditions for staff and possibly even a management that listens.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Calabi wrote: »
    This sort of management ineptitude seems to be a common pattern in the games industry, from the few stories that get out.

    Look up "confirmation bias".

    Sorry to hear about RTW. I kinda had a feeling this might happen though, they grew very fast and ended up with a massive team without the appropriate projects and structure to support it.

    It reminds me of what happened to GRIN - tried to build on their earlier successes too rapidly, and expanded like crazy without a viable plan for staying afloat, and as a result collapsed in on themselves.

    I'm probably over-simplifying and there are many other factors involved, but I'm sure that must be part of it.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah I know what confirmation bias, I did say seems, but fair enough maybe it is that.
  • Mark Dygert
    Sad news indeed... I bet we see a few more layoffs as titles scheduled for holiday release are wrapping up.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Calabi wrote: »
    Why do so many game developers keep quiet about this sort of thing? Is the a clause in their contracts? "You do not talk about game development!".

    kind of
  • amotaf
    Oh my word that's devestating news I never expected this to happen I knew the game had alot of issues but I thought they would pull it out of the fire.

    I dunno if something happens to RTW, that might leave a vacuum maybe another company or several smaller companies will rise in it's wake.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    MoP wrote: »
    Look up "confirmation bias".

    Sorry to hear about RTW. I kinda had a feeling this might happen though, they grew very fast and ended up with a massive team without the appropriate projects and structure to support it.

    It reminds me of what happened to GRIN - tried to build on their earlier successes too rapidly, and expanded like crazy without a viable plan for staying afloat, and as a result collapsed in on themselves.

    I'm probably over-simplifying and there are many other factors involved, but I'm sure that must be part of it.

    Well, with broad strokes yes, pretty much how it went.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    amotaf wrote: »
    I dunno if something happens to RTW, that might leave a vacuum maybe another company or several smaller companies will rise in it's wake.

    I don't doubt that this will happen, the Scottish government is pretty supportive of the games industry, and a few smaller studios sprung up when Visual Science went down in Dundee too.

    Abertay University also said they would be providing support somehow to any new business startups that arise from the ashes of RTW.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18

    Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket... sorry to hear that one mistake killed a company.
  • Baaaah!
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    Baaaah! polycounter lvl 10
    Kinda sounds like the top level management weren't really paying attention to what the company was actually making - or at least not paying enough attention. The fact that Dave Jones 'allegedly' didn't start getting involved until late in the dev process doesn't sound good.
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