Detach the Canopy and bring it into marmoset as a separate object, and then create a new material for it using alpha's. The Alpha Testing checkbox seems to enable the alpha and looks pretty cool.
Jebus, this thing started out cool, then it progressed thru awesome and now its just all kinds of win. Overall design is just badass beyond reason. Love it
Detach the Canopy and bring it into marmoset as a separate object, and then create a new material for it using alpha's. The Alpha Testing checkbox seems to enable the alpha and looks pretty cool.
But the plane has no inside models. No cockpit, no pilot, etc. Thus he needs a nice shader that's not transparent.
And here is the first version textured (didn't take the time to work on this "plane" so it takes me ages to textured it
The digital camo I roughed wasn't really cool after all (I didn't achieve to have something convincing) so i gone with something more traditionnal
Other camos will follow (just gimme time I have other things to do
I love it!
great design and execution.
Don't know how to tweak the reflection on specific part in marmoset ....
Diffuse and spec textures if any of you is interested
Still interested if any of you know how to do a cool opaque glass shader in the marmoset toolbag
But the plane has no inside models. No cockpit, no pilot, etc. Thus he needs a nice shader that's not transparent.
OH ok delay my last.