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RENATIONS - RTS seeking artists


We are looking for 2D artists and concept artists to help us visualize the world of the upcoming strategy game RENATIONS.


RENATIONS is set in a post apocalypse world. After a nuclear winter descendants of the human race returns to rebuild our planet. The game includes four factions, all with unique story, units, buildings and so on. To really succeed with the game we think it's crucial to visualize this world for the gamers, and for that what we need your help.

The style we are looking for resembles the one characterized by David Lanham (dlanham.com). In short; lots of colors. A bit cartoonish, not to real and everything with a little twist. But of course we want to see your touch on the art. The job require both character- and environment art and we'd love to have it in vector art. You will find more info about style etc in our mood board, download it here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/950698/illustrations.pdf. You're of course also welcome to join even if you only want to do concept art.

So do you think your up for this? Then please send us a mail at jobs@gamebox.se and we'll supply you with access to the game and more info on story, lore, characters, buildings etc.


Well probably not since it's initially a non-paid request. But if you believe in us and the project you should take the chance to join this collaboration.

We have been working with this project over a year and we anticipate a few more months until the open beta release. The team currently consists of four members with different expertise. A programmer, a designer, a storywriter and a producer. We are based in Sweden but open to find collaboration all around the world.

This is our first game, but we hold several years of experience of working with interactive marketing, mainly with global brands and campaigns. Much of our work have been praised in the advertising sphere. Since digital advertising and browser based gaming holds a lot in common we hope to be successful in this endeavor too.

Don't be a stranger - join the team -send your mail to jobs@gamebox.se
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