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[3D Max 2008] Can't see splines. Argh!

polycounter lvl 14
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Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
I just ran in a workflow-killer problem with 3DS 2008, and at this moment I really can't find any solution.
I have a closed Spline wich I use to drive a Free Camera around a racetrack. Well, don't ask me why, now my spline is kinda invisible... Not hidden nor frozen: really invisible!
I unhided and unfreezed everything, but I still can't find it. Also, the spline isn't listed on the "Select From Scene" dialog.
Anyways the Free Camera is working... :shifty:

If I try to import the same spline from a previous version of my scenery, I get the classic "Duplicate Name" error, so actually the spline exists in my 3D space...

This is really annoying, since I really need that spline and can't do it from the scratch (it was too complex and I have only few time).

Somebody help me, please! :(


  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Did you check if you had all options on in you Select from Scene dialog?There are buttons which can be enabled/disabled if you want to see shapes/meshes/helper objects/bones etc.
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    SpeCter wrote: »
    Did you check if you had all options on in you Select from Scene dialog?There are buttons which can be enabled/disabled if you want to see shapes/meshes/helper objects/bones etc.
    Of course, everything was enabled, but still it wasn't showing up.

    Anyways, I managed to get round the problem by creating a new document, and by importing all the objects from the original one.
    I also imported the infamous spline from that previous version of the scenery, and this time it shown correctly. Unfortunately now I have no more maps in the Material Library, but at least everything renders well and I managed to finish my work in time. :)

    I'm pretty sure the problem was in the document, probably a bug. Still I can't find a real solution for it, if not move everything in a new document.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Even though you've gotten around the problem just gonna throw this out, did you try the schematic view?
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    Oh, the Schematic View... I really forgot about it. I'm going to try it now in the original (broken?) document.

    Hey, the spline is there!
    I selected it, then Zoom Extend on it... And? My spline is really invisible. It's like it collapsed to something less than a null, and I can't see it. I have selected it, I can move it, but there's no way to bring it back to the original size. Scaling doesn't work either.
    If I deselect it, and try to grab it with rectuangular selection, it doesn't select.

    Also, after I Zoomed Extend on it, the FOV jumped back to 45°, while I had it at 80°.

    This is so weird. :S
  • Mark Dygert
    Probably have "shapes" hidden? If you go to the display tab under Hide by Category, look to see if "shapes" is checked, if it is uncheck it.
  • Mr_Drayton
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    Mr_Drayton polycounter lvl 14
    Vig wrote: »
    Probably have "shapes" hidden? If you go to the display tab under Hide by Category, look to see if "shapes" is checked, if it is uncheck it.
    Oh my-
    That's it.

    Yesterday I just thought if I messed something... Well, the Shapes box was selected. -_- Don't know why and how I selected it, this is the last thing I expected!

    Well, Vig saved me again with the most obvious answer... :D
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