3ds Max 2010: My hotkey for Weld Selected in the edit UVWs window (Ctrl+W)isn't working. I can't find it in the customise UI to reassign a hotkey. Anyone know where it is?
The problem I think you're having is that Ctrl+W also is set to a global max hotkey for Zoom Region Mode. You can either remove it from Zoom Region Mode or turn on Keyboard Shortcut Override which will override the global shortcuts with the sub-menu shortcuts. Its the button in the toolbar that looks like a up arrow key.
Heh, yea KSO gets just about everyone at some point. Quite a few people I know bind KSO to a hotkey.
Personally I make sure all the shortcuts I use are unique (stitch, weld, flatten ect...) so nothing is doubled up. That's quite a bit more work, but if you do it once and save the keyboard section of the UI (I save it to my dropbox) you can load that into whatever versions of max your working in.
Also, make sure your threshold setting is high enough. If it isn't, attempting to Weld won't do anything at all. You can make it as high as you want under the UVW window, Options > Preferences > Weld Threshold.
Personally I make sure all the shortcuts I use are unique (stitch, weld, flatten ect...) so nothing is doubled up. That's quite a bit more work, but if you do it once and save the keyboard section of the UI (I save it to my dropbox) you can load that into whatever versions of max your working in.
BTW I removed Ctrl+W from Zoom Region Mode but Keyboard Shortcut Override still needed to be toggled on for the Weld Selected hotkey to work.
I couldn't find Weld Selected (UVW) in the UI configuration. Is it there?
In the customize User Interface window set the "Group" (not category) to Unwrap UVW.
Yea, don't get me started on the Customize User Interface...