Hey all.
So I'm trying to model out the window tracery for a gothic window. I was hoping to be able to create the tracery with lines and then extrude it out into my mesh. Unfortunately it seems the line is screwy in some places so when I extrude it, the geometry gets really messed up.

Anyone know how to do this easily without having to extrude it out by hand? Thanks!
i also recomend only doing the half and then symmetry the other half
Drawing out complex shapes with line tool, by default, often gives this results when changed to a polygon. Two way I control is depending on the situation; 1) what arrange said, extrude and clean up, or 2) use multiple lines so you have more, less complex polygons to clean up. Either way, this will require a lot of manual clean-up in some way or another. I prefer to add edge loops between major shapes in the polygons.
All that aside, you'll need a nice clean mesh for so that the smoothing groups render properly for a low poly, or high detail for baking.
There are some scripts on script spot that also help remove lone verts along edges which helps a lot with clean up of stray verts. It also can help to triangulate the mesh and then quadrify it before cleaning it up.
And yea like Arrange said, the symmetry modifier is your friend.
Its under The Main Menu > Create > Compound > ProBoolean. It's not prefect but its a hell of a lot better and figuring out the final edge flow when you add a bunch of shapes.
The make quads option is GREAT...
The 'turn to poly' modifier does that by default. pretty handy. (see:remove mid-edge verts)