(The movie only started showing here last Friday, and I only got to see it tonight. What a gem! Thanks to everyone in the thread - especially Illusions - for clearing up some stuff that had me confused. In particular, I didn't notice that it was Cobb's drowning that had sent him to limbo.)
One thing I'm pretty sure nobody has mentioned is that in the state of limbo with Cobb and Saito, Cobb gives Saito his spinning top. You're not supposed to give anyone your totem because only you know its weight and mass. If you give it to anybody, this gives your mind an excuse to fool you. For Cobb the top will fall in reality, but will spin in the dream. When Saito has it, doubt begins and nothing will stop it from falling in the dream.
A few of my own things:
- Regardless of how long Limbo lasts in comparison to reality, the way out is to kill yourself? They state their fear of entering Limbo when they are told they will if they die under such a level of sedation. But what stops you from just killing yourself when you get there like the architect and Fischer did? Why did Cobb and Mal stay for 50 years when they could get out by laying on the train tracks?
- The projections are a part of your subconscious, they apparently go on the hunt when they detect an intruder. It's your mind, so what stops them from literally teleporting to you and stabbing you in the face? I just realized that this was partially explained that the Architect creates the rules of the dream space. BUT THEN why doesn't the Architect create a safe space? If immersion was to be broken by this for the dreamer it doesn't matter cause they told him Fischer was dreaming anyway! If they are really "dream-sharing" then the presence of the Architect would destroy that world, and then why doesn't projections from the other dreamers appear and destroy each other?
- My last bugbear is: This movie is weird, but my dreams are weirder! Where's my Mass Effect/Predator/Advent Rising world where I was a bearded kung-fu space marine with a rocket tank dream adventure with tentacle sex that I had last night, in this movie?
Okay I dont get it. What is there to theorize about ? The movie was completely self-explanatory and wrapped up very nicely. And it makes sense too : the guy writes and directs his own big project, he certainly does not want to be pointed at like 'huh huuuuh you left plotholes!!'
I personally expected more limboesque/paris architectural stylish visual effects. Bit of a disappointment on that side, plus the wife bit were a bit overly stated. Loved the hotel layer!
Cool movie. It was fun to see that the dream/alternate rules were quite different from the ones seen in the Matrix. Well done!
Okay I dont get it. What is there to theorize about ? The movie was completely self-explanatory and wrapped up very nicely. And it makes sense too : the guy writes and directs his own big project, he certainly does not want to be pointed at like 'huh huuuuh you left plotholes!!
I agree. I walked out of the theatre thinking... I have no idea what people failed to understand about this movie or why they considered it a "mind fuck".
I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to seeing it again, but my mind remains a virgin as no fucking went on up there.
I agree. I walked out of the theatre thinking... I have no idea what people failed to understand about this movie or why they considered it a "mind fuck".
I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to seeing it again, but my mind remains a virgin as no fucking went on up there.
Hehehe there were explosions, the bad guys died, and the hero got home to his family.... happy end hyuck hyuck :poly128:
Just because you didnt notice or didnt want to think about a deeper plot doesnt mean it isnt there...
Also the one of the direct impressions left on me by this one is a 50/50 split that the directors motive was:
A) I've made a many questionable parts of the film because the whole narrative is deep and promotes creative participation in this story.
I've made many questionable parts of the film because it's so cool and stuff to keep the audience guessing and they'll think it's a more intelligent/better film for it.
It's why I have a love/hate relationship with open-ended storylines.
Just because you didnt notice or didnt want to think about a deeper plot doesnt mean it isnt there...
just because you're confused, doesn't mean it was complicated :poly124:
it all seemed pretty straight forward to me, as well. I thought he explained everything well and it all flowed naturally.
i am enjoying reading the internet's different interpretations, though. it's like when a friend laughs at your joke, but he thinks you said something you didn't so you're both laughing but at completely different things.
I really enjoyed it! i wish mister ken wannatabe or whatever would of gotten subtiles when he spoke, Couldnt understand shit from him. it was like mmmmmmmmDREAMmmmmmmmINCEPTIONmmmm.. Sheesh. He should of been DUB!
Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.
A few of my own things:
- Regardless of how long Limbo lasts in comparison to reality, the way out is to kill yourself? They state their fear of entering Limbo when they are told they will if they die under such a level of sedation. But what stops you from just killing yourself when you get there like the architect and Fischer did? Why did Cobb and Mal stay for 50 years when they could get out by laying on the train tracks?
- The projections are a part of your subconscious, they apparently go on the hunt when they detect an intruder. It's your mind, so what stops them from literally teleporting to you and stabbing you in the face? I just realized that this was partially explained that the Architect creates the rules of the dream space. BUT THEN why doesn't the Architect create a safe space? If immersion was to be broken by this for the dreamer it doesn't matter cause they told him Fischer was dreaming anyway! If they are really "dream-sharing" then the presence of the Architect would destroy that world, and then why doesn't projections from the other dreamers appear and destroy each other?
- My last bugbear is: This movie is weird, but my dreams are weirder! Where's my Mass Effect/Predator/Advent Rising world where I was a bearded kung-fu space marine with a rocket tank dream adventure with tentacle sex that I had last night, in this movie?
I personally expected more limboesque/paris architectural stylish visual effects. Bit of a disappointment on that side, plus the wife bit were a bit overly stated. Loved the hotel layer!
Cool movie. It was fun to see that the dream/alternate rules were quite different from the ones seen in the Matrix. Well done!
I enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to seeing it again, but my mind remains a virgin as no fucking went on up there.
Just because you didnt notice or didnt want to think about a deeper plot doesnt mean it isnt there...
A) I've made a many questionable parts of the film because the whole narrative is deep and promotes creative participation in this story.
It's why I have a love/hate relationship with open-ended storylines.
just because you're confused, doesn't mean it was complicated :poly124:
it all seemed pretty straight forward to me, as well. I thought he explained everything well and it all flowed naturally.
i am enjoying reading the internet's different interpretations, though. it's like when a friend laughs at your joke, but he thinks you said something you didn't so you're both laughing but at completely different things.
great movie!