I do a lot of vehicle texturing and I have been wanting a way to easily draw evenly spaced rivets along a spline. To my knowledge photoshop doesn't have a spacing tool like 3dsmax so I found a solution using 4 layers of brushes.
If people are interested I can make an action and post the brushes when I have more time next week. Also, I'm just using simple half spheres but you could do this with any normal map data that you wanted, you just need to color separate it into the four channels.
Basic overview of how it works:
Also you could just use the nvidia plugin to do the normal map conversion part?
I'v found it better to just model them in. you get the advantage of having them in the normal map bake. easy masking and having them in the AO bake.
I wrote a similar script in max that placed the studs along a spline.
Yes but this gives better results and you can make more complicated shapes spaced along the spline.
cool Alec, thats good to know, I had always said to me why there is not some sort of path modifier, spacing / array tool in PS it is reaally useful, specially for those kind of repetitive tasks. Actually there is a lot more of 3ds max modifiers/functions I will actually like to see implemented in PS...but for the time being I can just keep dreaming on them... or finding workarounds...
click on it.