Guess I should start my own thread for wip shots.
I finished the teleporter replacement trap.

and now working on the neutrona wand *proton pack gun*

Once this is done I'll work on getting a pack replacement and slime blower for the kritzkrieg.
Also since the wrangler came out in the recent update might have to add the pke meter for the engy.
They're not exact replacements, I'm giving them some creative flair of my own and trying to match them with the tf2 universe.
:edit: i posted too quick. 5 minutes of optimization and I got it down to 2600 tris. 1k over what the standard pack!!! :poly136:
Pack looks great Oobersli, it'll be clearer witth texture but I think hyou've managed to fit the GB stuff into TF2 style quite well. I'd rather see classic proton zapper over the slimer but either way I'm frothing at the mouth for updates
Didn't they do some ghost catching or chasing thing last Halloween?
I'd think if I submitted this it could be an awesome halloween update. I said the same thing about my uncle sam america hat being a perfect hat to release on the 4th of july and that didn't get in tho..
the ghost was just a random bot that would roam on paths and if it got you, you'd take like a stun penalty I think.
I think that'd be a great update for a Halloween release. If there were a few items for multiple classes then I think they'd consider it even more, as it wouldn't force everyone to play a class like they do whenever there's a class update for TF2
Nice progress, can't wait to see the other things you cook up.
The tele replacement is fantastic and the animation looks solid.
I can't wait to see how you texture the backpack.
so, how is this pack split up then? an engie/medic combo?
i'm thinking the name of the pack will be something along the lines of "high-tech / medicine" or technology and medicine combined!!
changed the colors to be more like the proton pack. Dark and boring!!!
Yeh I thought so too, I think you should make them a team color glow sort of. Good work so far, I'd say the scratches look fine when compared to models in TF2.
"$baseTexture" "models\player\items\pack\pack_red"
"$bumpmap" "models\effects\flat_normal"
"$detail" "effects/tiledfire/fireLayeredSlowTiled512.vtf"
"$detailscale" "5"
"$detailblendfactor" .01
"$detailblendmode" 6
"$yellow" "0"
"$phong" "1"
"$phongexponent" "5"
"$phongboost" ".1"
"$lightwarptexture" "models\lightwarps\weapon_lightwarp"
"$phongfresnelranges" "[.25 .5 1]"
"$basemapalphaphongmask" "1"
// Rim lighting parameters
"$rimlight" "1" // To enable rim lighting (requires phong)
"$rimlightexponent" "4" // Exponent for phong component of rim lighting
"$rimlightboost" "2" // Boost for ambient cube component of rim lighting
// Cloaking
"$cloakPassEnabled" "1"
"animatedtexturevar" "$detail"
"animatedtextureframenumvar" "$detailframe"
"animatedtextureframerate" 30
"resultVar" "$detailblendfactor"
"resultVar" "$yellow"
"srcVar1" "$yellow"
"resultVar" "$color2"
$modelname "player\items\all_class\all_halo.mdl"
$model "Body" "proton_pack.smd"
$cdmaterials "\models\player\items\pack\"
$hboxset "default"
$hbox 2 "bip_spine_2" -8.500 -3.000 -8.750 8.500 3.000 3.750
// Model uses material "\models\player\items\pack\pack.vmt"
$surfaceprop "metal"
$illumposition 0.349 0.000 80.672
$sequence idle "idle" fps 30.00
Guess I'm just going to make this for the engy. I think it looks pretty cool on him. I'll need to lower the placement a tad as well. I need to think of a hat to go with it since this makes him bald atm. I've got it as a replacement for the halo. maybe egon hair.
fuck ya!
only thing about that is there's already a military goggles hat.
That's what he was talking about. The name of that hat is Ze Goggles. Too bad it's not usable by the Engineer in game.
This make me wish the proton pack modelling Workshop had taken off